

单词 既然
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGAINST/OPPOSE〕Given his open hostility, it seemed pointless to try and continue to persuade him. 他既然公开反对,再继续劝说看来是没有意义了。朗文写作活用〔BECAUSE〕I'd better do it myself, seeing as no one else wants to do it. 既然没人肯干,我还是自己来动手吧。朗文写作活用〔BECAUSE〕Seeing as it's your birthday, why don't we go out for a meal? 既然今天是你生日,我们就出去吃一顿吧?朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕Now that I don't have to work in the evenings, I'd like to take up sketching again. 既然晚上不必去上班,我想再继续画素描。朗文写作活用〔RELAX/RELAXED〕Now that you've finished your exams, you can take it easy. 既然你已经完成了考试,可以放松一下了。朗文写作活用〔all〕I mean why live in the country at all when you can live in the city.我意思是既然可以住城里,你为什么非要住在乡村。英汉大词典〔also〕Since you're having another cup of coffee, I'll also have one.既然你再要一杯咖啡,我也再来一杯。英汉大词典〔argument〕Now that we've heard all the arguments for and against the proposal, let's vote on it.既然支持和反对这项提议的所有理由我们都已经听过了,现在投票表决吧。剑桥高阶〔as long as〕As long as you're up, would you mind getting me a drink? 既然你起来了,拿一杯饮料给我好吗?韦氏高阶〔as long as〕So long as you feel that way I'll leave.既然你有那种感觉,那我就离开这里。韦氏高阶〔assignment〕Why did you take on this assignment if you're so busy? 既然你这么忙,为什么还要承担这项任务?牛津搭配〔attract〕Since light has no mass, Newton's equation predicts that it will not be attracted by gravity towards anything.既然光是没有质量的,牛顿的方程式便预言光不会受到引力作用。剑桥高阶〔autograft〕Since an autograft is used, no immunosuppression is necessary.既然用的是自体移植物,就没有必要进行免疫抑制了。剑桥高阶〔begin〕Now that I've begun, I'll go on till I finish.既然我已经开始,我就会继续下去直到完成。韦氏高阶〔being〕Of course, being young, I did not worry.当然, 既然还年轻, 我也不担心。外研社新世纪〔be〕That being the case, we had better go at once.情况既然如此,我们最好立刻就去。英汉大词典〔bother〕Nothing I do makes any difference anyway, so why bother?既然我做什么都于事无补, 我为什么还要费劲呢?外研社新世纪〔bother〕Why bother talking if no one is listening? 既然没人听,干吗白费口舌呢?韦氏高阶〔brazen〕Now that everyone knew the truth, the only thing to do was to brazen it out.既然大家都知道真相了,只好硬着头皮撑过去。牛津高阶〔bring ... around〕Since the wind changed, they had to bring the ship round.既然风向变了,他们只好把船掉过头来。21世纪英汉〔bring over〕Since the wind has changed, we brought the sails over.既然风向变了,我们扯帆转向。21世纪英汉〔bring up〕I wasn't going to talk about money, but since you've brought it up, I guess it's something we should really discuss.我本不打算谈钱的问题,不过,既然你提到了,我想咱们还真得好好谈谈。韦氏高阶〔circumstance〕Given these conditions; such being the case.在这些情况下;情况既然如此美国传统〔come〕If she spent five years in Paris, how come her French is so bad? 既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么还会这样糟糕?牛津高阶〔content〕As the TV's broken, you'll have to content yourself with listening to the radio.既然电视机坏了,你就只好收听广播算了。英汉大词典〔dander〕Now that his dander's up,he'll do what he wants.他既然发火了,就会想干什么就干什么的。英汉大词典〔ear〕Since his mind was already made up, my arguments went in one ear and out the other.既然他主意已定,我再怎么对他说,也只能是左耳进右耳出美国传统〔ease back〕You can ease the throttle back now that we have climbed high enough.既然我们已升得够高了,你可以把油门关小一点。21世纪英汉〔fairly〕It can no doubt be fairly argued that Sir John, whose pay is linked to performance, is entitled to every penny.毋庸置疑,既然约翰爵士的薪水是与业绩挂钩的,他的每一分钱都是理所应得的。柯林斯高阶〔hook up〕Seeing as how we got on so well together, it just seemed natural that we should hook up.既然处得这么好,似乎我们理所当然应该搭档。柯林斯高阶〔in〕Now that you are in for it, you must carry on.你既然沾上了手,就得干下去。英汉大词典〔level〕Oil prices should level out now that the war is over.既然战争结束了,油价就应该趋于稳定。麦克米伦高阶〔live with sth〕I can't change the situation so I'm going to have to learn to live with it.既然无法改变这种状况,我只好试着去接受它。剑桥高阶〔long〕As long as you're up, get me a drink.既然你已经起来了,给我弄点喝的美国传统〔long〕So long as you are going to town anyway, you can do something for me.