

单词 断电
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COLD〕By the time I got off the phone, my coffee was stone cold. 挂断电话时,我的咖啡已经冰凉了。朗文写作活用〔COME FROM〕In the case of an electric shock, turn the power off at its source. 如发生触电,要切断电源。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕FBI agents believe Thursday's power failure was a deliberate act of sabotage. 联邦调查局的探员确信星期四的断电事故是蓄意的破坏行为。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕Southern England has been badly hit by flooding, and many homes are now without power. 英格兰南部地区遭受严重水患,许多人家现在都断电了。朗文写作活用〔LIMIT〕The machine's cut-off point is 1000 volts, which is the safety maximum. 机器的断电点是1,000伏特,这是最大安全限值。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕Once a car has started, the engine would continue to run even if you disconnected the battery. 汽车一旦起动,即使你切断电池的电源,引擎还是会继续运转的。朗文写作活用〔TELEPHONE〕I put Dana on hold while I tried to find Steve. 我在找史蒂夫的时候让达纳别挂断电话。朗文写作活用〔activate〕The jail's generator failed to activate after the power cut.断电后, 监狱的发电机无法启动。外研社新世纪〔as never before〕Satellite technology offers the opportunity, as never before, for continuous television coverage of major international events.卫星技术为实现重大国际事件的不间断电视报道提供了前所未有的机会。剑桥高阶〔blackout〕The energy boss would not rule out the possibility of frequent blackouts.能源部长不排除经常断电的可能性。英汉大词典〔blackout〕There was an electricity black-out in a large area in the north of the country.该国北部大片地区断电。柯林斯高阶〔black〕Storm damage blacked out much of the region.暴风雨的袭击使这个地区大范围断电美国传统〔blow〕To fail, as an electrical apparatus.电器断电美国传统〔chopper〕A device that interrupts an electric current or a beam of radiation.断路器或斩光器:截断电流或光束的一种装置美国传统〔circuit〕Any attempts to cut through the cabling will break the electrical circuit.只要一割断电缆,电路就中断。柯林斯高阶〔current〕It is safe to touch the live rail once the current has been turned off.切断电流后触摸载电轨是安全的。外研社新世纪〔cut-out〕Engine cut-out devices and steering wheel locks do not protect the car's contents.发动机断电装置和方向盘锁无法保护汽车的内部。柯林斯高阶〔cut-out〕Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.使用带有自动断电装置的水壶, 免得持续烧开。外研社新世纪〔cut-out〕Use a kettle with an automatic cut-out so it doesn't boil for longer than necessary.使用带自动断电装置的水壶加热,这样水沸腾的时间就不会过长了。柯林斯高阶〔cutaway〕A brief shot that interrupts the visual continuity of the main action of a film, often to depict related matter or supposedly concurrent action.切换镜头:一种中断电影的主要情节画面的连续性的简短镜头,通常用来描绘相关事件或可能同时发生的情节美国传统〔dark〕The streets were dark during the blackout.断电时,街上一片黑暗。英汉大词典〔die〕The electric train stopped when the batteries died.电池组一断电,电车就停了。21世纪英汉〔disconnect〕Before starting, be sure to disconnect the power supply.开始前,一定要切断电源。韦氏高阶〔disconnect〕Electricity To shut off the current in (an appliance) by removing its connection to a power source.【电学】 切断电源:使电路断开、切断(装置中的)电流与电源的连接美国传统〔disconnect〕Never try to fix a broken machine without disconnecting it from the electricity supply.机器坏了一定要先切断电源再去修理。剑桥高阶〔do ... for〕What did you do for light when the electricity was turned off?断电时你们是怎样解决照明问题的?21世纪英汉〔dryer〕If you buy a drier, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。柯林斯高阶〔dryer〕If you buy a dryer, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.如果要买干衣机, 就找带感应装置的, 衣服烘干后自动断电。外研社新世纪〔electricity〕A high-voltage fault sparked an electricity blackout.一起高压故障导致断电。牛津搭配〔electricity〕Electricity will be cut for two hours.将断电两小时。英汉大词典〔fuse〕All the lights downstairs have fused.楼下所有的电灯都断电了。麦克米伦高阶〔hang ... on〕James will be back at once, hang on.詹姆斯马上就回来,别挂断电话。21世纪英汉〔hang up〕Let me talk to her before you hang up the phone.你挂断电话前让我和她讲讲话。韦氏高阶〔hang〕After I hung up I remembered what I'd wanted to say.我挂断电话之后才想起来原本想说的话。牛津高阶〔hang〕Don't hang up on me—we must talk! 别挂断电话,我们一定得谈谈!牛津高阶〔hang〕Greg hung up and sat back in his chair.格雷格挂断电话,坐回到自己的椅子上。麦克米伦高阶〔hang〕To end a telephone conversation.挂断电话:结束电话交谈美国传统〔hold〕Can you hold the line, please? 请你不要挂断电话好吗?麦克米伦高阶〔hold〕He's on the phone at the moment- can I put you on hold? 他的电话占线——您不要挂断电话,等一会儿可以吗?剑桥高阶〔hold〕She asked me to hold the line.她要我别挂断电话。牛津高阶〔juice〕The juice went out during the thunderstorm.雷暴雨时断电了。英汉大词典〔law〕There ought to be a law against cutting off power supplies in the middle of February.在 2 月中旬断电的做法必须禁止。朗文当代〔leave〕The storm left 50,000 homes without power.暴风雨致使50000户家庭断电。麦克米伦高阶〔line〕If you hold the line(= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available.