

单词 有价值
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FIND〕After seven months on the case, the police failed to turn up any real clues. 经过七个月对此案的调查,警方未能发现任何有价值的线索。朗文写作活用〔KEEP〕The drug cache that the men were found in possession of was worth roughly $1 million. 那些男人被发现藏有价值约100万美元的毒品。朗文写作活用〔MEMBER〕Brooks is a very valuable member of the team. 布鲁克斯是该队中一名很有价值的队员。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕A university professor who used his modest means to collect over 300 valuable artworks has donated them to the National Gallery. 一名大学教授以他不高的收入收集了三百多件有价值的艺术品,并已经把它们捐赠给了国家美术馆。朗文写作活用〔OWN〕The company has mining assets worth 8 billion Rand. 这家公司拥有价值80亿兰特的矿业资产。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕Contact with Western medical techniques proved invaluable, and the student doctors have benefited greatly. 与西方医学技术接触证明非常有价值,实习医生大大受益。朗文写作活用〔VALUE〕Some of Spain's most valuable art treasures are housed in El Prado. 西班牙一些最有价值的艺术珍品被收藏在埃尔普拉多博物馆里。朗文写作活用〔acquire〕Manning hoped to acquire valuable works of art as cheaply as possible.曼宁希望以尽可能低的价格买到有价值的艺术品。朗文当代〔art〕He clings to the idea that small art films are more worthwhile.他坚持小型艺术片更有价值的观点。外研社新世纪〔asset〕A valuable item that is owned.资产:一件有价值的所有物美国传统〔bereave〕Archaic To take (something valuable or necessary), typically by force.【古语】 令人失去:通常是用武力夺走(有价值的或必需的东西)美国传统〔between〕The money was divided equally between several worthy causes.那笔钱被平均分配给几个有价值的项目。剑桥高阶〔blackmail〕Something of value extorted in this manner.勒索之物:通过此种手段强取的有价值之物美国传统〔bob〕The microscope contains a few hundred dollars-worth of electronic bits and bobs.这架显微镜内有价值数百美元的电子元件。柯林斯高阶〔book〕They have £50 billion worth of orders on the books.他们账上有价值 500 亿英镑的订单。朗文当代〔booty〕A valuable prize, award, or gain.奖励:一个有价值的奖励、奖品或收获美国传统〔cheese-paring〕Something of little or no value.无用之物:价值很小或没有价值的东西美国传统〔chief〕The most important or valuable part.主要部分:最重要的或最有价值的部分美国传统〔chip〕He was not expected to be released because he was considered a valuable chip in this game.他不可能获得释放, 因为他在这场游戏中被视为非常有价值的筹码。外研社新世纪〔climax〕His promotion was a fitting climax to a worthy career.升职是他有价值的职业生涯中一个应有的高潮。牛津搭配〔commodity〕The country's most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.该国最有价值的商品包括锡和钻石。剑桥高阶〔commodity〕Time is our most valuable commodity.时间是最有价值的东西。麦克米伦高阶〔deem〕I hoped that my work would be deemed worthy.我希望人们认为我的工作有价值。外研社新世纪〔die〕Of no use; futile.无用的;没有价值的美国传统〔end product〕It's a tough exam, so the end product is a worthwhile qualification.这个考试很难, 因此最终获得的那张资格证书很有价值。外研社新世纪〔estate〕His personal estate is worth $30 million.他拥有价值 3,000 万美元的个人财产。牛津搭配〔exercise〕The seminar was a valuable exercise in information exchange.那个研讨会是一次有价值的信息交流活动。牛津搭配〔explore〕The movie usefully explores some of the issues surrounding adoption.这部电影围绕领养问题作了有价值的探讨。牛津搭配〔find〕The statue could be one of the finds of the century.这尊塑像可能是本世纪最有价值的发现之一。麦克米伦高阶〔gangue〕Worthless rock or other material in which valuable minerals are found.矿物杂质,尾矿:在其中找到有价值的矿石的无价值岩石或其它矿产美国传统〔good-for-nothing〕A person of little worth or usefulness.饭桶:没有价值或没有用处的人美国传统〔good-for-nothing〕Having little worth; useless.无用的;没有价值的美国传统〔grab〕There are £25 000 worth of prizes up for grabs in our competition! 在我们的比赛中有价值 25 000 英镑的奖品供人争夺!牛津高阶〔grind ... out〕A valuable oil is ground out of cotton seed.棉花籽里可榨出一种有价值的油。