

单词 推敲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LOGICAL〕It's an interesting theory, but I don't think it will stand up to close examination. 这理论很有趣,但我认为它经不起仔细推敲。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕None of her theories about language really stands up to close scrutiny. 她有关语言的理论没有一条真正经得起仔细推敲。朗文写作活用〔bear〕The production figures did not bear scrutiny .这个产量数据经不起推敲。朗文当代〔close〕All these definitions, while sounding impressive, do not stand up under close scrutiny.所有这些释义虽然听上去不错, 但是经不起仔细推敲。外研社新世纪〔cogitation〕Thoughtful consideration; meditation.深思:经认真推敲的考虑;沉思美国传统〔conceptually〕The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.这篇专论概念混淆,结构不清,研究方法也经不起推敲。柯林斯高阶〔concinnity〕An instance of harmonious arrangement or studied elegance and facility.经过推敲的和谐和优美的例子美国传统〔fine-spun〕Developed to excessive fineness or subtlety; overwrought.过分琐碎的:发展至过分精细或微妙的;过分推敲的美国传统〔go〕We must go behind the poet's words to see what he really means.我们必须推敲诗人的字句才能明白他真正的意思是什么。英汉大词典〔hammer〕They hammered out a plan for clearing up the differences between them at last.经过反复推敲,他们终于找到了消除双方分歧的一套方案。21世纪英汉〔hash〕He hashed a phrase in order to colour the sentence.他反复推敲一个习语以使该句增色。21世纪英汉〔hone〕It was a finely honed piece of writing.那是一篇经过仔细推敲写成的文章。牛津高阶〔induce〕The author by his choice of words has induced a particular frame of mind in the reader.作者推敲用词,在读者心中唤起一种特殊的意境。英汉大词典〔inspection〕He knew that his motives would not bear close inspection (= would be revealed as bad if someone inspected them).他知道自己的动机经不起认真推敲。牛津搭配〔lavish〕He lavished enormous pains on the choice of every word.他在选择每个字眼时都下了极大功夫去斟酌推敲。英汉大词典〔modulate〕This was a message exquisitely modulated for different ears.这是一个措词经精心推敲使之适合不同对象听取的信息。英汉大词典〔puzzle〕He puzzled out the meaning of the inscription.他推敲出了那铭文的含义。英汉大词典〔scrutiny〕Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny.她的观点经不起认真推敲。牛津高阶〔scrutiny〕The testimony of the chief witness doesn't stand up to scrutiny.主要证人的证词经不起推敲。牛津搭配〔stand up〕Their argument won't stand up to detailed criticism (= when it is studied critically).他们的论点经不起仔细推敲。剑桥高阶〔stand〕His argument simply doesn't stand up to close scrutiny.他的论点完全经不起仔细推敲。牛津高阶〔superficial〕Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.他们的论据经不起一点推敲。柯林斯高阶〔superficial〕Their arguments do not withstand the most superficial scrutiny.他们的论证经不起丝毫的推敲。外研社新世纪〔thesis〕This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.这个命题经不起仔细推敲。柯林斯高阶〔thesis〕This thesis does not stand up to close inspection.这个观点经不住仔细推敲。外研社新世纪〔thresh〕Andrew threshed the matter out with the help of his friends.安德鲁在朋友们的帮助下反复推敲终于解决了那件事。英汉大词典〔wording〕The wording of the proposal needs careful consideration.提议的措词还需仔细推敲。麦克米伦高阶Before starting to write a play, he does a lot of preparation, taking notes and trying ideas out on friends.动笔写剧本前,他做了大量的准备工作,又记笔记又和朋友们推敲想法。剑桥国际He went behind her words. 他推敲她话中的含义。译典通Their argument won't stand up to (= appear to be true after) detailed criticism.他们的论点经不起仔细推敲。剑桥国际




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