

单词 教廷
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Episcopal Church〕The church in the United States that is in communion with the see of Canterbury.美国新教圣公会:与坎特伯雷教廷往来的美国教会美国传统〔Holy See〕The authority, jurisdiction, and governmental functions associated with the papacy.教廷权利,教廷判决,教廷功能:和教廷相联系的权利、判决及政府功能美国传统〔Vatican〕Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections.除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。柯林斯高阶〔Vatican〕The Vatican has announced a new appointment.罗马天主教廷宣布了一项新的任命。韦氏高阶〔aid〕The Vatican has agreed to donate $80,000 in humanitarian/emergency aid to countries affected by the war.罗马教廷已经同意向饱受战祸的国家捐赠8万美元人道主义援助/紧急援助款。剑桥高阶〔apostolic delegate〕An ecclesiastical representative of the Vatican to a country having no formal diplomatic relations with it.教廷代表:罗马教皇派驻到与梵蒂冈无正式外交关系的国家的宗座代表美国传统〔brief〕Roman Catholic Church A papal letter that is not as formal as a bull.【罗马天主教】 教皇通谕,教廷通牒:不如教皇诏书正规的教皇通谕美国传统〔congregation〕A division of the Curia.罗马教廷的一个分支美国传统〔consultor〕An adviser to a congregation of the Curia.教廷顾问:罗马教廷红衣主教委员会的顾问美国传统〔curia〕Often Curia Roman Catholic Church The central administration governing the Church. 常作 Curia 【罗马天主教】 罗马教廷:统治罗马天主教会的中央管理机构美国传统〔domestic prelate〕A priest who is an honorary member of the papal household.国内高级神父:属教廷荣誉成员的神父美国传统〔impiety〕The Church accused him of impiety and had all his writings burned.教廷起诉他对上帝不敬,并将他的著作全部烧毁。剑桥高阶〔internuncio〕A Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio.罗马教廷公使:职位低于罗马教皇使节的梵蒂冈的外交使者或代表美国传统〔jolt〕Scandals have jolted the Catholic Church.丑闻震惊了天主教廷。外研社新世纪〔mediate〕The Vatican successfully mediated in a territorial dispute between Argentina and Chile in 1984.1984年, 罗马教廷成功地调解了阿根廷和智利的领土之争。外研社新世纪〔sinner〕The Vatican's teaching on abortion is clear: it is a sin.罗马教廷对堕胎的教义非常清楚:这是罪过。柯林斯高阶〔the Vatican〕The information was given by a Vatican official.那条消息是一位罗马教廷的官员提供的。剑桥高阶The Vatican has agreed to donate $80 000 in humanitarian / emergency aid to countries affected by the war.罗马教廷已同意捐献80 000 美元作为给受到战争影响国家的人道主义/紧急援助。剑桥国际The information was given by a Vatican official.那条信息是一位罗马教廷官员提供的。剑桥国际




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