

单词 招呼
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANSWER〕I greeted Minna, but she made no reply. 我和明娜打招呼,可是她不理睬我。朗文写作活用〔CALM〕George greeted us in his friendly relaxed way. 乔治友好、随和地同我们打招呼。朗文写作活用〔PAUSE〕There was a pause in the conversation as everyone turned to say hello to Paul. 所有人转身向保罗打招呼,谈话中断了一会儿。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕In the evenings the prostitutes would line the streets, calling out to passing men. 到了晚上,妓女们就站在街道两旁,招呼来往的男人。朗文写作活用〔TRADITION〕The man at the hotel welcomed us with the customary greeting. 旅馆的那个人以惯常的招呼方式欢迎我们。朗文写作活用〔VOICE〕He was an irritable old man, who seldom spoke except to say a gruff hello. 他是个爱发脾气的老人,除了生硬地打声招呼外很少说话。朗文写作活用〔abstracted〕She said hello but she seemed a bit abstracted.她有点心不在焉地打了声招呼。韦氏高阶〔acknowledge her existence/presence〕He refuses to acknowledge her existence/presence.他拒绝同她打招呼。韦氏高阶〔acknowledge〕He acknowledged me with a smile.他对我含笑打招呼。牛津同义词〔acknowledge〕That student walked right past his teacher without even acknowledging him.那个学生从他老师面前走过,连招呼也不打一个。英汉大词典〔across〕There's Brendan. Why don't you go across and say hello? 那是布伦丹,你为什么不过去打个招呼呢?朗文当代〔advantage〕I'm afraid you have the advantage of me.对不起,我不认识你。(系别人招呼自己后因不识其人而用的客套语) 英汉大词典〔beckon for〕Jack beckoned for her to approach.杰克招呼她过来。21世纪英汉〔beckon〕He beckoned us over and introduced us to his wife.他招呼我们过去,把我们介绍给他的妻子。朗文当代〔bow〕He greeted us with a bow of his head.他点点头向我们打招呼。外研社新世纪〔buzz〕The host of the party was buzzing around the room talking to everyone.聚会的主人在房间里转来转去,忙着与每个人打招呼。韦氏高阶〔check〕He waved to a waiter and got the check.他招呼服务员拿到了账单。外研社新世纪〔cheerfully〕She greeted him cheerfully.她高高兴兴地和他打招呼。柯林斯高阶〔chipper〕She greeted me in a chipper voice.她高兴地与我打招呼。韦氏高阶〔civility〕She greeted them with civility, but not much warmth.她客气地跟他们打招呼,可是不大热情。剑桥高阶〔civilly〕He greeted us civilly.他彬彬有礼地跟我们打了招呼。剑桥高阶〔civil〕She greeted him civilly but with no sign of affection.她礼貌地向他打招呼,但没有一丝爱意。牛津高阶〔could〕You could at least say hello!你至少该打个招呼!外研社新世纪〔croak〕He managed to croak a greeting.他勉强用沙哑的嗓音打招呼。牛津高阶〔exchange〕I went over and exchanged greetings with everyone.我走过去跟大家相互打了招呼。朗文当代〔exchange〕The two men exchanged greetings.他们两人互相打招呼。外研社新世纪〔familiarity〕She needed to control her surprise at the easy familiarity with which her host greeted the head waiter.看到女主人那样亲昵地随意和服务员领班打招呼, 她觉得惊讶却又不敢表露。外研社新世纪〔familiarly〕He familiarly beckoned me in.他亲热地招呼我进去。文馨英汉〔feigned〕She greeted him with feigned nonchalance.她佯装漫不经心地跟他打招呼。韦氏高阶〔gate〕Passengers on flight 204 are called at gate four.广播招呼204次班机乘客至4号门登机。英汉大词典〔get up〕He got up to greet her when she entered the room.她走进屋时,他起身招呼她。韦氏高阶〔go back〕He waved hello, then went right back to work.他挥手打了个招呼,然后又接着去工作了。