

单词 推测
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Indo-Hittite〕The hypothetical parent language of Indo-European and Anatolian.印度-赫梯语:一种被推测是印欧语和安纳托利亚语之源的语言美国传统〔back burner〕Many speculated that the US would put the peace process on the back burner.很多人推测美国将会暂时搁置和平进程。柯林斯高阶〔base〕The speculation, of course, could be totally off base.当然, 推测可能会完全错误。外研社新世纪〔circumstantial〕The case against her was circumstantial.对她不利的论据是推测而来的。剑桥高阶〔circumstantial〕The case against him is circumstantial.对他不利的案情是间接推测的。韦氏高阶〔circumstantial〕The case against him was largely circumstantial.对他不利的案情大多为间接推测的。牛津高阶〔closet〕Based on theory and speculation rather than practice.不实际的:建于理论和推测之上而非实践的美国传统〔confirmation〕Our data provide experimental confirmation of these predictions.我们的数据在实验方面证实了这些推测。牛津搭配〔conjectural〕There is something undeniably conjectural about such claims.这种断言中无疑有些推测的成分。外研社新世纪〔conjecture〕He conjectured that the company would soon be in financial trouble.他推测该公司不久就会陷入财务危机。剑桥高阶〔conjecture〕If his conjecture was correct, the mixture should explode in a few moments.如果他的推测是对的,这种混合物应该过一会儿就会爆炸。麦克米伦高阶〔conjecture〕She conjectured the existence of a completely new species.她推测有一个全新物种存在。牛津高阶〔conjecture〕That was a conjecture, not a fact.那是推测, 不是事实。外研社新世纪〔conjecture〕The attitudes of others were matters of conjecture.别人的态度只是推测出来的东西。外研社新世纪〔conjecture〕The truth of his conjecture was confirmed by the newspaper report.新闻报道证明了他的推测果然不假。牛津高阶〔conjecture〕To make a conjecture.做出推测美国传统〔conjecture〕What was going through the killer's mind is a matter for conjecture.凶手作案时心里是怎样想的,这个问题只能由人们去推测了。牛津高阶〔conjecture〕Whether she will run for a second term in office is a matter for conjecture.她是否会竞选连任还只是推测。牛津搭配〔conjecture〕Who can conjecture about tomorrow's weather conditions?谁能推测明天的天气情况?21世纪英汉〔folk linguistics〕Popular belief or speculation about how language is used, especially by a group or an element of a population.民族语言学:有关如何使用语言的普通的意见或推测,尤其是一组或一部分人的美国传统〔fuel〕Graf's back problem fuelled speculation that she might soon retire.格拉芙背部的伤病引起了人们对她不久就将退役的推测。麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕A rough guess would be twenty.粗略的推测麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕He took her pulse and made a guess at her blood pressure.他给她把了把脉并推测了她的血压。外研社新世纪〔guess〕My guess is that it will be at least ten years before the building is completed.我的推测是这座楼至少还需要十年时间才能建成。外研社新世纪〔guess〕She guessed from his expression that he had not won.她从他的表情推测出他没赢。牛津搭配〔guess〕She guessed that she was 50 yards from shore.她推测她离岸有50码远。英汉大词典〔guess〕The researchers made several inspired guesses about how the brain works.研究者们就大脑如何工作的问题作了一些很有见地的推测。麦克米伦高阶〔guess〕To predict (a result or an event) without sufficient information.推测:没有足够的材料而预言(某一结果或事件)美国传统〔identity〕It was easy to guess the identity of the thief.小偷的身份很容易推测。牛津搭配〔imagine〕To make a guess; conjecture.猜想;推测美国传统〔infallible〕There is the media speculation that Fergie's infallibles are falling apart.媒体推测费尔姬永不犯错的神话正在破灭。外研社新世纪〔inference〕In the absence of detailed documentary evidence, we can only make inferences about Minoan religion.由于没有详细的文献佐证,对于弥诺斯宗教我们只能作出一些推测。