

单词 接触
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BODY〕A lot of British people avoid physical contact with strangers. 许多英国人避免与陌生人有身体上的接触。朗文写作活用〔DANGEROUS〕Employees who were exposed to hazardous substances are now claiming compensation. 接触过危险物品的员工正在要求补偿。朗文写作活用〔Dewar flask〕An insulated container used especially to store liquefied gases, having a double wall with a vacuum between the walls and silvered surfaces facing the vacuum.德瓦烧瓶:特别指用于贮藏液态气体的真空容器,有双层壁,壁间为真空,接触真空的表面镀银美国传统〔GOOD〕Most upright, law-abiding citizens have very little contact with the police. 大多数诚实、守法的公民很少跟警方有接触。朗文写作活用〔OPPOSITE〕The only contact she has is with the woman who lives opposite. 她唯一有接触的是住在对面的那个女人。朗文写作活用〔PERSONALLY/YOURSELF〕I liked talking to people and solving problems, but as you get promoted within a firm you lose that personal contact. 我喜欢与人交谈、解决问题,然而随着你在公司内部职位的提升,便失去了与人接触的机会。朗文写作活用〔START〕Her father introduced her to rock ‘n’ roll when she was a little girl. 她很小的时候,她父亲就引导她接触摇滚乐。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The government decreed a ban on all contact with the guerrillas by local and provincial government officials. 政府下令禁止地方和省府官员与游击队有任何接触。朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕If the cleaner comes into contact with your eyes, rinse well with warm water and contact a doctor. 如果去污剂接触到你的眼睛,用温水彻底冲洗,并和医生联系。朗文写作活用〔TURN〕She turned her head to avoid making eye contact with the beggar. 她转过头去免得和那乞丐有目光接触。朗文写作活用〔abuse〕Those with access to private information must not abuse that trust.那些可以接触到私人信息的人不能滥用对他们的这种信任。麦克米伦高阶〔access〕Access to the papers is restricted to senior management.只有高级管理层才有权接触到这些文件。朗文当代〔acoustic〕They tried to make acoustic contact.他们试图去做声音上的接触。文馨英汉〔approach〕Japan was approached by the U.S. about it.关于这件事美国曾同日本接触过。英汉大词典〔approach〕We've received an approach from the director of a rival company.一家竞争公司的董事曾经接触我们。牛津搭配〔artificial insemination〕Introduction of semen into the vagina or uterus without sexual contact.人工授精:不经过性接触,引导精液进入阴道或子宫美国传统〔avert〕He avoids any eye contact, quickly averting his gaze when anyone approaches.他避免任何眼神接触,一有人靠近就把目光迅速移开。柯林斯高阶〔awaken〕Early involvement in music can awaken an interest that will last a lifetime.早接触音乐可以激起终生的兴趣。朗文当代〔bathe〕If the chemical comes in contact with the eyes, bathe the eyes with water for 10 minutes.如果化学品接触到眼睛,就用水清洗眼睛10分钟。韦氏高阶〔broad〕His job gave him an acquaintance with an unusually broad spectrum of society.他的工作让他接触了异常广阔的社会层面。牛津搭配〔cam〕An eccentric or multiply curved wheel mounted on a rotating shaft, used to produce variable or reciprocating motion in another engaged or contacted part.凸轮:安装于旋转轴上的偏心轮或复合曲线轮,用以使相连的或相接触的其它部件产生多变的或往复的运动美国传统〔caress〕A gentle touch or gesture of fondness, tenderness, or love.爱抚,轻拍:表示喜爱,温柔或爱慕的轻柔接触或手势美国传统〔casual〕The disease cannot be spread by casual contact.偶然的接触不会传染该疾病。麦克米伦高阶〔cease〕The government has ceased all contact with the rebels.政府已经停止了和叛乱分子的所有接触。麦克米伦高阶〔clearance〕He has a security clearance that allows him access to classified information.他持有安全许可,可以接触机密信息。柯林斯高阶〔connect up〕The conference will provide fundraisers and companies with an opportunity to connect up.这次会议将为筹款人和公司提供接触机会。外研社新世纪〔connivent〕Converging and touching but not fused, as stamens or an insect's wings.逐渐集中的:聚合并接触但未融合的,例如雄蕊或昆虫翅膀的逐渐靠合美国传统〔contact〕A part or device that makes or breaks such a connection.接触器:造成或中断这种接触的部分或装置美国传统〔contact〕Have you had any direct contact with the director of the company? 你同公司董事有过直接的接触吗?牛津搭配〔contact〕The chemicals become activated on contact with soil.这些化学品一旦和土壤接触就会活化。麦克米伦高阶〔contact〕The disease is spread through sexual contact.这种疾病是通过性接触传播的。麦克米伦高阶〔contact〕The sting causes swelling at the point of contact.