既然你反正要进城去,不妨替我办一点事。英汉大词典〔look forward to sth〕In the circumstances, I look forward to receiving your client's cheque for the sum of £570 within the next seven days.既然这样,我希望您的委托人在7天之内把570英镑的支票寄来。剑桥高阶〔might〕You might as well enjoy your money while you've got it.既然你有钱倒不如好好享用。麦克米伦高阶〔necessity〕As necessity is the mother of invention, I decided to explore ways in which I could turn this negative into a positive.既然有需要就有创造, 我决定要寻求方法将这种消极因素化为积极因素。外研社新世纪〔need〕We have no need of this old software now that we have a new system.既然我们有了新的系统,就不再需要这种旧软件了。麦克米伦高阶〔now〕Now (that) I've come I may as well stay longer.既然我来了,就不妨多待一会儿。文馨英汉〔now〕Now I'm back here, I can hardly walk down a street without seeing someone I know.既然我回到这儿了,我就不大可能走在街上却见不到熟人。麦克米伦高阶〔now〕Now that he's feeling better, he can go back to work.既然他感觉好些了, 那么他可以回去工作了。外研社新世纪〔offensive〕Since the other side had taken offensive action (= attacked), we had no choice but to defend ourselves.既然对方已经采取了攻势,我们除了自卫别无选择。剑桥高阶〔overburden〕Why overburden yourself when people are offering to help? 既然有人帮助你,为什么还要给自己过重的负担呢?韦氏高阶〔peace〕Now that the war is over may there be a lasting peace between our nations.既然战争已经结束,但愿我们两国之间能永久和平。剑桥高阶〔plan〕Now that you're pregnant you'll have to plan ahead.你既然怀孕了,就必须预先把事情都安排妥当。朗文当代〔plan〕We need to plan for the future now that we're getting married.既然我们要结婚了,就得为未来计划一下。麦克米伦高阶〔plumb〕Now that she had begun, she wanted to plumb her own childhood further.既然已经开始了,她就想深入发掘一番自己童年的故事。剑桥高阶〔pool〕Given the financial difficulties of both companies it seemed sensible for us to pool our resources.既然两家公司都有经济困难,那我们把资源共享似乎是明智的。麦克米伦高阶〔readjust〕Now that I'm back, I've got quite a lot to readjust to.既然我已回来,我就有许多方面需要重新去适应。英汉大词典〔reschedule〕Since I'll be away, I'd like to reschedule the meeting.既然我到时候不在,我想重新安排一下会议的时间。柯林斯高阶〔resign〕We have to resign ourselves to fate since we cannot think out an effective remedy.既然我们想不出一个有效的挽救办法,我们只好听天由命了。21世纪英汉〔sally forth〕Let's sally forth as the rain has stopped.既然雨已经停了,咱们到外边走走吧。21世纪英汉〔seeing (that)〕We may as well go to the concert, seeing as we've already paid for the tickets.既然我们已经买了票,最好还是去听音乐会吧。剑桥高阶〔seeing〕Seeing as you've met my family, don't you think I should meet yours? 既然你都见过我的家人了,你不觉得我该见见你的家人吗?韦氏高阶〔see〕Having come this far, she was determined to see things through.既然走到这么远了,她决定把事情做到底。麦克米伦高阶〔sew ... up〕It's all sewn up, since you apologized.既然你已经道了歉,这件事就算了。21世纪英汉〔shoe〕Now that Chris is gone she wants me to step into his shoes.既然克里斯走了,她就想让我接替他的位置。柯林斯高阶〔since〕Since we've got a few minutes to wait for the train, let's have a cup of coffee.既然等火车还需要几分钟,我们去喝杯咖啡吧。剑桥高阶〔since〕Since you are so sure of it he'll believe you.既然你对此这么有把握,他会相信你的。英汉大词典〔since〕Since you are unable to answer, perhaps we should ask someone else.既然你回答不了,也许我们该问问别人了。朗文当代〔since〕Since you've finished all your chores, you may go out and play.既然活都干完了,你可以出去玩了。韦氏高阶〔since〕We thought that, since we were in the area, we'd stop by and see them.我们想,既然到了这个地方,就该顺便去看看他们。牛津高阶〔stay together〕In that case, we must stay to-gether or none of us will survive.既然如此,我们必须呆在一起,不然我们谁也别想活。21世纪英汉〔stop〕Now that you're here, why don't you stop for some tea? 既然你已经来了,为什么不留下来喝杯茶呢?剑桥高阶〔subject〕Let's drop the subject since we don't seem to be able to agree.既然看来难以达成一致,咱们还是停止谈论这个话题吧。牛津搭配〔take up on〕Since she'd offered to babysit, I took her up on it.她既然主动提出帮助照看孩子,我也就同意了。柯林斯高阶〔that〕That being so, nothing can be done.既然如此,那就没办法了。文馨英汉〔use〕What's the use of decorating the house if we are going to sell it? 我们既然要卖房子了,装修又有什么意义?朗文当代〔vindicate〕I feel vindicated now since the court ruled in my favour.既然法庭裁定我胜诉,我现在觉得自己的清白得到了证明。