

单词 时候
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ACCIDENT〕at work, at home, when doing a sport etc 在上班、在家、在从事体育运动等的时候朗文写作活用〔AH〕the Arabic date, 483 AH, when the castle was taken阿拉伯纪年希吉拉历483年, 城堡被攻占的时候外研社新世纪〔YOUNG〕the time when you were young 年纪小或年轻的时候朗文写作活用〔affiliate〕affiliate Shakespeare's “Hamlet” to earlier plays 把莎士比亚的《哈姆雷特》追溯到早些时候的古剧英汉大词典〔aware〕alert enough to spot the opportunity when it came. 当机会到来的时候充分认识到并攫住它。美国传统〔beat〕beat it while the going is good 在还没有危险的时候趁早溜之大吉英汉大词典〔before〕two days before (从那时候算起)两天前文馨英汉〔body〕while we are still in the body在我们还活着的时候外研社新世纪〔calm〕during flat calms when the water is crystal clear在风平浪静、水面极为清澈的时候外研社新世纪〔carnival〕when it's Carnival in Rio 里约热内卢举行狂欢节的时候朗文当代〔case〕when everyone from Jay Leno to the FBI is on your case从主持人杰伊·莱诺到联邦调查局, 每个人都在不断指责你的时候外研社新世纪〔confirmation〕when I was being prepared for Confirmation. 在我为领受坚振礼做准备的时候柯林斯高阶〔contradictory〕advice that sometimes is contradictory and confusing. 有时候相互矛盾、颇令人费解的建议柯林斯高阶〔day〕at that [this] day 那时候[日前]文馨英汉〔deportation〕a government decision earlier this month to deport all illegal immigrants. 本月早些时候出台的将所有非法移民驱逐出境的政府决议柯林斯高阶〔earlier〕political reforms announced by the President earlier this year. 总统于今年早些时候宣布的政治改革柯林斯高阶〔fresh-faced〕a photograph of me when I was a fresh-faced youth 我年轻时候拍的一张照片麦克米伦高阶〔habit〕has a habit of closing his eyes when he tells a story. 他在讲故事的时候习惯于把眼晴闭上。美国传统〔hunger〕mid-morning, when those hunger pangs strike 上午 10 点来钟肚子饿得难受的时候牛津搭配〔k〕quondam , from Latin quom , when. quondam , 源自 拉丁语 quom , 当…的时候. 美国传统〔late〕late in the morning 于早上较晚的时候文馨英汉〔minor〕during her minor years在她还未成年的时候外研社新世纪〔mode〕when the camera is in manual mode. 当相机处于手动拍摄模式的时候柯林斯高阶〔o'〕lots o' luck; top o' the morning. 很多的好运;一早的时候美国传统〔oneself〕when one discovers how different others are from oneself 当一个人发现别人与自己多么不同的时候韦氏高阶〔open house〕at a Saturday open house earlier this month. 本月早些时候的星期六开放日那天柯林斯高阶〔opportune〕an opportune moment.适当的时候。牛津同义词〔parliamentary〕at the start of each parliamentary session在每一届议会开始的时候外研社新世纪〔part〕for the best part of the day一天中的大多数时候外研社新世纪〔past〕for some time past 前些时候英汉大词典〔pregnant〕when I was pregnant with Stephen当我怀着斯蒂芬的时候外研社新世纪〔reflection〕a quiet time for reflection.静下来反省的时候。牛津同义词〔repast〕during one's evening repast 在吃晚饭的时候英汉大词典〔retraction〕when the aircraft's wheels were retracted. 当飞机的轮子收起来的时候柯林斯高阶〔sorrow〕a time of great sorrow 极悲痛的时候朗文当代〔streak〕to hit(= have)a winning streak 碰上顺的时候牛津高阶〔tide〕the time of day when the highest tides occur 一天中出现最高潮的时候牛津搭配〔time〕a time for taking stock of one's life. 对一个人的一生作出评价的时候美国传统〔up〕as the sun came up. 当太阳升起的时候美国传统〔water〕had to turn off the water while repairing the broken drain. 修理漏管道的时候必须切断水源美国传统




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