被叮咬之后接触点会肿胀。朗文当代〔contact〕This shows where the foot and shoe are in contact.这显示了脚和鞋接触的地方。柯林斯高阶〔contact〕This substance should not come into contact with food.这种物质切莫与食物接触。牛津高阶〔contagion〕A disease that is or may be transmitted by direct or indirect contact; a contagious disease.接触性传染病:一种(可)由直接或间接接触来传播的疾病;接触性传染病美国传统〔contagion〕I'm a blood donor; I can't risk any contagion.我是献血者, 我不能冒任何接触传染的危险。外研社新世纪〔contagion〕There is some danger of contagion.有接触传染的危险。朗文当代〔contagious〕Of or relating to contagion.接触传染病的:接触传染病的或与之有关的美国传统〔contagious〕Scarlet fever is highly contagious.猩红热的接触传染性很强。牛津高阶〔contravention〕He was in direct contravention of the law.他直接触犯了法律。牛津搭配〔cushion〕The air cushion reduces the boat's contact with water.气垫减少了船与水面的接触。麦克米伦高阶〔custodial〕The custodial parent may disallow contact with the non-custodial parent.有监护权一方的家长可能会不准孩子与非监护方家长接触。外研社新世纪〔encounter〕He's accused of having had sexual encounters with several young women.他被指控与几个年轻女子有过性接触。韦氏高阶〔encounter〕It was her first encounter with cigarettes.这是她第一次接触香烟。韦氏高阶〔expose〕They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations.城市人口中多数常见的疾病他们都没有接触到。柯林斯高阶〔expose〕They had not been exposed to most diseases common to urban populations.城市人口中多数的常见疾病他们都没有接触到。外研社新世纪〔eye contact〕He's very shy and never makes eye contact.他很腼腆,从不与别人有目光接触。剑桥高阶〔foot〕He shivered as his feet touched the cold floor.脚接触到冰冷的地板时他不由得颤抖起来。牛津搭配〔friction drive〕An automotive transmission system in which motion is transmitted from one part to another by the surface friction of rolling contact.摩擦传动:一种通过滚动接触或表面摩擦由一个部分传向另一个部分自动传动系统美国传统〔habituate〕To accustom by frequent repetition or prolonged exposure.使…习惯:由于经常重复或长时间接触而适应美国传统〔ice storm〕A storm in which snow or rain freezes on contact, forming a coat of ice on the surfaces it touches.冰暴,银光风暴:一种雪或雨触地后即结冰的风暴,在它接触过的表面上都会形成一层冰美国传统〔ignite〕The paper ignited on contact with sparks.纸一接触到火花就着火了。韦氏高阶〔introduction〕This is my first real introduction to agriculture.这是我第一次真正接触农业。英汉大词典〔itching〕It may be that the itching is caused by contact with irritant material.瘙痒可能是由于接触了刺激性物质引起的。外研社新世纪〔kiss〕To touch or caress with the lips as an expression of affection, greeting, respect, or amorousness.接吻:用嘴唇接触或抚摸,以表达慈爱、欢迎、尊敬或情爱美国传统〔lie〕Let's get a feeling for the lie of the land before we approach them directly.在直接和他们接触之前让我们先估摸一下形势。麦克米伦高阶〔lose〕She didn't lose her job but she lost access to all confidential company materials.她虽然保住了工作,但无法再接触公司任何机密材料了。韦氏高阶〔mash〕Slang To flirt with or make sexual advances to.【俚语】 调情,挑逗(异性):与…调情或进行性接触美国传统〔middleman〕The two sides would only meet indirectly, through middlemen.双方只会通过中间人间接接触。柯林斯高阶〔muffle〕A kiln or part of a kiln in which pottery can be fired without being exposed to direct flame.隔焰窑:烧陶器时炉内防止火焰直接与之接触的隔焰窑或其一部分美国传统〔nub〕It was time to get to the nub of the matter.是接触问题实质的时候了。英汉大词典〔off〕I used to enjoy tennis, but I've gone off it a bit now.我曾经很喜欢打网球,但现在已经不大接触了。朗文当代〔overdose〕An overdose of sun, sea, sand, and chlorine can give lighter hair a green tinge.长时间接触阳光、海水、沙粒和氯气会使浅色头发略呈绿色。外研社新世纪〔point〕The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the clinic.多数人与诊所接触的第一个人是接待员。牛津高阶〔point〕They have made a point of getting as many contacts as possible with the people.他们很注重尽可能多同人民接触。英汉大词典〔predispose〕His good manners predispose people to like him.他彬彬有礼的举止使得人们未经接触就喜欢他。英汉大词典〔printing press〕A machine that transfers lettering or images by contact with various forms of inked surface onto paper or similar material fed into it in various ways.印刷机:通过与各种油墨表面接触而把字母或图像转移到以各种方式放入其中的纸或类似材料上的机器美国传统〔reserved〕Even though I'm quite a reserved person, I like meeting people.我虽然性格极为内敛,但喜欢和人接触。