

单词 斜面
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔below〕Farther down, as along a slope or valley.远在下方,如沿一斜面或山谷美国传统〔berm〕A narrow ledge or shelf, as along the top or bottom of a slope.窄路:沿一个斜面顶部或底部搭建的狭窄的壁架或搁板美国传统〔beveled〕The blade is beveled on one side.这把刀的刀刃只有一个斜面。韦氏高阶〔bevelled〕A picture frame often has bevelled edges.画框的边缘多为斜面。剑桥高阶〔bevel〕He bevelled the edges of the bookcase.他将书架的边缘刨成斜面。剑桥高阶〔bevel〕The edges of the board have been beveled with a plane.木板的边已用刨子刨出斜面。英汉大词典〔bezel〕A groove or flange designed to hold a beveled edge, as of a watch crystal or a gem.宝石座:用来固定斜面的沟槽,如钟表或宝石的美国传统〔bezel〕A slanting surface or bevel on the edge of a cutting tool, such as a chisel.刃角:如凿子等刃具边缘上的斜面或斜角美国传统〔bezel〕The upper, faceted portion of a cut gem, above the girdle and below the table.宝石的斜面:已刻宝石的刻面,在宝石与镶嵌底板接触边缘之上和切平面之下美国传统〔cant〕A slanted or oblique surface.斜面:一个倾的或倾斜的平面美国传统〔cant〕An outer corner, as of a building.倾斜面:倾斜面,如一幢建筑的倾斜面美国传统〔cant〕Angular deviation from a vertical or horizontal plane or surface; an inclination or a slope.倾斜:从一个垂直或水平面发生的倾斜;倾斜或斜面美国传统〔chamfer〕A flat surface made by cutting off the edge or corner of a block of wood or other material.斜面:切去木块或其他材料的边或角后而形成的平面美国传统〔chamfer〕To cut off the edge or corner of; bevel.削角:切去边或角;将…切成斜面美国传统〔coast〕To slide down an incline through the effect of gravity.溜下:因重力作用沿斜面滑下美国传统〔descent〕A downward incline or passage; a slope.斜面,斜坡:向下的斜面;倾斜面美国传统〔desk〕A piece of furniture typically having a flat or sloping top for writing and often drawers or compartments.桌子:通常有一个平面或斜面以供写字并经常配有抽屉的家具美国传统〔dip〕A downward slope; a decline.倾斜:向下的斜坡;斜面美国传统〔embrasure〕An opening in a thick wall for a door or window, especially one with sides angled so that the opening is larger on the inside of the wall than on the outside.斜面洞:在门或窗的厚壁上开的一个洞,尤指有斜面角的,这样里面开的比外面开的大美国传统〔escarpment〕A steep slope or long cliff that results from erosion or faulting and separates two relatively level areas of differing elevations.峭壁,崖:由于腐蚀或断层作用,在两个相对海拔不同的水平地区产生的急斜面或高大的悬崖美国传统〔fastback〕An automobile designed with a curving downward slope from roof to rear.斜背汽车:车顶至尾部呈流线型斜面的汽车美国传统〔gable〕The generally triangular section of wall at the end of a pitched roof, occupying the space between the two slopes of the roof.三角墙建筑部分:斜屋顶末端的墙的大体三角区,占据屋顶两个斜面间的空间美国传统〔grade〕A slope or gradual inclination, especially of a road or railroad track.斜坡:斜面或缓缓的倾斜面,尤指道路或铁轨的美国传统〔grade〕The degree of inclination of a slope, road, or other surface.坡度:一个斜面,道路或其它表面倾斜的程度美国传统〔gradient〕An ascending or descending part; an incline.斜面:向上或向下倾斜的部分;斜坡美国传统〔hanging〕A descending slope or an inclination.斜坡,倾斜面美国传统〔inclination〕An inclined surface; a slope.斜面;斜坡美国传统〔inclination〕That high roof has a sharp inclination.那个高屋顶有个陡直的斜面。英汉大词典〔inclined plane〕A plane set at an angle to the horizontal, especially a simple machine used to raise or lower a load by rolling or sliding.