

单词 政府首脑
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔chief executive〕A principal executive official, such as the leader of a nation's government or the governor of a state.最高行政长官:最高行政长官,如一个国家的政府首脑或者一个州的州长美国传统〔chief of state〕The formal head of a nation, distinct from the head of the government.国家元首:一个国家区别于政府首脑的正式元首美国传统〔form〕The precise form of words has been agreed by the 12 heads of government.准确的措词已经由 12 名政府首脑商定。朗文当代〔head〕European heads of government欧洲各国政府首脑外研社新世纪〔head〕Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow.来自100多个国家的政府首脑明日将齐聚日内瓦。柯林斯高阶〔head〕The ceremony was attended by heads of government from eleven countries.11个国家的政府首脑出席了这一典礼。麦克米伦高阶〔host〕In 1987 Canada played host to the Commonwealth Conference.1987年加拿大主办了英联邦政府首脑会议。外研社新世纪〔hot line〕A direct and immediate telephone linkup, especially between heads of government, as for use in a crisis.专线:尤指两政府首脑之间的直接的,随时畅通的电话线,例如在危机中使用的美国传统〔hotline〕He got through on the hotline to the head of government in the USSR.他接通了苏联政府首脑的直通电话。外研社新世纪〔interim〕She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.她3月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。柯林斯高阶〔interim〕She was sworn in as head of an interim government in March.她于三月份宣誓就任过渡政府首脑。外研社新世纪〔kitchen cabinet〕A group of unofficial advisers to the head of a government.厨房内阁:政府首脑的非官方的顾问团美国传统〔mayoress〕A woman serving as the head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.女市长:做一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑的妇女美国传统〔mayor〕The head of government of a city, town, borough, or municipal corporation.市长:一个城市、城镇、自治市或城市联合体的政府首脑美国传统〔pomp〕The prime minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.首相受到迎接来访政府首脑的全套传统仪式礼遇接待。剑桥高阶〔president〕President The chief executive of the United States, serving as both chief of state and chief political executive. President 总统:美利坚合众国的总统,同时为国家元首和政府首脑美国传统〔prosecution〕Yesterday the head of government called for the prosecution of those responsible for the deaths.昨天, 政府首脑要求起诉那些该为这些人的死负责的人。外研社新世纪〔prosecution〕Yesterday the head of government called for the prosecution of those responsible for the deaths.昨天,政府首脑要求起诉那些该为这些人的死负责的人。柯林斯高阶〔royalty〕Royalty and government leaders from all around the world are gathering in Japan.世界各国的王室成员和政府首脑齐聚日本。柯林斯高阶A special summit meeting of European heads of government has been arranged to discuss the matter.已经安排欧洲政府首脑召开一次特别峰会来讨论此事。剑桥国际She seems to be destined for the top rank of government.她似乎命中注定要当政府首脑。剑桥国际The Prime Minister was received with all the traditional pomp and ceremony that is laid on for visiting heads of government.以所有迎接来访政府首脑的传统仪式接待了这位总理。剑桥国际




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