牛津搭配〔laughable〕He has denied suggestions that he hates all English people, claiming the allegations are 'laughable'.他矢口否认那些有关他憎恨所有英国人的推测,声称这些指控是“荒唐的”。柯林斯高阶〔logically〕Since she helped us before, we can logically assume that she'll help us again.她之前就帮过我们,因此我们可以合理地推测,她还会帮我们的。韦氏高阶〔logical〕Since she helped us before, it's logical to assume that she'll help us again.她之前就帮过我们,因此可以合理地推测,她还会帮我们的。韦氏高阶〔make〕I make it 50 miles to the border from here.从这儿到边境我推测有50英里。英汉大词典〔only〕At the moment it is only a theory.眼下这只不过是个推测而已。柯林斯高阶〔pitch〕Speculation surrounding the sector is running at a high pitch.有关这个部门的各种推测将正喧嚣而上。外研社新世纪〔presume〕I presume that an agreement will eventually be reached.我推测协议最终会达成。21世纪英汉〔presume〕The temple is presumed to date from the first century BC.据推测这座寺庙建于公元前一世纪。朗文当代〔presume〕The universe is presumed to contain many other planets with some form of life.据推测,宇宙中很多其他的行星上有某种形式的生命存在。剑桥高阶〔presume〕To take for granted as being true in the absence of proof to the contrary.推测,假定:在没有证据证明是相反的情况下想当然是正确的美国传统〔presumption〕The act of presuming or accepting as true.推测;假定:推测或认定某事是真实的行为美国传统〔presumption〕The presumption is that he will refuse it.据推测,他会拒绝的。英汉大词典〔presumption〕There is no scientific evidence to support such presumptions.并无科学依据支持这样的推测。剑桥高阶〔presuppose〕You're presupposing that he'll have told her - but he may not have.你是在推测他早已告诉她了——但他可能没有这样做。剑桥高阶〔prophesy〕We can only surmise and prophesy.我们只能推测和预言。外研社新世纪〔psychoanalytic〕Much of her work is speculative, based on psychoanalytic theory rather than empirical data.她的著作中有相当一部分内容是推测性的, 建立在精神分析理论之上而缺乏来自实际经验的数据。外研社新世纪〔rest〕The announcement finally laid all the speculation about their future to rest.通告最终消除了一切有关他们的未来的推测。牛津高阶〔ride〕It is assumed the man was taken for a ride by the gang.据推测那男子被一帮匪徒绑去杀害了。英汉大词典〔speculate〕Critics of the project speculate about how many hospitals could be built instead.对该项目持批评态度的人在推测如果改作他用不知可以建多少家医院。外研社新世纪〔speculate〕It would be premature to speculate as to the outcome at this stage.这个时候就推测结果还为时尚早。牛津搭配〔speculate〕The British press speculated wildly about his disappearance.对于他的失踪,英国报刊给出了各种各样不着边际的推测。牛津搭配〔speculate〕We all speculated about the reasons for her resignation.我们大家都推测过她辞职的原因。牛津高阶〔speculate〕We speculated as to whether they would marry.我们推测他们会不会结婚。牛津同义词〔speculation〕Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition.推测:根据不确定的证据的推理;推测或假定美国传统〔speculation〕Such speculations no longer belong to the realm of science.这些推测已超出了科学的范畴。英汉大词典〔speculation〕There was widespread speculation that she was going to resign.人们纷纷推测她将辞职。牛津高阶〔speculation〕This is just speculation on my part.这只是我的推测。牛津搭配〔speculative〕He has written a speculative biography of Christopher Marlowe.他写了一篇关于克里斯托弗·马洛的推测性传记。柯林斯高阶〔suggestion〕A spokesman dismissed any suggestion of a boardroom rift.发言人的话打消了人们关于董事会不和的所有推测。牛津高阶〔suppose〕Scientists can only suppose that the illness is caused by a virus.科学家们只能推测这种疾病是由一种病毒引发的。麦克米伦高阶〔supposition〕That article was based on pure supposition.那篇文章纯粹是基于推测。剑桥高阶〔supposition〕The report is based entirely on supposition.这篇报道完全建立在推测的基础上。牛津高阶〔supposition〕They are making all sorts of suppositions about our possible reaction.他们对我们可能的反应作出了种种推测。牛津搭配〔supposition〕We can make a supposition about how the accident happened.