

单词 拍打
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔beater〕a carpet beater 地毯拍打器剑桥高阶〔beating-up〕the rhythmic beat of the surf. 海浪有节奏的拍打柯林斯高阶〔beating〕the beating of drums/wings 敲鼓声;翅膀的拍打声牛津高阶〔beating〕the silence broken only by the beating of the rain只听得到雨的拍打声的寂静外研社新世纪〔beat〕a caged bird beating the air with its wings 扑翅拍打的笼中鸟英汉大词典〔beat〕beat the thicket for a hare 拍打灌木丛以惊出野兔英汉大词典〔beat〕the rhythmic beat of the surf海浪有节奏的拍打声外研社新世纪〔boil〕a river boiling over the rocks. 河水翻腾,拍打岩岸美国传统〔break〕the sound of waves breaking against/over/on the rocks 海浪拍打岩石的声音韦氏高阶〔continual〕the ceaseless thunder of the surf against the rocks; 海浪不断拍打礁石的隆隆声;美国传统〔flail〕flailed our horses with the reins. 用缰绳拍打我们的马美国传统〔flap〕birds flapping their wings 拍打着翅膀的鸟儿韦氏高阶〔flip〕flip at a fly with a fly swatter 用蝇拍打苍蝇英汉大词典〔lapping〕the lapping of the waves 波浪的拍打韦氏高阶〔lap〕the sound of water lapping against the boat 水轻轻拍打船帮的声音牛津高阶〔lash〕waves lashing at the shore. 波浪拍打着海岸美国传统〔murmur〕the murmur of the waves along the shore 岸边海浪轻轻的拍打声韦氏高阶〔pat〕pat the dough into a flat cake 把面团拍打成一块扁饼英汉大词典〔plash〕the plash of the birds' wings in the water 鸟翼拍打水的声音英汉大词典〔pound〕the pounding waves. 猛烈拍打的波浪柯林斯高阶〔shingle〕the sound of waves on the shingle波浪拍打鹅卵石的声音外研社新世纪〔shore〕the sound of waves lapping the shore 海浪拍打岸边的声音牛津搭配〔slap〕slap one's feet on the floor 用脚拍打地板 英汉大词典〔slap〕the slap, slap, slap of the waves against the shore 浪涛拍打海岸的啪啪声英汉大词典〔slap〕waves slapping against the raft. 波涛拍打着木筏美国传统〔slosh〕the slosh of waves against the shore 波涛的拍打海岸英汉大词典〔smash〕waves smashed over the boat 海浪重重地拍打着小船麦克米伦高阶〔splash〕waves splashing the rocks 拍打着岩石的波浪麦克米伦高阶〔surf〕the sound of surf breaking on the beach 浪花拍打海滩的声音牛津搭配〔thrash〕a magnificent paddle-steamer on the mighty Mississippi, her huge wheel thrashing the muddy water. 广阔的密西西比河上行驶着一艘豪华庞大的明轮船,她巨大的轮子拍打着浑浊的河水柯林斯高阶〔wash against〕the wave washing against the rocks拍打岩石的海浪21世纪英汉〔wave〕the gentle sound of waves lapping 波浪轻轻拍打的声音牛津高阶〔whale〕whale the dust out of the carpets 拍打掉地毯上的尘土英汉大词典




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