韦氏高阶〔greeting〕A word or gesture of welcome or salutation.问候,招呼:一个欢迎或致敬的词语或姿态美国传统〔greeting〕He offered me a warm greeting and invited me in.他亲切地和我打招呼,请我进去。牛津搭配〔greeting〕He raised a hand in greeting.他挥挥手打了个招呼。柯林斯高阶〔greeting〕She raised her hand in greeting.她举起手来打招呼。朗文当代〔habit〕I don't make a habit of calling on clients unannounced.我没有不事先打招呼就突然拜访客户的习惯。麦克米伦高阶〔hailer〕One that greets, acclaims, or catches someone's attention.打招呼的人,欢呼的人,引起某人注意的人美国传统〔hail〕A voice hailed us from the other side of the street.街对面有个声音招呼我们。牛津高阶〔hail〕Suddenly, a voice hailed us and there was Miss Quigley.忽然传来一声招呼,原来是奎格利小姐。柯林斯高阶〔hail〕To salute or greet.打招呼:向…致以敬意或问候美国传统〔hail〕To signal or call to a passing ship as a greeting or as an identification.打信号:向经过的船只发信号或打招呼,作为问候或识别美国传统〔hello〕It surprised me that she was helloing at me when I passed her on the way to my office.她在我去办公室的路上向我打招呼,这一点令我感到奇怪。21世纪英汉〔impression〕How you greet a customer can leave a lasting impression .招呼顾客的方式将给顾客留下难忘的印象。朗文当代〔inclination〕She greeted Maggie with an inclination of the head.她向玛吉点头打招呼。朗文当代〔joviality〕He greeted me with customary joviality.他像往常一样高兴地招呼我。文馨英汉〔joyfully〕They greeted him joyfully.他们高兴地和他打招呼。外研社新世纪〔kindly〕He greeted us kindly.他亲切地招呼我们。英汉大词典〔languid〕He greeted Charles with a languid wave of his hand.他无精打采地挥挥手,算是和查尔斯打招呼。朗文当代〔look through〕She looked me straight through when I greeted her.我跟她打招呼时她故意不理睬我。21世纪英汉〔mind〕They had it in mind to go away without telling me.他们想不和我打招呼就走掉。英汉大词典〔miserable〕He always was a miserable man. He never spoke to anybody, not even to pass the time of day.他一向是个脾气乖戾的人, 从不和任何人讲话, 连招呼也不打。外研社新世纪〔nod〕Both of them smiled and nodded at friends.他们俩都笑着跟朋友们点头打招呼。柯林斯高阶〔pale〕He smiled a pale hello at his father.他朝他父亲淡淡一笑,算是打招呼了。英汉大词典〔perfunctory〕The operator answered the phone with a perfunctory greeting.接线员接通电话,象征性的打了招呼美国传统〔pop in〕I just popped in to say hello.我只是进去打个招呼。外研社新世纪〔pop〕He popped his head around the door and said hello.他从门后探一探头,打了声招呼。牛津高阶〔presence〕He acknowledged our presence with a nod of his head.他点了一下头对我们打招呼。牛津搭配〔raise〕He rose to greet me.他起身跟我打招呼。朗文当代〔rap〕I wish him a hello, and he never raps to me but only bows.我向他打招呼,可他总是不和我说一句话,只是鞠躬。英汉大词典〔receive〕The shop assistant received me indifferently while leaning on a counter.商店售货员靠在柜台上漫不经心地招呼我。柯林斯高阶〔relative〕He greeted me like a long-lost relative.他跟我打招呼,就像久未见面的亲戚一样。牛津搭配〔request〕Water is served only on request in this restaurant.在这家餐馆,你要喝水需经招呼才端上。英汉大词典〔return〕I waved and called to her, and she returned my greeting.我向她挥手打招呼,她也对我报以问候。麦克米伦高阶〔ruffle〕Nothing could ruffle the perfect composure with which she casually greets members of staff.什么都不能扰乱她随意地和员工打招呼时流露出的那种镇定自若。