

单词 日记
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bad-tempered〕a bad-tempered diary 满纸气话的日记英汉大词典〔clinical〕a clinical diary 病床日记文馨英汉〔diarize〕diarize for an hour every evening 每天晚上写一小时日记英汉大词典〔diary〕a daily diary of events.日记簿。牛津同义词〔diary〕keep a diary 坚持记日记英汉大词典〔diary〕write an entry in one's diary 在日记簿上记一篇日记英汉大词典〔entry〕a diary entry 日记的记录韦氏高阶〔entry〕a diary full of interesting entries. 一本充满了有趣记录的日记美国传统〔entry〕an entry in a diary.日记里记载的一条事项。牛津同义词〔entry〕the last entry she made in her diary 她日记中的最后一条记录牛津搭配〔excerpt〕in the latest excerpt from her diaries在对她日记的最新摘录中外研社新世纪〔expunge〕expunge from the diaries all reference to people still living 把日记中涉及活人的内容全部删去英汉大词典〔gloss〕write a gloss on one's diary entry for that night 在有关那一夜的一则日记下作注英汉大词典〔gobbet〕a diary containing gobbets of useful information. 含有一些有用信息的日记美国传统〔handy〕a handy electronic diary 非常方便的电子日记麦克米伦高阶〔incorporate〕incorporated the letter into her diary. 把这封信写到了她的日记里美国传统〔intimate〕an intimate diary 私人日记英汉大词典〔journal〕the journal of a voyage.旅行日记。牛津同义词〔keep〕keep a diary 记日记英汉大词典〔mark〕mark the date in one's journal 在日记里记下那个日期 英汉大词典〔paper〕papers A collection of letters, diaries, and other writings, especially by one person: papers 文集:书信、日记和其它作品的收集,尤指一个人的:美国传统〔pen〕the house where Anne Frank penned her famous diaries 安妮·弗兰克撰写她那著名日记的房子麦克米伦高阶〔persevere〕persevere with the diary 坚持写日记英汉大词典〔pocket〕a pocket diary 袖珍日记本剑桥高阶〔pocket〕a pocket dictionary/diary 袖珍词典/日记簿麦克米伦高阶〔publication〕the posthumous publication this year of his unedited journals 在他去世后于今年出版的他那未经编辑的日记牛津搭配〔record〕his habit of recording events and keeping a diary他记录事件和写日记的习惯外研社新世纪〔record〕the habit of recording events and keeping a diary 记下重大事件和写日记的习惯英汉大词典〔script〕a diary entry written in neat black script 用黑色的字写得很工整的一则日记朗文当代〔self-revealing〕prune one's diary of all that is self-revealing 把日记中揭示自己内心世界的内容全都删除英汉大词典〔subliterary〕subliterary works such as letters and diaries. 例如书信及日记这样的非文学性作品美国传统〔sundry〕a watch, a diary and sundry other items 一块手表、一本日记和其他一些零碎的东西牛津高阶〔tend〕no time to tend to my diary. 没有时间留心写我的日记美国传统〔theme〕a theme of powerlessness that runs through the diary; a party with a tropical island theme. 贯穿日记的无力的主题;热带岛屿主题的聚会美国传统〔year〕a twenty-year diarist 记了20年日记的人英汉大词典〔yellow〕a yellowing page from sb.'s diary 某人日记上发黄的一页英汉大词典




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