

单词 支配的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SEX〕He was a man possessed by greed, jealousy and lust. 他是一个为贪婪、嫉妒和淫欲所支配的男人。朗文写作活用〔bonus〕Some employees will receive discretionary bonus payments.一些员工将获得可自由支配的奖金。牛津搭配〔captive〕One held in the grip of a strong emotion or passion.着迷的人:受强烈的感情或激情支配的人美国传统〔control〕One that controls; a controlling agent, device, or organization.操纵者:控制或支配的人;起控制作用的制剂、装置或组织机构美国传统〔dermatome〕Anatomy An area of skin innervated by sensory fibers from a single spinal nerve.【解剖学】 皮区:受来自单一脊神经的感觉纤维支配的某一皮肤区域美国传统〔discretionary income〕Individual income that is not allocated for necessary items such as food and shelter.可随意支配的收入:减去如食、住等基本支出后剩下的个人收入美国传统〔disenthrall〕To free from a controlling force or influence.解放,使不受奴役:使从支配的力量或影响中解放出来美国传统〔dominant〕Exercising the most influence or control.支配的:最有影响的或支配的美国传统〔downtime〕Often, during semesters, you have down time when you can do some exercise.学期当中常常会有可供自由支配的时间来进行锻炼。朗文当代〔fanatical〕Possessed with or motivated by excessive, irrational zeal.狂热的:充满狂热或受不理智的热情所支配的;不理智的狂热的美国传统〔form〕Manners or conduct as governed by etiquette, decorum, or custom.举止:由礼节、礼仪或习俗支配的举止或行为美国传统〔form〕Procedure as determined or governed by regulation or custom.步骤:由规则或习俗确定或支配的程序美国传统〔government〕The act or process of governing, especially the control and administration of public policy in a political unit.管辖:统治的行为、支配的过程,特指政体对公众政策的控制和管理美国传统〔gravisphere〕The spherical region of space dominated by the gravitational field of a celestial body.引力层:一个天体引力场所支配的球状空间区域美国传统〔habit〕Horses are creatures of habit and like to have a daily routine.马是受习惯支配的动物,喜欢每天都做一样的事。牛津搭配〔hands〕I've got time on my hands.我有可以自由支配的时间。外研社新世纪〔independent〕Not dependent on other variables.自变数:不受其它变量支配的美国传统〔latitude〕She was given considerable latitude in how she spent the money.在那笔钱如何支配的问题上她被给予了很大的自由。外研社新世纪〔left-brained〕Having the left brain dominant.左脑型的,以左脑支配的美国传统〔moment〕You will not have a moment to call your own this week.本星期你甭想再有自己支配的时间了。英汉大词典〔monody〕A style of composition having or dominated by a single melodic line; monophony.单音音乐:有一种旋律或受其支配的创作风格;单声部音乐美国传统〔morphosyntax〕The set of rules that govern linguistic units whose properties are definable by both morphological and syntactic criteria.词素句法学:对其功能既可以通过形态标准又可以通过句法标准进行定义的语言单位进行支配的一套规则美国传统〔multifactorial〕Involving, dependent on, or controlled by several factors.多因素的:具有、依靠多种因素的或受多种因素所支配的美国传统〔other-directed〕Directed or guided chiefly by external standards as opposed to one's own standards or values.没有自己主张的:受与自己本身标准或价值观相左的外界标准指导或支配的美国传统〔overbearing〕Overwhelming in power or significance; predominant.压倒一切的:在力量或重要性上势不可挡的;支配的,显著的美国传统〔restriction〕The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.对总统权力的第二个限制是供其支配的时间有限。外研社新世纪〔restriction〕The second restriction upon the president's power is the limited time at his disposal.总统权力受到的第二项限制就是可以自由支配的时间有限。柯林斯高阶〔ruling〕The act of governing or controlling.管理:管理或支配的行为美国传统〔sentimental〕Characterized or swayed by sentiment.感情的:以感情为特征或受感情支配的美国传统〔slave〕A machine or component controlled by another machine or component.从动装置:受其它机器或部件支配的机器或部件美国传统〔statutory〕Enacted, regulated, or authorized by statute.法制的:由法令颁布、规范或支配的美国传统〔superstitious〕Of, characterized by, or proceeding from superstition.迷信的:受迷信思想支配的或由迷信引起的美国传统Larger companies have larger resources at their disposal.大公司拥有更多可自己支配的资源牛津商务




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