

单词 摆满
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔cream〕a cabinet full of special creams and pills 摆满特制乳膏和药丸的橱柜韦氏高阶〔examination〕a room filled with small tables set out in rows as an examination hall充作考场的房间, 里面摆满了一行行的小桌子外研社新世纪〔filled〕four museum buildings filled with historical objects摆满了文物的四座博物馆大楼外研社新世纪〔groan〕tables groaning with food 摆满食物的桌子牛津高阶〔load〕a table loaded with food 摆满食物的餐桌 英汉大词典〔nod〕a house filled with furniture on the nod 摆满了欠账买来的家具的屋子英汉大词典〔ornament〕a shelf covered with books and ornaments 摆满了书和装饰品的架子朗文当代〔stacked〕a table stacked with glasses 摆满了玻璃杯的桌子牛津高阶〔stock〕a well-stocked kitchen 摆满食品的厨房韦氏高阶〔tasteless〕a flat crammed with spectacularly tasteless objets d'art. 摆满了俗不可耐的小艺术品的公寓柯林斯高阶〔touristy〕a shop full of touristy souvenirs 摆满旅游纪念品的商店牛津高阶〔trophy〕walls lined with banners and athletic trophies 摆满了锦旗和运动比赛奖杯的墙朗文当代




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