柯林斯高阶〔rub elbows with〕The award dinner gave me the opportunity to rub elbows with some of today's greatest American poets.颁奖宴会使我有机会接触一些当今最伟大的美国诗人。韦氏高阶〔rub〕He regularly rubbed shoulders with Elizabeth Taylor and Kylie Minogue.他经常与伊丽莎白•泰勒和凯莉•米诺格这样的人接触。外研社新世纪〔scar〕A mark, such as a dent, resulting from use or contact.斑痕:由于使用或接触产生的标记,如凹痕美国传统〔shelf ice〕An extension of glacial ice into coastal waters that is in contact with the bottom near the shore but not toward the outer edge of the shelf.陆架冰:冰河的冰延伸入岸边水中的部分,它与接近浅滩的底部接触但不朝向陆架边缘美国传统〔short circuit〕If those two wires touch, the appliance will short-circuit and probably go up in flames.如果那两根电线接触,电器就会短路,还有可能会起火。剑桥高阶〔slip ring〕A metal ring mounted on a rotating part of a machine to provide a continuous electrical connection through brushes on stationary contacts.滑环:装在机器旋转部件上的金属环,通过电刷与静止点的接触而提供连续的电流美国传统〔soak sth up〕Given the right environment, children are like sponges and will soak up information.在适当的环境中,孩子们就会像海绵一样消化吸收接触到的信息。剑桥高阶〔stand off〕I like the girls who are shy and stand off.我喜欢那些腼腆不愿与人接触的女孩们。21世纪英汉〔tangent〕A line, curve, or surface touching but not intersecting another line, curve, or surface.切线(面):与另一条直线、曲线或另一个平面相接触但并不相交的一条直线、曲线或一个平面美国传统〔temperamental〕Be careful how you approach her - she's very temperamental.同她接触你要注意方式——她这人喜怒无常。剑桥高阶〔thermojunction〕The point of contact between two dissimilar metals in a thermocouple at which a thermoelectric current is produced.热接头:热电偶中两种不同金属的接触点,在该处热电流产生美国传统〔thrillingly〕Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state.野生动物园之旅使我们得以接触自然状态下的野生动物,让人感觉很刺激。柯林斯高阶〔touch〕At university he wrote a bit, did a touch of acting, and indulged in internal college politics.在大学期间他写了点儿东西, 接触过一些表演, 并且热衷参与校内政治活动。外研社新世纪〔touch〕Her feet touched the floor.她的脚接触到了地板。外研社新世纪〔touch〕To touch someone or something.接触:触摸某人或某物美国传统〔tread〕The part of a wheel or tire that makes contact with the road or rails.踏面:车轮或轮胎与路面或轨道接触的部分美国传统〔tune〕I use my set for keeping up my foreign languages. For English I tune to England, for French to France.我用收音机继续接触外语。要听英语我调到英国电台,要听法语调到法国电台。英汉大词典〔undefiled〕She is undefiled by any contact with him.她没有因与他接触而受到玷污。外研社新世纪〔untouchable〕The class, comprising numerous subclasses, that is excluded from and considered ritually unclean and defiling by the four Hindu classes.贱民;不可接触者:印度的一个种姓,由许多阶层构成,他们被排除在印度的四个种姓之外,并被这几个种姓的人认为是在宗教上不洁的和对人有污损性的美国传统〔walk of life〕One of the greatest pleasures of this job is meeting people from all walks of life.这份工作最大的乐趣之一在于可以接触到各行各业的人。柯林斯高阶〔work〕She works directly with customers.她的工作要直接接触顾客。牛津搭配As soon as one child has contracted the disease it spreads like wildfire throughout the school.一旦一个孩子接触了这种病,它就会蔓延到整个学校。剑桥国际I enjoy the freedom of working from home. On the downside, I miss the contact with colleagues.我喜欢在家工作的自由。不足之处是,我无法与同事们接触。牛津商务Poor households have limited access to credit markets.贫困家庭接触信贷市场的机会有限。牛津商务She travels to Boston every other week to touch base with her home office.她每隔一星期去一趟波士顿以便与总部保持接触。牛津商务The papers were inaccessible to the public. 这些文件公众无法接触。译典通The receptionist is the first point of contact most people have with the company.多数人与公司接触的第一个人是前台接待。牛津商务Theirs is a very insular culture, protected as it is from outside influences.不接触外来的任何影响,他们的文化是很保守狭隘的。剑桥国际This is the perfect app for someone who is new to databases.对于刚接触数据库的人而言,这是一个理想的应用程序。牛津商务Two days after he'd been exposed to the substance, a painful rash erupted (= suddenly appeared) on his neck.他在接触那种物质两天后,脖子上突然出现一片疼痛的皮疹。剑桥国际We are hoping that the contacts we made at the trade show will lead to future business.我们希望在交易会上的接触将会带来生意。牛津商务We need more interface between management and the workforce.我们需要管理部门与工人之间更多的接触。剑桥国际




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