21世纪英汉〔heirloom〕A valued possession passed down in a family through succeeding generations.祖传遗物,传家宝:家庭内部代代相传的有价值之物美国传统〔ideal〕An honorable or worthy principle or aim.高尚的、有价值的原则或目标美国传统〔invaluable〕The research should prove invaluable in the study of children's language.这项调查对于儿童语言的研究应极有价值。牛津高阶〔latch〕We were lucky enough to latch onto a valuable piece of land at a low price.我们运气很好,以低价买得一块很有价值的土地。英汉大词典〔life〕Those are the moments which make life worth living.那些时刻让生活变得有价值。外研社新世纪〔losel〕One that is worthless.无用的人:没有价值的人或物美国传统〔manna〕Something of value that a person receives unexpectedly.意外收获:一个人意外得到的有价值的东西美国传统〔meaningful〕He wanted to feel that his job was meaningful.他想要体会到他的工作是有价值的。韦氏高阶〔meaningful〕The trip turned out to be very meaningful for/to both of them.这次旅行最后证明对他们俩都很有价值。韦氏高阶〔merit〕Her ideas have merit.她的想法很有价值。剑桥高阶〔merit〕The argument seemed to have considerable merit.这个论点似乎颇有价值。柯林斯高阶〔million〕He is worth two millions.他拥有价值200万元的财产。英汉大词典〔misconceived〕Lawrence's worthy but misconceived idea劳伦斯有价值但不正确的想法外研社新世纪〔note〕The museum contains nothing of great note.这家博物馆没有什么很有价值的东西。牛津高阶〔nugget〕He had felt on the telephone that Jordan had a little nugget of information tucked away somewhere.他已从电话里感到乔丹掖着点儿什么有价值的情报。柯林斯高阶〔ore〕A mineral or an aggregate of minerals from which a valuable constituent, especially a metal, can be profitably mined or extracted.矿石:一种矿物或多种矿物的集合物,从中可采探或提取出在经济上有价值的成分,尤指金属美国传统〔overburden〕Material overlying a useful mineral deposit.覆盖层,超覆层:覆盖在有价值的矿石沉积物之上的物质美国传统〔placer〕A glacial or alluvial deposit of sand or gravel containing eroded particles of valuable minerals.砂矿,砂积矿床:一种砂砾或碎石的冰河沉积物或冲积沉积物,包括有价值的矿物成份美国传统〔price〕He has a personal net worth of $10 million.他有价值 1 千万元的个人净资产。牛津高阶〔qiviut〕The soft wool lying beneath the long coat of the musk ox, valued for its use as a fiber.北极金羊毛:位于麝牛长毛下的柔软绒毛,用作纤维织物很有价值美国传统〔resource〕Being a workaholic robs a person of his most valuable resource—time.疯狂工作剥夺了一个人最有价值的资产——时间。外研社新世纪〔riches〕Valuable or precious possessions.有价值的或珍贵的财产美国传统〔sack〕To rob of goods or valuables, especially after capture.洗劫:尤指俘虏后抢掠物品或有价值的东西美国传统〔slide〕To return to a less favorable or less worthy condition.不知不觉陷入:回到不太有利或不太有价值的状况美国传统〔strike〕A sudden achievement or valuable discovery, as of a precious mineral.发现:突然收获或有价值的发现,如珍稀的矿石等美国传统〔strong room〕A strongly built fireproof room designed for the safekeeping of money or valuables.保险库:建造牢固的防火库房,设计用于安全保存钱或有价值的物品美国传统〔structure〕By structuring the course this way, we're forced to produce something the companies think is valuable.这样制定发展规划后, 我们不得不生产各公司认为有价值的东西。外研社新世纪〔structure〕By structuring the course this way, we're forced to produce something the companies think is valuable.这样制定发展规划后,我们不得不生产各公司认为有价值的东西。柯林斯高阶〔study〕The study provided valuable insight into the development of the disease.该研究对这种疾病的发病过程提出了有价值的见解。牛津搭配〔trash〕A person or group of people regarded as worthless or contemptible.社会渣滓:被认为是没有价值的或可鄙的人或人群美国传统〔treasure〕Accumulated or stored wealth in the form of money, jewels, or other valuables.财富:以金钱、珠宝或其它有价值的物品形式积聚或贮藏的财富美国传统〔treasure〕One considered especially precious or valuable.珍品:被认为是非常珍贵或有价值的东西美国传统〔treasure〕Valuable or precious possessions of any kind.财富:任何种类的有价值的或珍贵的拥有物美国传统〔treasury〕This book is a treasury of useful information.这本书是有价值的资料宝库。