柯林斯高阶〔salutation〕Jackson nodded a salutation.杰克逊点头打招呼。柯林斯高阶〔saunter〕She sauntered over and said hello.她款款地走过来,打了个招呼。牛津搭配〔seat〕The waiter greeted me with a big smile and seated us by the window.服务员笑容满面地招呼我,并安排我们在窗边坐下。剑桥高阶〔station〕He stationed himself by the door to greet the guests.他站在门口招呼客人。韦氏高阶〔steal away〕He stole away from the ball without telling anybody.他没和任何人打招呼就从舞会上溜走了。21世纪英汉〔stop〕My nearest bus stop has been downgraded to a request stop.离我最近的公交车站已经降级成了招呼站。牛津搭配〔trance〕He came out of his trance and greeted me.他回过神来,向我打招呼。麦克米伦高阶〔twitch〕He greeted us with a mere twitch of his head.他只晃了一下头算是和我们打过招呼。牛津高阶〔unannounced〕He had just arrived unannounced from South America.他刚刚从南美来到这里,事先没有打招呼。柯林斯高阶〔unannounced〕They arrived unannounced at my door.他们未打招呼就来到我家门口了。韦氏高阶〔up〕Just go up to him and say hello.走过去跟他打声招呼吧。麦克米伦高阶〔vainly〕He stopped at the door, waiting in vain for her to acknowledge his presence.他在门口停住,徒然地等待她和自己打招呼。柯林斯高阶〔voguish〕The voguish style of address now is simply by name.现在招呼人时直呼其名已蔚为风气。英汉大词典〔waiter〕I tried to catch the waiter's eye to ask for our bill.我试图招呼服务员结账。牛津搭配〔walk〕He walked off his job without word to anyone or prior consultation.他没同任何人打过招呼,也不事先商量,就扔下工作一走了之。英汉大词典〔wave〕She waved hello.她挥手打了招呼。外研社新世纪〔wave〕They waved us goodbye (hello).他们向我们挥手告别(打招呼)。 英汉大词典〔waylay〕To accost or intercept unexpectedly.意外地打招呼或拦住美国传统〔weak at/in the knees〕She said hello to me and I went weak in the knees.她跟我打了声招呼,我顿时感到两腿发酥。韦氏高阶〔wheeze out〕The young man was running and wheezing out a greeting.那个年轻人边跑步边气喘吁吁地打招呼。21世纪英汉〔whistle〕A cab cruised by and he whistled it dead.一辆出租汽车驶过,他吹一声口哨招呼它停了下来。英汉大词典A man addressed me in a broad Australian accent.一个人带着很重的澳大利亚口音向我招呼。剑桥国际Cathy poked her head round the door to say hello.凯茜从门后探出头来打招呼。剑桥国际He beckoned to me from across the street. 他在街对面向我打招呼。译典通He gave her a chill greeting. 他冷冰冰地招呼她。译典通He intruded himself into the conversation without a word of apology. 他连招呼都不打就插进来讲话。译典通He said hello and I felt my face turn bright red.他向我打招呼,我感到我的脸变得通红。剑桥国际He was accosted by a floozy in front of the hotel. 在旅馆前面,有一个妓女向他打招呼。译典通I know her vaguely--we've exchanged hellos a few times.我对她不太熟悉----我们打过几次招呼而已。剑桥国际I said hello but she looked straight through me.我向她打招呼,可她却瞧都没瞧我。剑桥国际It's a school where pupils greet their teachers with “Hey dude”.这所学校里,学生们向老师打招呼时说:“嘿,家伙。”剑桥国际She gave me a faint smile of recognition when she saw me.她看见我时,微微一笑跟我打了个招呼。剑桥国际She nodded to greet us when we walked in.当我们进门时她点头向我们打招呼。剑桥国际She smiled in greeting. 她微笑著打招呼。译典通When she introduced this old man as her husband I had to collect myself before I could say hello.当她介绍说这个老头是她的丈夫时,我不得不先定了定神,才打了招呼。剑桥国际




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