

单词 方面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTERESTING〕I find it interesting that no one has yet mentioned the President's appalling record on the economy. 还没人提及总统在经济方面的可怕的记录,我觉得这一点耐人寻味。朗文写作活用〔LEARN〕Our children attend the group twice a week to learn about Sikhism. 我们的孩子一个星期参加两次这个小组,学习锡克教方面的知识。朗文写作活用〔PART〕The country was on the brink of war, and fear and uncertainty permeated every aspect of daily life. 该国正处于战争边缘,恐惧和不安渗透到日常生活的各方面。朗文写作活用〔Romanize〕To make Roman in character, allegiance, or style.使在性格、效忠或风格方面罗马化美国传统〔TEACH〕We train people in skills such as typing and business administration. 我们为人们提供打字和商务管理等方面的技术培训。朗文写作活用〔WORRIED/WORRYING〕What's the most stressful aspect of your job? 你工作压力最大的是哪方面?朗文写作活用〔a raw deal〕He said that many children in the city's schools were getting/being given a raw deal by being taught in classes that were too large.他说,城里许多小学生在教育方面没有得到公正的待遇,因为班级人数太多了。剑桥高阶〔add〕It has to be true. It all adds up.这事一定是真的,从各方面看都说得通。英汉大词典〔adjust〕To achieve a psychological balance in one's life with regard to one's own needs and the needs of others.相互适应:在自己需求与他人需求方面取得生活方式上的心理平衡美国传统〔advice line〕For help on crime prevention, call our 24-hour advice line.若想获得预防犯罪方面的帮助,请拨打我们的24小时咨询热线。柯林斯高阶〔again〕This is better, and [but] then again it costs more.这(固然)较好,但在另一方面,价钱却更高。文馨英汉〔agreeable〕Traffic is one of the less agreeable aspects of city life.交通是城市生活中不太尽如人意的方面之一。韦氏高阶〔blame〕The report blames poor safety standards for the accident.报告把事故归咎于安全方面没有达标。朗文当代〔blunder〕To make a stupid, usually serious error in; botch.搞糟:在…方面犯了很愚蠢且通常很严重的错误;糟蹋美国传统〔bring〕The speakers brought out the significant aspects of the problem.几位发言人揭示了问题的各重要方面。英汉大词典〔bring〕You bring out the best in me.你使我把自己最好的方面都发挥出来了美国传统〔change〕I reckon we've all made a big change for the better.我认为我们大家都向好的方面大大转变了。牛津搭配〔channel〕Conversation drifted into other channels.谈话转移到别的方面去了。英汉大词典〔complacency〕Despite signs of an improvement in the economy, there is no room for complacency.尽管在经济方面有改善的迹象,但仍不容自满。牛津高阶〔concession〕The pressure group has won a number of concessions on environmental policy.压力集团在环境政策方面赢得了若干让步。牛津搭配〔contrary〕The contrary view is that prison provides an excellent education—in crime.截然不同的看法是监狱在犯罪方面提供极好的教育。牛津高阶〔convergence〕There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。柯林斯高阶〔cover〕The programme covers all aspects of health and safety at work.该方案包括了工作期间健康及安全问题的各个方面。麦克米伦高阶〔decadent〕A person in a condition or process of mental or moral decay.堕落者:在精神或道德方面处于衰败状态或过程中的人美国传统〔deficit〕A deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning.缺陷:身心功能方面的不健全美国传统〔deficit〕His teacher thought he had some sort of cognitive deficit.他的老师认为他认知方面有某种缺陷。牛津搭配〔desirable〕Experience of computers is highly desirable.最好是有电脑方面的经验。牛津搭配〔diagnosis〕She is an expert in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases.她在眼病的诊疗方面是个专家。韦氏高阶〔dimension〕There is a political dimension to the accusations.这些指控含有政治方面的因素。柯林斯高阶〔double dipping〕The practice of drawing two incomes from the government, usually by holding a government job and receiving a pension, as for prior military service.双重支薪:从政府中领取两份薪金的行为,通常是因为一方面在政府任职,另一方面因为先前的服役等领取退职金美国传统〔element〕Business and management elements are built into the course.本课程加入了商务和管理方面的内容。朗文当代〔encompass〕The study encompasses the social, political, and economic aspects of the situation.这项研究包含了这一情况的社会、政治和经济三方面。朗文当代〔enter〕The book doesn't enter into the moral aspect of the issue.