

单词 日益
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔REACT〕a growing backlash from angry voters 来自气愤的选民日益增加的反对情绪朗文写作活用〔awareness〕a greater/a growing/an increasing awareness of sth 对某事物更大的╱日益增长的╱愈来愈大的兴趣牛津高阶〔daily〕irreplaceable records that were deteriorating daily正在日益恶化的不可恢复的记录外研社新世纪〔deepen〕a deepening international crisis 日益恶化的国际性危机朗文当代〔defuse〕defuse the growing discontent of the people 平息人民日益高涨的不满情绪英汉大词典〔developing〕a developing crisis in Washington 华盛顿日益加深的危机朗文当代〔discontent〕growing discontent with the government 对政府的日益不满牛津搭配〔disjointed〕our increasingly fragmented and disjointed society. 我们日益分裂和支离破碎的社会柯林斯高阶〔dwindle〕dwindling resources 日益减少的资源朗文当代〔environment〕people working in increasingly competitive environments 在竞争日益激烈的环境中工作的人们牛津搭配〔full〕rising prosperity and full employment 日益繁荣以及充分就业朗文当代〔gloom〕the deepening gloom over the economy. 对经济的忧虑日益加重柯林斯高阶〔gloom〕the deepening gloom over the economy对于经济日益加深的悲观情绪外研社新世纪〔grow〕a growing number of immigrants. 日益增长的移民数量柯林斯高阶〔gulf〕a growing gulf between the prosperous south and the declining towns of the north 繁荣的南方和日益衰落的北方城镇之间越来越大的差异牛津搭配〔increasing〕increasing unemployment 日益增多的失业人数英汉大词典〔interdependent〕an increasingly interdependent global economy 日益相互依赖的全球经济麦克米伦高阶〔involvement〕her growing involvement with contemporary music 她对现代音乐的日益投入牛津高阶〔loom〕the looming threat of recession. 日益迫近的经济衰退的威胁柯林斯高阶〔military〕reports of growing discontent among the military 有关军中不满情绪日益强烈的报告牛津搭配〔misanthropy〕with my flawed social skills, burgeoning misanthropy, and taste for the reclusive life由于我有所欠缺的社交技能、日益强烈的厌世感以及对隐居生活的偏好外研社新世纪〔mood〕the growing mood of confidence in East-West relations 对东西方关系日益增强的信心朗文当代〔office〕the increased demand for office space 对办公室空间日益增长的需求朗文当代〔ominously〕the threat of nuclear war which loomed ominously close日益逼近的不祥的核战威胁外研社新世纪〔plight〕the worsening plight of countries who are plagued by foreign debt为外债所累的国家日益加深的苦境外研社新世纪〔popularity〕the increasing popularity of organic food 有机食品的日益受欢迎剑桥高阶〔professional〕the increasing professionalization of childcare services 儿童保育行业的日益职业化朗文当代〔rising〕a rising chorus of protest 一片日益强烈的抗议声 英汉大词典〔solve〕research aimed at solving the growing problem of child obesity 旨在解决日益严重的儿童肥胖问题的研究牛津搭配〔sophisticated〕the growing sophistication of new technologies 新技术的日益复杂韦氏高阶〔spiral〕measures to control the inflationary spiral 控制日益恶化的通货膨胀的措施牛津高阶〔swell〕the growing swell of anti-government feeling 反政府情绪的日益高涨朗文当代〔tendency〕the growing fascist tendency 日益增长的法西斯极端势力朗文当代〔volatile〕an increasingly volatile political situation 日益动荡的政治局势朗文当代〔wear〕courage that is wearing thin日益变小的胆量21世纪英汉〔widen〕the widening gap between rich and poor 贫富之间日益扩大的差距牛津高阶a widening/worsening trade deficit 日益扩大的/不断恶化的贸易逆差牛津商务the growing need for reskilling of workers 对工人日益增长的学习新技能的需求牛津商务the growing trade imbalance between China and the US 日益增长的中美贸易的不平衡牛津商务the increasing popularity of the DVD format DVD 格式的日益普及牛津商务




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