我们可以先推测一下事故发生的始末。牛津搭配〔suppositive〕Of the nature of, including, or involving supposition.假定的,推测的美国传统〔surmise〕He surmised that he had discovered one of the illegal streets.他推测自己已经发现了一条非法活动猖獗的街道。柯林斯高阶〔surmise〕He surmised that her flight was delayed.他推测她的航班延误了。麦克米伦高阶〔surmise〕I can only surmise that this happened last week.我只能推测这件事发生在上个星期。外研社新世纪〔suspect〕He suspected that man must be well over fifties.他推测那个人一定有五十好几了。21世纪英汉〔theorize〕It's easy to theorize about what might have happened.对于原本可能发生的事情作理论上的推测是很容易的。剑桥高阶〔theorize〕To formulate theories or a theory; speculate.使理论化:系统阐述理论;推测美国传统〔theory〕An assumption based on limited information or knowledge; a conjecture.学说:基于有限信息或知识的假说;推测美国传统〔tree〕The forest can be dated by studying tree rings.通过观察树的年轮可以推测森林形成的年代。牛津搭配〔two〕I saw him leaving her house and I put two and two together.我看见他离开她的家,心里便有了推测。朗文当代〔understand〕In the sentence ‘I can't drive’, the object ‘a car’ is understood.在 I can't drive 一句中,可推测出宾语 a car 被省略了。牛津高阶Due to the speculative nature of the evidences, the judge could not arrive at a concrete decision. 因为所有的证据都是推测性的,法官无法作出具体的结论。译典通He conjectured that the company would soon be in financial difficulties.他推测这家公司不久就会陷入财政危机。剑桥国际He guessed her age to be 48.他推测她的年龄为48岁。剑桥国际He was quick to rebut suggestions that the company might be sold.他当即驳斥了公司可能被卖掉的种种推测。牛津商务He was speculating that this might be his last chance. 他推测这可能是他的最后一次机会了。译典通Her conjecture that the election would be a landslide proved to be true. 她关于选举会大获全胜的推测证明是正确的。译典通I can guess what will happen next. 我能推测出接著会发生什么事。译典通I surmise that he will take the job. 我推测他会接受这份工作。译典通It turned out that my surmise was correct. 结果表明我的推测没有错。译典通Much of our information is speculative. 我们的许多信息是带推测性的。译典通She had to rely on pure guesswork in calculating her expenditure.她不得不完全靠推测来计算她的开销。剑桥国际She said it in a whisper so I presumed it wasn't common knowledge.她低声说起件事,因此我推测这决非人人知道的。剑桥国际She spoke in such a confused way that it was almost impossible to divine what she wanted to tell me. 她说话含含糊糊,我简直不能推测她到底想告诉我什么。剑桥国际So far, the police can only speculate on the possible motives for the killing.警察迄今为止只能推测行凶的可能动机。剑桥国际The assumptions that were made about the rate of growth of the economy proved to be incorrect.对经济增长率所作的推测证明是不正确的。剑桥国际The manager guessed the total amount to be about £50 000.经理推测总数大约为50 000英镑。剑桥国际The police think that the killer may have fled the country, but that's pure guesswork/conjecture.警方认为这个杀手可能逃离了这个国家,可是这完全是猜想/推测。剑桥国际The police, having guessed (that) she would return, were waiting for her. [+ (that) clause] 警察推测她会回来,因而在等着她。剑桥国际The universe is presumed to contain many other planets with some form of life.据推测,在宇宙中很多其他的行星上有某种形式的生命存在。剑桥国际There is speculation that the murders may be linked to organized crime.有人推测谋杀案可能和犯罪集团有关。剑桥国际These theories are really no more than speculations (= guesses).这些理论只是推测而已。剑桥国际This new evidence lends support to the theory that she was murdered.这一新证据证实了她是被谋杀的推测。剑桥国际You can't accuse someone on the basis of a supposition (= something that is likely but not proved to be the truth).你不能只凭推测指责别人。剑桥国际




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