那本书没有研讨这个问题的道德方面。英汉大词典〔equality〕These women are demanding fairness and equality in their pay.这些妇女要求在薪酬方面公正平等。牛津搭配〔express〕Teenagers often have difficulty expressing themselves.十来岁的孩子在表达思想方面常常有困难。牛津高阶〔facet〕Which facet of his character is most appealing? 他性格的哪一方面最具吸引力?韦氏高阶〔film〕Everything about the film was good. Good acting, good story, good fun.这部片子各个方面都很不错:表演出色,故事精彩,情节有趣。柯林斯高阶〔financial〕I would like some financial advice before I buy this house.购买这所房子之前,我想听取一些财务方面的建议。韦氏高阶〔hair care〕He will share his professional knowledge of hair care.他将分享他在护发方面的专业知识。外研社新世纪〔headline〕In sport, it's usually men who grab the headlines.在体育方面,新闻人物通常是男性。柯林斯高阶〔ill-defined〕There's nothing ill-defined about the policy on workers' struggle.在有关工人斗争的方针方面没有什么含糊之处。英汉大词典〔illiterate〕It is assumed that all of us are so economically illiterate.人们想当然地认为我们都是经济方面的外行。外研社新世纪〔impractical〕Sandra was hopelessly impractical around the house.桑德拉在家务事方面一点都不拿手。朗文当代〔inclination〕In matters of dress she followed her personal inclinations rather than fashion.在穿着方面她随心所欲,并不追逐时尚。牛津搭配〔index〕These new ideas in education are an index of change to come.教育方面的这些新理念标志着变革即将到来。英汉大词典〔inexorable〕Spending on health is growing inexorably.医疗保健方面的开销在不可避免地增加。柯林斯高阶〔ingenuity〕They applauded the minister's ingenuity in avoiding tax rises.他们为部长在避免增税方面的智谋而喝彩。外研社新世纪〔jumbled〕The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse, jumbled, contradictory, at every point inviting inquiry and debate.犹太-基督教传统呈现多样化,混乱复杂,相互矛盾,在各个方面都会引发质疑和争论。柯林斯高阶〔lead〕US companies lead the world in biotechnology.美国公司在生物科技方面走在世界的前面。朗文当代〔least〕Smallest in magnitude or degree.最小的:在数量或程度方面最小的美国传统〔letdown〕A decrease, decline, or relaxation, as of effort or energy.放松,弛缓,衰落:努力或力量方面的减少、降低或放松美国传统〔many-sided〕The views which Bill formulates are many-sided.比尔所提出的看法是多方面的。文馨英汉〔matter〕He's very honest in money matters.他在财务方面非常诚实可靠。英汉大词典〔mean〕Advances in electronics mean that the technology is already available.电子学方面的进步使这项技术已经可供人们利用。剑桥高阶〔mention〕This aspect is discussed further by Crane, whom I mentioned earlier.我前面提到过的克兰对这方面作了进一步的论述。牛津搭配〔moneyman〕A man who manages the financial aspect of a business or an operation.金融家:专门经营商业金融或运作方面的人美国传统〔move〕I've moved on since high school, and now I don't have much in common with some of my old friends.高中以后我各方面都提高了,现在我和我的一些老朋友已经没有多少共同之处了。朗文当代〔naturalness〕A period of depression can be a perfectly natural response to certain aspects of life.某段时间感到抑郁可能是对生活某些方面很正常的反应。柯林斯高阶〔need〕Nothing need be done about this till next week.下周之前在这方面不必做什么。剑桥高阶〔one-upmanship〕The art of outdoing or showing up a rival or competitor, as in exploits, privileges, or honors.胜人一筹(的本事):在战胜对手方面的一种技巧,例如在利益、权力和名誉方面的竞争美国传统〔order〕Regular checks are required in order that safety standards are maintained.需要定期检查以确保安全方面达标。麦克米伦高阶〔parallel〕US naval and air superiority was paralleled by Soviet superiority in land-based missile systems.苏联在陆基导弹系统方面的优势与美国在海军和空军方面的优势不相上下。麦克米伦高阶〔point〕There are various points to look out for when you're judging dogs in a competition.在比赛中要根据各方面的特点对狗作出评判。剑桥高阶〔presentation〕Competition by price is giving way to an accent on presentation.价格竞争正在减少,代之而起的是在包装方面精益求精。英汉大词典〔put〕I want to put through a call to London.我要给伦敦方面通个电话。英汉大词典〔quantum leap〕The appointment of a female director is a quantum leap for women's equality.任命一名女局长从男女平等方面来说是个大飞跃。剑桥高阶〔regard〕There is no problem as regards the financial arrangements.