麦克米伦高阶〔voice〕As no one raised his voice against the plan,it was agreed on.既然没有人反对,这项计划就通过了。英汉大词典〔want〕Why do we tolerate want when so many are rich?既然这么多人有钱,我们为什么还容许有贫困?牛津同义词〔way〕Having started a revolution we must go all the way.既然已经发动了革命,我们就一定要进行到底。柯林斯高阶〔weak〕Since “work” is a weak verb, its past tense is “worked.” 既然work是规则动词,那么它的过去式就是worked。韦氏高阶〔well〕Since you can't win the race, you may (just) as well quit.既然你赢不了这场赛跑,那倒还不如退出比赛。英汉大词典〔when〕Why buy a newspaper when you can read the news online for free? 既然你能在网上免费读新闻,为什么还要买报纸呢?韦氏高阶〔when〕Why do we take the flag down at night, when we just have to put it up again in the morning? 既然我们早上还得把旗升上去,那晚上又为什么要把它降下来呢?英汉大词典〔when〕Why is she training to be a teacher when she doesn't even like children? 她既然连孩子都不喜欢,为什么要去接受培训当老师呢?剑桥高阶〔wonder〕With all the wonders of modern technology, why has no one come up with a way to make aircraft quieter? 既然现代科技创造了如此多的奇迹,为什么没人想个办法让飞行更安静一些呢?剑桥高阶As I'm your best friend, I think I should tell you that your breath smells.既然我是你最好的朋友,我想我得告诉你,你有口臭。剑桥国际As you've started your English course, you should stick to it -- it isn't wise to change horses in midstream.既然你已经开始学英语,你就应该坚持----中途换马并不明智。剑桥国际Fees will have to treble to make the courses self-financing, now that government support has been withdrawn.既然政府取消了资助,收费须是原来的三倍以使这些课程的开办能自筹资金。剑桥国际I never get to see her now that she's left the company.既然她已离开了这家公司,我就永远没有机会能看到她。剑桥国际I was making a cake anyway so I thought while I was doing that I might as well make some biscuits.既然我在做蛋糕了,因此我想与此同时我可以再做些饼干。剑桥国际Now that Jean's got a job she's financially independent.琼既然找到了一份工作,在经济上便自立了。剑桥国际Now that democracy has returned to the former dictatorship, thousands of émigré are thinking about going back home.现在既然民主制度重新取代了先前的专制统治,成千上万的流亡者在考虑重返家园。剑桥国际Now that problem is out of the way it's full steam ahead to get the job finished.既然问题排除了,现在可以全力以赴地去完成工作了。剑桥国际Now that the organization has more money, it will have more freedom of manoeuvre / movement / action (=ability able to choose different ways of acting).既然公司有了更多的钱,它就可以有更多的谋划/活动/行动的自由。剑桥国际Now that the spadework's all been done,we can start to write the report itself.既然所有艰苦的准备工作已经完成,我们可以开始写报告了。剑桥国际Now that the talks have broken down, war in the region looks like a virtual certainty.既然和谈已经破裂,该地区战争看来是在所难免了。剑桥国际Now that they live farther away we don't see them so often.既然他们住得更远了,我们就不常见面了。剑桥国际Since the other side had taken offensive action (= attacked), we had no choice but to defend ourselves.既然对方已经采取了攻势,我们除了防卫别无选择。剑桥国际Since they spoke only Swahili, we used signs and gestures to make ourselves understood (= to communicate).既然他们只讲斯瓦希里语, 我们就用动作和手势与他们交流。剑桥国际The two women's colleges are expected to fall into line with the rest of the university, now that all the other colleges accept both male and female students.既然其他学校都兼收男女学生,人们希望这两所女子大学也能与其他学校一样做。剑桥国际We don't usually accept late applications but in this case we can make an exception (= accept it) because of the circumstances.我们一般不接受过期的申请,但既然如此,我们可以视情况破一次例。剑桥国际We may as well go to the concert, seeing as (how) we've already paid for the tickets.既然我们已经付了票子的钱,还是去听音乐会吧。剑桥国际You can serve (= put the food onto plates) since you've got the spoon in your hand.既然你手中有调羹就可以舀菜了。剑桥国际You may as well deliver her invitation by hand (=not using the postal service) since she lives so close.既然她住得如此近,你可以亲自把请帖给她送去(不用邮递)。剑桥国际You owe it to yourself to ask the children to leave home now they are both over thirty.你应该叫两个孩子离家独立生活,既然他们都三十多岁了。剑桥国际You really should take more exercise now that your job keeps you in the office so much.现在既然由于工作你得在办公室里待那么长时间,你真得应当多锻炼身体。剑桥国际




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