斜面:与水平面呈一定角度的斜面,尤指用于装卸负重、滑卸重物的简单机械美国传统〔incline〕An inclined surface; a slope or gradient.斜面;斜坡或斜道美国传统〔machine〕A simple device, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane, that alters the magnitude or direction, or both, of an applied force; a simple machine.机械装置:一个简单装置,如杠杆、滑轮或斜面刨,可以改变作用力的大小或方向或同时改变;简单机械装置美国传统〔miter box〕A fixed or adjustable device for guiding handsaws in cutting miter joints or in making crosscuts, especially an open-ended box with slotted sides.辅锯箱:引导手锯切割斜面接合用作横切的固定或调整的工具,尤指有狭槽面的可调整箱子美国传统〔miter〕The edge of a piece of material that has been beveled preparatory to making a miter joint.斜接面:准备做斜面接合的已被斜切的一块用材料的边儿美国传统〔niblick〕An iron-headed golf club with the face slanted at a greater angle than any other iron except a wedge; a nine iron.铁头高尔夫球棍:一种铁头的高尔夫球棍,有比除了楔子以外任何铁器倾斜度更大的斜面;九号球杆美国传统〔parbuckle〕A rope sling for rolling cylindrical objects up or down an inclined plane.套拉绳:一种用于在斜面上提上或放下圆柱形物体的绳子美国传统〔ramp〕An inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels.斜面,斜坡:倾斜的表面或道路,连接着不同的高度美国传统〔reading desk〕A desk or stand, usually with a slanted top, for holding a book or papers for a standing reader.斜面读书桌,斜面讲稿桌:一种常带倾斜面的桌子或讲台,供站着念稿的人放置书或讲稿美国传统〔ridge〕The horizontal line formed by the juncture of two sloping planes, especially the line formed by the surfaces at the top of a roof.屋脊:由两个斜面相结合而形成的水平线,尤指在屋顶上由表面所形成的线美国传统〔rusticate〕To construct (masonry) with conspicuous, often beveled points.使成粗面石工:使(砖石建筑)具有明显的、通常成斜面的点美国传统〔shelving〕An incline; a slope.倾斜面;斜面美国传统〔simple machine〕A simple device, such as a lever, a pulley, or an inclined plane; a machine.简单机械:一个简单的装置,如杠杆、滑轮或斜面;机械装置美国传统〔slant〕A line, plane, course, or direction that is other than perpendicular or horizontal; a slope.斜面,斜线:并非垂直或水平的线、平面、路线或方向;斜坡美国传统〔slipway〕A sloping surface leading down to the water, on which ships are built or repaired.滑道:延伸到水里的倾斜面,船只在其上修造或维护美国传统〔splay〕An oblique angle or bevel given to the sides of an opening in a wall so that the opening is wider on one side of the wall than on the other.八字面,斜削面,倾斜面:通过一定倾斜的角度或锥面使墙上的洞的一边比另一边更宽阔美国传统〔splay〕To make slanting or sloping; bevel.使成斜面或坡度;锥面美国传统〔strike〕Geology The course or bearing of the outcrop of an inclined bed or structure on a level surface.【地质学】 走向:在水平面上的斜面层或结构露出地表部份的走向或显示美国传统〔tilt〕A sloping surface, as of the ground.斜坡:如地面的斜面美国传统〔valley〕A depression or hollow resembling or suggesting a valley, as the point at which the two slopes of a roof meet.屋谷:与山谷相象或让人想起山谷的凹处或洼处,如屋顶两个斜面相遇的那一点美国传统〔weather〕To slope (a roof, for example) so as to shed water.使成斜面:使(比如屋顶)倾斜以利于排水美国传统A picture frame often has bevelled edges.画框的边缘常是成斜面的。剑桥国际He bevelled the edges of the bookcase.他将书架的边刨成斜面。剑桥国际The speaker arranged her papers on the lectern.演讲者将她的讲稿放在斜面讲台上。剑桥国际




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