

单词 时代错误
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔anachronism〕Representation of someone as existing or something as happening in other than the chronological, proper, or historical order.时代错误,年代误植:所叙存在的人或发生的事与年代、历史顺序不符美国传统〔anachronism〕The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.最后一段中存在一个时代错误。宗教法庭那时已经不存在了。外研社新世纪〔anachronism〕The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.最后一段有一个时代错误。异端裁判所那时已经不存在了。柯林斯高阶〔anachronistic〕Shakespeare's anachronistic introduction of a striking clock into the Ancient Roman world of Julius Caesar莎士比亚所犯的将自鸣钟写入儒略•恺撒的古罗马时期的时代错误外研社新世纪〔anachrony〕Discrepancy between the chronological order of events and the order in which they are related in a plot.时代错误,年代误植:事件的年代顺序与故事情节中的这些相关事件顺序两者不符美国传统The modern train was an obvious and distracting anachronism in the film about London in the 1950s.在那部关于本世纪五十年代伦敦的影片中,新式的火车是一个明显而又令人感到不对劲的时代错误。剑桥国际




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