

单词 推土机
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DESTROY〕Bulldozers were brought in to wreck the tents and shacks that protesters had put up. 推土机奉召来毁掉抗议者搭建的帐篷和棚屋。朗文写作活用〔barely〕Barely had the bulldozers started when Museum of London archaeologists swooped.推土机刚一启动,伦敦博物馆的考古学家们就蜂拥而至了。柯林斯高阶〔bulldozer〕A heavy, driver-operated machine for clearing and grading land, usually having continuous treads and a broad hydraulic blade in front.推土机:用来清除和平整土方的重型的,驾驶操作的机器,常有连续的履带,前部有宽的液压铲刀美国传统〔bulldoze〕Bulldozing began today to make way for the new bypass.今天开始用推土机为修筑新的支路做平整工作。麦克米伦高阶〔bulldoze〕The crew is bulldozing the trees/forest/field.工作人员正在用推土机铲除大树/推倒树林/铲平场地。韦氏高阶〔bulldoze〕The houses have been bulldozed down.房屋已经被推土机铲平。英汉大词典〔bulldoze〕The trees are being bulldozed to make way for a new superstore.那片树正被推土机铲除,以兴建一家新超市。牛津高阶〔bulldoze〕The workers bulldozed the building site.工人们用推土机把建筑工地推平。21世纪英汉〔bulldoze〕They bulldozed a road through the hills.他们用推土机开出一条穿山隧道。韦氏高阶〔bulldoze〕They bulldozed trees and rubbles from the area and started construction.他们用推土机清除掉这地区的树木和瓦砾然后开始建设。21世纪英汉〔bulldoze〕To clear that rubbish away they may have to bulldoze.清除那堆垃圾他们也许得用推土机。21世纪英汉〔bulldoze〕To clear, dig up, or move with a bulldozer.用推土机整地:用推土机消除、削平或挖出美国传统〔bulldoze〕To operate a bulldozer.开推土机美国传统〔crawler〕A vehicle, such as a bulldozer, that moves on continuous belts of metal plates.履带式车辆:推土机之类的在延续的金属履带上移动的车辆美国传统〔damage〕Mr Charlton surveyed the damage caused by the bulldozer.查尔顿先生检查了推土机造成的破坏。麦克米伦高阶〔dislodge〕They needed a bulldozer to dislodge the rock.他们需要一台推土机来挖出岩石。21世纪英汉〔doze〕To use a bulldozer; bulldoze.推土:使用推土机;用推土机清除美国传统〔earthmover〕A machine, such as a bulldozer or backhoe, that is used for digging or pushing earth.推土机:一种可用来挖掘或推动泥土机器,如推土机或挖土机美国传统〔encroach〕Tanks and bulldozers encroached on rebel-controlled territory early this morning.今天一大早, 坦克和推土机占领了叛军控制的地区。外研社新世纪〔gash〕The bulldozers carved a great gash through the forest.推土机穿过森林,开辟出一条大口子。牛津搭配〔gouge〕We had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer.我们要人用推土机开出了一条小道。英汉大词典〔growl〕The bulldozer growled near.推土机在近处轰隆隆作响。英汉大词典〔level off〕It took three bulldozers a week to level off the site.三辆推土机花了一星期将那块地方整平。21世纪英汉〔level off〕They used a bulldozer level off the field.他们用推土机平整土地。韦氏高阶〔level〕The bulldozer level(l)ed the road before paving.在铺路前,推土机把路铲平。英汉大词典〔machine〕Shovels are tools; bulldozers are machines.铲子是工具,推土机是机器。韦氏高阶〔main〕A bulldozer had severed a gas main.一辆推土机切断了主煤气管。外研社新世纪〔mound〕The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.推土机堆起一堆一堆的泥土。柯林斯高阶〔mound〕The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.推土机堆起了大堆大堆的泥土。外研社新世纪〔move〕The area has been marked off and piledrivers and bulldozers have moved in.这块地已圈出,打桩机和推土机已开了进去。 英汉大词典〔nose〕The bulldozer nosed the rock off the road.推土机把石块从路上推开。英汉大词典〔oblivion〕The little village was bulldozed into oblivion to make way for the airport.小村庄被推土机夷为平地,以建造机场。韦氏高阶〔people〕I've heard people say that they should just send in the bulldozers and if the protesters don't move that's their problem.我听人们说过, 就是应当把推土机开进去, 而如果抗议者不走, 那就后果自负。外研社新世纪〔pile up〕Bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.推土机推积起大堆大堆的泥土。柯林斯高阶〔pile up〕The bulldozers piled up huge mounds of dirt.推土机堆起大堆大堆的泥土。外研社新世纪〔punch〕Roads punched out of the wilderness by massive bulldozers.巨大的推土机迅猛地从荒野中推出路来。21世纪英汉〔push〕The bulldozer pushed the rubble over the edge of the pit.推土机把碎石推进深坑。韦氏高阶〔sever〕A bulldozer had severed a gas main.推土机切断了一条煤气总管道。外研社新世纪Bulldozers were used to smash through a barricade of vehicles that had been built by the demonstrators.用推土机撞开了示威者用车辆构成的路障。剑桥国际The bulldozer knocked / laid the building flat (=knocked it down) in minutes.推土机一会儿就把那幢房子铲平了。剑桥国际The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth. 推土机把土堆铲平。译典通




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