

单词 教法
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Conservative Judaism〕The branch of Judaism that allows for modifications in Jewish law when authorized by the Conservative rabbinate.保守犹太教:犹太教的一支,在经保守犹太教法学博士授权后可以对犹太教法律进行修改美国传统〔Gemara〕The second part of the Talmud, consisting primarily of commentary on the Mishnah.犹太教法典诠释篇:犹太教法典的第二部分,主要包括对犹太教训的评论美国传统〔Holy Office〕A Roman congregation of the Curia that deals with protection of the faith and morals.宗教法庭:保护信仰及道德标准的罗马教庭美国传统〔Islamic〕Islamic law伊斯兰教法外研社新世纪〔LEGAL〕Islamic court officials said the men would be tried according to Sharia Muslim law. 伊斯兰法庭的官员说,这几名男子将按穆斯林的宗教法律接受审判。朗文写作活用〔Orthodox Judaism〕The branch of Judaism that is governed by adherence to the Torah as interpreted in the Talmud.正统犹太教:犹太教的一个分支,信奉犹太教法典中所解释的犹太教经文美国传统〔TEACH〕As well as teaching French, Martin coached tennis in his spare time. 除了教法语,马丁在空余时间还当网球教练。朗文写作活用〔Talmud〕The collection of ancient Rabbinic writings consisting of the Mishnah and the Gemara, constituting the basis of religious authority in Orthodox Judaism.犹太教法典:古代拉比著作的合集,包括《密西拿》和《革马拉》,构成了正统犹太教中宗教权威的基础美国传统〔Torah〕The entire body of religious law and learning including both sacred literature and oral tradition.律法:包括神学文章和口头传说的全部宗教法律和知识的总体美国传统〔anachronism〕The last paragraph contains an anachronism. The Holy Office no longer existed at that time.最后一段中存在一个时代错误。宗教法庭那时已经不存在了。外研社新世纪〔apparitor〕An official who was formerly sent to carry out the orders of a civil or ecclesiastical court.传票送达官,执行官:宗教法庭或旧时民事法庭的传票送达官美国传统〔canonist〕A person specializing in canon law.宗教法规学者:对教规有专门研究的人美国传统〔case system〕A method of teaching law that emphasizes the study of selected cases rather than textbooks.案例教学法:一种强调对所选案例而非教科书进行研究的教法律的方法美国传统〔catechesis〕Oral instruction given to catechumens.用口授教宗教法规:给新入教者的口头说教美国传统〔chimere〕A loose sleeveless robe worn especially by Anglican bishops.主教法衣:宽松无袖的长袍。特别指英国国教的主教所穿的美国传统〔civilly〕Jewish civil and religious law.犹太民法和宗教法柯林斯高阶〔comprehensive〕She taught French at Cheam Comprehensive in South London.她在伦敦南部的奇姆综合中学教法语。柯林斯高阶〔consistory〕Roman Catholic Church An assembly of cardinals presided over by the pope for the solemn promulgation of papal acts, such as the canonization of a saint.【罗马天主教】 教议会上院:正式颁布天主教法令并由教皇主持的红衣主教集会,如正式封某人为圣徒等美国传统〔devil's advocate〕Roman Catholic Church An official appointed to present arguments against a proposed canonization or beatification.【罗马天主教】 列圣检查吏:一个宗教法庭推事被指定对推荐的基督教《圣经》正经或宣福礼提出辩论美国传统〔haggadist〕A haggadic writer.犹太教法典中传说或轶事的作者美国传统〔haggadist〕A student of haggadic literature.犹太教法典中传说的研究者:研究太教法典中传说或轶事等的学者美国传统〔heresy〕He was tried for heresy in the ecclesiastical courts.他因信奉异教而受到宗教法庭的审判。外研社新世纪〔in petto〕In secret or private. Used of appointments of cardinals by the pope undisclosed in consistory.保密地(的):秘密地(的)或私自地(的)。用于教皇秘密地在宗教法庭上对红衣主教的任命美国传统〔indult〕A faculty granted by the pope to deviate from the common law of the Church.特许:由教皇特批的超越一般宗教法则的特权美国传统〔inquisition〕Inquisition A tribunal formerly held in the Roman Catholic Church and directed at the suppression of heresy. Inquisition 宗教法庭:曾设于罗马天主教堂的法庭,目的是对异教进行压制美国传统〔lesson〕He gives French lessons.他教法语课。剑桥高阶〔libelant〕The plaintiff in a case of ecclesiastical or admiralty libel.原告:向宗教法庭或海事法庭提控诉状的人美国传统〔libelee〕The defendant in a case of ecclesiastical or admiralty libel.被告:宗教法庭或海事法庭上的被告美国传统〔madrassah〕A building or group of buildings used for teaching Islamic theology and religious law, typically including a mosque.回教法律宗教学院:用于教授回教理论和宗教法律的一栋或一群建筑,常包括清真寺美国传统〔monition〕A formal order from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court to refrain from a specified offense.诫谕:为禁止一个具体的罪行而由主教或宗教法庭发出的正式命令美国传统〔monitory〕A letter of admonition, such as one from a bishop or an ecclesiastical court.训诫信,如来自主教或宗教法庭的规劝书美国传统〔orphrey〕A band of elaborate embroidery decorating the front of certain ecclesiastical vestments.精制的刺绣品:装饰于特定基督教法衣前部的精心制作的刺绣品美国传统〔parson〕An Anglican cleric with full legal control of a parish under ecclesiastical law; a rector.教区牧师:英国英车圣公会牧师,在基督教法律下拥有对一个教区的完全的法律控制权;教区长美国传统〔press for〕They had pressed for their children to be taught French.他们强烈要求给他们的孩子教法语。外研社新世纪〔pressed〕She said she could teach the French class if we were really pressed.她说如果我们确实有困难,她可以来教法语课。麦克米伦高阶〔primacy〕Civil law took primacy over religious law.民法地位高于宗教法。韦氏高阶〔secular〕Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.不受修道院誓约约束的:不受修道院限制约束的,尤指不受宗教法令约束的。用于牧师美国传统〔sharia〕Sharia law伊斯兰教法外研社新世纪〔sharia〕We advocate strict application of the Sharia.我们提倡严格实施伊斯兰教法。外研社新世纪〔sideline〕Jim works in a bank, but teaches French in the evenings as a sideline.吉姆在银行工作,但他在晚上兼职教法语。剑桥高阶〔sinner〕The Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man.西班牙宗教法庭指控他亵渎上帝和人类。柯林斯高阶〔sin〕The Spanish Inquisition charged him with sinning against God and man.西班牙宗教法庭指控他亵渎上帝及人类。外研社新世纪〔teach〕John teaches French at the local school.约翰在当地学校教法语。牛津高阶〔yeshiva〕An institute of learning where students study the Talmud.犹太高等学校:学生学习犹太教法典的学院美国传统A halal butcher sells halal meat.伊斯兰的合教法肉贩卖合教法的肉。剑桥国际Jim works in a bank, but teaches French in the evenings as a sideline.吉姆在银行里工作,但也在晚上兼职教法语。剑桥国际




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