

单词 摆弄
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bugger〕bugger around with the knife 摆弄小刀英汉大词典〔dallied〕to dally with one's fan摆弄手里的扇子21世纪英汉〔diddle around〕to diddle around the piano摆弄钢琴21世纪英汉〔diddle with〕a neighbour's kid casually watching TV and diddling with his fiddle at the same time一边漫不经心地看电视一边摆弄小提琴的邻居家小孩外研社新世纪〔diddle with〕sipping cocoa and diddling with the FM tuner边喝热可可边摆弄调频收音机外研社新世纪〔dling〕to fiddle with the hem of the skirt瞎摆弄裙子的折边21世纪英汉〔fiddle〕fiddle with the wires inside a television set 胡乱摆弄电视机内的电线英汉大词典〔gadgetry〕an age in love with gadgetry 热衷于摆弄各种精巧小玩意儿的时代英汉大词典〔gadgety〕a gadgety little boy who fiddles with clocks and watches 喜爱小巧机械并经常摆弄钟表的小男孩英汉大词典〔gingerly〕handle a china vase gingerly 小心翼翼地轻手摆弄瓷花瓶英汉大词典〔innards〕tinkering with the car's innards 胡乱摆弄车的内部构件韦氏高阶〔mess〕messed with the blender until he broke it. 他摆弄着那台搅拌器直至将它弄坏美国传统〔mess〕to mess with another person's camera摆弄人家的照相机21世纪英汉〔noodle〕noodle around with a palm top 摆弄一台掌上电脑英汉大词典〔play〕play with one's food 摆弄食物(指不想吃) 英汉大词典〔tinker〕tinkered with the engine, hoping to discover the trouble; tinkering with the economy by trying various fiscal policies. 摆弄那台发动机,想找到毛病所在;用各种不同的财政政策来治理经济美国传统〔toy〕to toy with matches摆弄火柴21世纪英汉〔toy〕toy with a pencil 摆弄铅笔英汉大词典〔trifle with〕to trifle with one's lighter摆弄打火机21世纪英汉〔twiddly〕comparative twiddlier, superlative twiddliest旋弄的;摆弄的;捻弄的外研社新世纪




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