

单词 挤的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕cramped living conditions 拥挤的生活条件朗文写作活用〔CROWD〕a crowded elevator 拥挤的电梯朗文写作活用〔battery〕battery hens being raised in dark, cramped conditions. 在黑暗、拥挤的层架式鸡舍里饲养的母鸡柯林斯高阶〔breathing room〕no breathing room on the crowded airplane; bought property in the countryside to get a little breathing room. 拥挤的飞机上没有活动空间;在乡村买住宅以获得一点活动空间美国传统〔chockablock〕families living chockablock 住得十分拥挤的家庭英汉大词典〔close〕a close space to sleep in 又小又挤的睡觉处英汉大词典〔close〕close quarters. 拥挤的住处美国传统〔congested〕congested highways/stores 拥堵的公路;拥挤的商场韦氏高阶〔congested〕controllers trying to manage increasingly congested airports 设法调控越来越拥挤的各机场的管理员牛津搭配〔counteract〕measures to counteract traffic congestion 缓解交通拥挤的措施麦克米伦高阶〔crammed〕a crammed train/room 拥挤的火车/房间剑桥高阶〔cramped〕working in cramped conditions 在拥挤的环境里工作牛津高阶〔crowded〕a crowded bar/lobby/waiting room 拥挤的酒吧/大厅/等候室韦氏高阶〔crowded〕a crowded city of 2 million. 有200万人口的拥挤的城市柯林斯高阶〔crowded〕a crowded room 拥挤的房间朗文当代〔crowded〕a crowded street/train/restaurant 拥挤的街道/火车/饭馆麦克米伦高阶〔crush〕push one's way through the crush of a crowd 挤出拥挤的人群英汉大词典〔driving〕be clever at driving in heavy traffic 善于在拥挤的交通中开车英汉大词典〔fit〕fit another passenger into the crowded car 在拥挤的汽车里再载一名乘客英汉大词典〔freeze out〕a politician who is being frozen out by former supporters who accuse him of betraying the party 因被指控背叛政党而遭到曾经的支持者们排挤的政客韦氏高阶〔groper〕gropers on crowded trains 拥挤的火车上的性骚扰者剑桥高阶〔harried〕harried businessmen scurrying from one crowded office to another. 因业务缠身而在一个个拥挤的办公室之间奔忙的商人们柯林斯高阶〔harried〕harried businessmen scurrying from one crowded office to another在拥挤的办公室之间来回奔忙的商人外研社新世纪〔intractable〕the intractable problem of prison over-crowding 监狱过于拥挤的棘手问题麦克米伦高阶〔jail〕the country's overcrowded jails 该国过于拥挤的监狱剑桥高阶〔jam-packed〕a jam-packed train 非常拥挤的火车文馨英汉〔jostle〕jostled against the others on the crowded platform. 在拥挤的站台上和别人推撞美国传统〔jump〕jump a crowded bus 跳上一辆拥挤的公共汽车 英汉大词典〔motorway〕busy/congested motorways 繁忙的╱拥挤的高速公路牛津高阶〔overcrowded〕one of the most overcrowded prisons in the country. 该国最拥挤的监狱之一柯林斯高阶〔overcrowded〕one of the most overcrowded prisons in the country该国最过于拥挤的监狱之一外研社新世纪〔overcrowded〕overcrowded housing 过度拥挤的住房朗文当代〔overoccupied〕overoccupied housing 过于拥挤的住房英汉大词典〔rush hour〕heavy rush hour traffic 高峰时间拥挤的交通朗文当代〔squalid〕squalid, overcrowded refugee camps 肮脏而拥挤的难民营牛津高阶〔squeeze〕a squeeze of people 拥挤的人群英汉大词典〔squeeze〕squeeze through a crowd; squeeze into a tight space. 在人群中穿梭;挤进一个拥挤的地方美国传统〔uncrowded〕an uncrowded museum; an uncrowded bus. 不拥挤的博物馆;不拥挤的公共汽车美国传统〔warren〕a warren of narrow streets. 狭窄拥挤的街道柯林斯高阶〔win〕win loose from a pressing crowd 从拥挤的人堆中挣脱出来英汉大词典




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