

单词 接触
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔SEPARATE〕to separate things or people so that they are no longer close or touching 把物或人分开,不让其接近或接触朗文写作活用〔TOUCH〕what something feels like when you touch it 接触到某物时的感觉朗文写作活用〔access〕access to confidential information 接触机密情报的机会牛津高阶〔bodily〕bodily contact.身体的接触。牛津同义词〔contactless〕contactless payment 非接触式支付剑桥高阶〔contact〕a contact explosive/weedkiller 接触性炸药/除草剂麦克米伦高阶〔contact〕a contact poison 接触(传递)性毒物英汉大词典〔contact〕a fear of physical contact 对身体接触的恐惧感牛津高阶〔contact〕be in contact with sb. 与某人在接触(或联系)中英汉大词典〔contact〕came into contact with new ideas at college. 在大学里接触到了新思想美国传统〔contact〕contact poisons 接触性毒药朗文当代〔contact〕the first government-to-government contact between the two nations 两国政府之间的第一次接触英汉大词典〔contagion〕prevent contagion in a densely-populated area 在人口稠密地区预防接触传染英汉大词典〔contagious〕a contagious disease 接触性传染病韦氏高阶〔contiguity〕a candidate's contiguity with a constituency 候选人与一区选民的接触英汉大词典〔disease〕infectious/contagious diseases 传染病;接触性传染病韦氏高阶〔divide〕the digital divide between people with access to technology and those without 有途径获得技术的人与接触不到技术的人之间的数字鸿沟牛津搭配〔encounter〕a child's first encounter with books 孩子第一次接触书本朗文当代〔encounter〕her early encounters with contemporary art 她早年和当代艺术的接触牛津搭配〔expose〕the dangers of exposing children to violence and sex on TV 儿童接触有关暴力和色情电视节目的危害英汉大词典〔exposure〕long-term human exposure to mercury 人长时间接触水银牛津搭配〔extraterrestrial〕the possibility of contact with intelligent extraterrestrials 与有智慧的外星人接触的可能性英汉大词典〔gory〕the gory task of the pathologist 病理学家经常接触血的工作牛津高阶〔immediate〕bring the chemicals into immediate contact 使化学品直接接触英汉大词典〔inadvertently〕inadvertent exposure to chemicals 无意中接触化学品朗文当代〔increased〕favour increased people-to-people contacts 赞成更多的民间接触英汉大词典〔intercultural〕intercultural contact 不同文化间的接触英汉大词典〔limit〕the exposure limits to this group of chemicals 该类化学品的接触限制牛津搭配〔marinate〕people marinated in academic jargon 长期接触并习惯使用学术行话的人们英汉大词典〔nitty-gritty〕get to the nitty-gritty of a problem 接触到问题的本质英汉大词典〔opportunity〕an opportunity to meet all kinds of people一个接触各种人的机会外研社新世纪〔pesticide〕the risk of pesticide exposure among farm workers 农场工人接触杀虫剂的风险牛津搭配〔quantify〕quantify the risks of exposure to this kind of asbestos 测量接触这种石棉的种种风险英汉大词典〔saturation〕adopt the saturation exposure to English approach 采用使学生最大限度接触英语的方法英汉大词典〔sexual〕a disease passed on by sexual contact 通过性接触传染的疾病朗文当代〔soft〕a soft touch.温柔的接触。牛津同义词〔sugar-coated〕a sugar-coated view of a boy's introduction to sex. 对男孩首次接触性所持的冠冕堂皇的看法柯林斯高阶〔touch〕to touch physically.接触身体。牛津同义词〔with〕be in touch with ... 与…有接触文馨英汉a process that maintains a high-touch, personal feel 维持很多人际接触和个人感受的过程牛津商务




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