英汉大词典〔untutored〕To my untutored eye that just looks like a load of random brush strokes, and yet it's a very valuable painting.在我这个外行人眼里,那只是一堆随意的涂鸦,但它实际上却是很有价值的作品。剑桥高阶〔useful〕She told Fred to make himself useful.她告诉弗雷德做些有价值的事。牛津搭配〔valuable〕The research should provide valuable insights into organizational arrangements.这项研究应该对组织安排提出有价值的深刻见解。麦克米伦高阶〔valuable〕The results could prove extremely valuable.这些结果可能极有价值。麦克米伦高阶〔value〕Pottery fragments are of great value to historians.陶瓷碎片对于历史学家很有价值。牛津搭配〔wealth〕An abundance of valuable material possessions or resources; riches.财富:有价值物质拥有物或资源的丰富;财富美国传统〔work〕The research institute needs funds in order to carry on its valuable work.研究所需要资金以便继续进行有价值的工作。牛津搭配〔worthless〕The diseased plants are worthless to the farmer.有病害的植物对农民没有价值。牛津搭配〔worthwhile〕The President's trip to Washington this week seems to have been worthwhile.总统本周的华盛顿之行看来是有价值的。柯林斯高阶〔worthy〕He is unlikely to succeed in getting his bill through Congress, however worthy it is.无论他的提案多么有价值,他也不可能使其在国会上通过。剑桥高阶〔worth〕This painting isn't valuable, but it's worth a lot to me.这幅画并不(很)值钱,但对我却很有价值。文馨英汉Donna was aware that her deceased parents left little or no worldly goods. 唐娜知道她已故的父母没有留下任何物质上有价值的东西。译典通Each of these approaches may be valuable in teaching the physician to appraise clinical evidence more systematically.这些方法每一种都很有价值,它们可以使内科医生学会更系统地评价临床症象。剑桥国际Harvey Nichols regard the Edinburgh store as the jewel in their crown.哈维 • 尼科尔斯把爱丁堡店视为最有价值的资产。牛津商务He owns some extremely valuable properties (= buildings or land) in the centre of London.他在伦敦市中心有几处极有价值的房地产。剑桥国际Her experience in Japan made her very valuable to the company.她在日本的工作经验对公司非常有价值。牛津商务His opinion is of little account to me.他的意见对我几乎没有价值。剑桥国际It remains to be seen whether his lofty/worthy sentiments will be put into action.他崇高的/有价值的想法是否能变成实际行动,人们还将拭目以待。剑桥国际Silver plate (= objects made of metal with a thin covering of silver) is less valuable than solid silver.镀银的东西没有纯银的那么有价值。剑桥国际Stop belittling yourself --your work is highly valued.别小看你自己----你的工作很有价值。剑桥国际The Playhouse is a jewel of a theatre which has recently been restored to its former glory.剧场是最近修复、重现辉煌的剧院中最有价值的部分。剑桥国际The company needs to raise cash and is selling off its crown jewels.公司需要筹集现金,正在出售最有价值的资产。牛津商务The country's most valuable commodities include tin and diamonds.这个国家里最有价值的商品包括锡和钻石。剑桥国际The library didn't see the Wilson collection as valuable.图书馆并不认为收集威尔逊的作品很有价值。剑桥国际The minister was accused of glorifying the proposals with an important-sounding name to hide the fact that they contained no new ideas.部长受到了指责,因为他通过取一个听起来很有价值的名字来美化这些提案,实则是要掩盖提案中没有任何创见的事实。剑桥国际The value of some of the experiments is debatable.某些实验是否有价值还存在争议。剑桥国际This book is a treasury of useful information. 这本书是有价值的信息宝库。译典通To some men wealth is the greatest prize in life. 对一些人来说,财富是人生最有价值的东西。译典通Valued pieces of china may be displayed in a glass-fronted cabinet.有价值的瓷器可摆放在玻璃橱里。剑桥国际We need to translate these worthy principles into workable rules.我们需要将这些有价值的准则转变成可实行的规则。剑桥国际While travelling in South America, she kept a travel journal that was to provide valuable material for her first novel.在南美旅行期间,她坚持写旅行日记,这为她的第一部小说提供了有价值的材料。剑桥国际You need to give a close scrutiny to the worthiness of the cause you are supporting. 你应该仔细检查一下你所支持的事业是否有价值。译典通




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