

单词 教鞭
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔birch〕A rod from a birch, used to administer a whipping.桦树的嫩枝,用作教鞭美国传统〔discharge〕After he was discharged from the army, he had intended to return to the world of teaching.他复员回家后想重拾教鞭。麦克米伦高阶〔ferule〕An instrument, such as a cane, stick, or flat piece of wood, used in punishing children.戒尺,教鞭:一种用以惩罚孩子的工具,如笞条、棍子或扁平的木条美国传统〔pointer〕A long, tapered stick for indicating objects, as on a chart or blackboard.教鞭:用来指示图表或黑板上的物体的一根长的,一端尖细的棍子美国传统〔pointer〕He picked up a pointer and crossed the classroom to the wall map.他拿起教鞭,走到教室那头挂在墙上的地图前方。英汉大词典〔pointer〕She tapped on the world map with her pointer.她用教鞭敲了敲世界地图。柯林斯高阶〔stroke〕His punishment was six strokes of the cane.给他的惩罚是挨六教鞭。牛津高阶




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