请你不要挂断电话,我去看看她能不能接电话。牛津高阶〔line〕Please hold the line.=Hold the line, please.请稍等,别挂断电话。文馨英汉〔millions〕Millions of homes were left without power.数百万家庭断电。外研社新世纪〔on〕She hung up on him.她冲著他挂断电话。文馨英汉〔outage〕A windstorm in Washington is causing power outages throughout the region.一场风暴即将导致整个华盛顿地区全面断电。外研社新世纪〔phone〕She slammed the phone down in a rage.她盛怒之下砰的一声挂断电话。牛津搭配〔power cut〕Storms caused power cuts in hundreds of homes last night.风暴导致昨夜几百户家庭断电。剑桥高阶〔power outage〕Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night.风暴导致昨夜几百户家庭断电。剑桥高阶〔power〕Our building lost power (= the electricity was stopped) during the storm.暴风雨中我们的房子断电了。剑桥高阶〔power〕You should disconnect the power before attempting to repair electrical equipment.在检修电气设备之前应先切断电源。剑桥高阶〔put ... down〕Please don't put the telephone down since I'll check the list for you.不要挂断电话,我给你查一下名单。21世纪英汉〔spark〕Winds brought down power lines, sparking a fire.大风刮断电线,引起了火灾。牛津高阶〔standby〕There are standby generators but these usually only have to work for a few hours a year during power cuts.有备用发电机,不过通常一年只在断电时使用几个小时。剑桥高阶〔store〕If the electricity goes off, we have candles in store in the closet.如果断电的话,我们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。英汉大词典〔stranded〕Some people found themselves stranded in the elevator as the power failed yet again.又一次断电的时候,有些人发现自己被困在了电梯里。牛津搭配〔subway〕During the blackout, subway riders were stranded and unable to get home.断电期间,地铁乘客被困不能回家。牛津搭配〔supply〕If you fail to pay your bill, you run the risk of having your electricity supply cut off (=stopped) .如果你不付账单,就有可能被断电。朗文当代〔switch〕To connect, disconnect, or divert (an electric current) by operating a switch.开启或转换:通过操作开关或转换器连接,切断电流或者使电流转向美国传统〔tangle〕The power failure had tangled traffic in the city.断电使该市交通陷入混乱。英汉大词典〔tick〕Hang on a tick! 等一会,别挂断电话!牛津高阶〔trigger〕The power outage was triggered by heavy rains.那次断电是由暴雨引起的。韦氏高阶〔up〕By ten o'clock we had the computers up again after the power cut.到10点钟,我们在断电后又使计算机恢复正常工作了。麦克米伦高阶〔vibrator〕An electrical device consisting basically of a vibrating conductor interrupting a current.振动器:主要包含一种能打断电流的振动导体的电动设备美国传统〔warm boot〕The act or process of restarting a computer without turning off the power. A warm boot erases everything in RAM and then reloads the operating system into RAM.重新启动计算机,热启动:不用切断电源开关而重新启动计算机的行为或过程。热启动可删除随机存取内存内的所有数据,随后重新将操作系统载于随机存取内存美国传统〔water supply〕The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off.镇上已停水断电。柯林斯高阶〔without〕After the storm we were without electricity for five days.暴风雨之后我们断电了五天。朗文当代A power failure plunged the house into darkness. 断电使房子陷入一片黑暗之中。译典通Always shut off the power before removing the machine's cover.每次打开机盖前都要切断电源。牛津商务Attempts are made to keep hoaxers on the line while the call is traced.在追踪电话的同时,人们设法不让电话恶作剧者挂断电话。剑桥国际Hold the line, please, I'm just putting you through.请别挂断电话,我就为你接通。剑桥国际If the electricity goes off, they have candles in store in the closet. 如果断电的话,他们在壁橱里备有蜡烛。译典通If you hold the line (= stay on the telephone and wait), I'll see if she is available.如果你不挂断电话,我可以去看看她在不在。牛津商务Mr Briggs is on hold.布里格斯先生还没挂断电话,他正等着呢。剑桥国际NB Disconnect the power supply before removing the cover.注意:揭开盖子之前要切断电源。牛津商务Never try to mend a broken machine without disconnecting it from the electricity supply.千万不要没切断电源就试图修理坏机器。剑桥国际Thank you for holding—your call is in a queue.谢谢你不挂断电话 ── 你的电话在等待队列中。牛津商务The city centre was plunged into darkness by the power cut.由于断电市中心陷入一片黑暗之中。剑桥国际The electricity failed during the storm and we had a blackout of several hours.暴风雨期间电停了,我们有几小时断电。剑桥国际The gales caused some power cables to snap, leaving hundreds of homes without electricity for several hours.大风刮断了一些电缆,使几百户人家断电好几小时。剑桥国际The hurricane scored a direct hit on Miami, leaving at least 10 people dead and the city with no electricity.飓风正面登陆迈阿密,至少造成10人死亡和城市断电。剑桥国际The power failure had tangled traffic in the city. 断电使该城的交通陷入混乱。译典通There are standby generators but these usually only have to work for a few hours a year during power cuts.有备用发电机,但一年中通常只在断电时使用几个小时。剑桥国际They have been lacking mains electricity for three weeks now.他们至今已断电三周。剑桥国际You should disconnect the power before attempting any repairs to electrical equipment.在检修电气设备之前应先切断电源。剑桥国际




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