资金筹备方面毫无问题。剑桥高阶〔relate〕The issues raised in the report relate directly to Age Concern's ongoing work in this area.报告中提出的问题与“关心老人”组织在这方面正在做的工作有直接的关系。牛津搭配〔run〕He is always running on about his tax problems.对于他税务方面的问题,他总是讲个不停美国传统〔sift〕We get a different impression of the economy if we sift out the figures for imports.如果把进口方面的数字滤除掉,我们对经济的印象就会不同。麦克米伦高阶〔slouch〕The Welsh are no slouches at cooking.威尔士人在烹饪方面可是好手。柯林斯高阶〔sloven〕One who is habitually careless in personal appearance or work.不修边幅者,轻率马虎者:习惯性地在个人外表或工作方面粗心的人美国传统〔stagecraft〕Skill in the techniques and devices of the theater.舞台技术,演出技术:在剧院技术或装置方面的技巧美国传统〔strict〕There are strict limits on presidential campaign contributions.在总统竞选活动捐款方面是有严格限制的。朗文当代〔subjective〕Law can be maddeningly subjective. So much is left up to your own interpretation.法律可能会很主观,这很让人恼火。很多方面都要靠自己理解。韦氏高阶〔tourist〕She has a job in the tourist industry.她从事旅游方面的工作。韦氏高阶〔turn〕To change, as one's attitude or conduct, for the better.改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成举止美国传统〔up-to-the-minute〕Computers give them up-to-the-minute information on sales and stocks.计算机为他们提供最新的销量和股票方面的信息。柯林斯高阶〔vague〕Some aspects of the law were somewhat vague and ill-defined.这项法律的某些方面有点含糊不清。麦克米伦高阶〔way〕He has more power in many ways than the President.在许多方面他权力比总统还大。英汉大词典〔way〕The evening was a great success, in more ways than one.从许多方面麦克米伦高阶〔whichever〕The situation is an awkward one, whichever way you look at it.无论从哪一方面看,这个局面都很尴尬。牛津高阶〔with〕Banks are competing with each other in the property market.银行之间正在房地产市场方面相互竞争。麦克米伦高阶〔wrong〕Anna and I were wrong for each other in dozens of ways (=not suited for a romantic relationship with each other).我和安娜在许多方面都不适合对方。朗文当代Financial planning and project management are key areas of the business.财务规划和项目管理是公司的重要方面。牛津商务Households have reached saturation point in the number of magazines they are prepared to buy.家庭准备买的杂志在数量方面已经达到饱和点。剑桥国际Lawyers hope this case will clarify an area of law which was thrown into confusion by a judgment last year.律师们希望这一案件能澄清法律上被去年的一个判决弄糊涂的一个方面。剑桥国际Qualifying firms can reclaim 100% tax relief on IT purchases.符合资格的企业在信息技术采购方面可以享受 100% 的税收减免。牛津商务Scientists are hoping for a breakthrough in the search for a cure for the disease.科学家们希望在治愈该疾病的研究方面有所突破。剑桥国际She has come under fire from shareholders for her management of the company.她在公司管理方面遭到股东的抨击。牛津商务That article about solar heating was very interesting, but I wish they'd put in more information (= included more information) about the costs.那篇关于太阳能加热的文章非常有趣,但我希望它能包括更多费用方面的资料。剑桥国际The ever-increasing demand for private cars could be halted by more investment in public transport.私人汽车需求量的不断增加可能会因公共交通方面的更多投资而中止。剑桥国际The money is invested principally in oil. 资金主要用于石油方面。译典通They have made great strides towards self-sufficiency. 他们在自给自足方面已取得了很大的进步。译典通We are expert at planning and running corporate events.我们在计划和承办企业活动方面十分内行。牛津商务We are specialists in corporate entertainment.我们在公司的交际应酬方面是专家。牛津商务We offer a skill set that covers all aspects of web-based programming and development.我们提供网络编程与开发的各方面的技术支援。牛津商务We try to focus on engineering and production rather than on marketing.我们要努力把重点放在工程设计和生产方面,而不是在营销上。牛津商务What attracted you to information technology? 是甚么把你吸引到信息技术方面的?牛津商务You should ask (your accountant) for some financial advice.你应该(向你的会计师)讨教一点财务方面的知识。剑桥国际




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