

单词 搭乘
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔L〕ride on the L 搭乘高架火车文馨英汉〔beg〕beg a lift in a neighbour's car 请求搭乘邻人的汽车 英汉大词典〔cliché〕uttered the commonplace "welcome aboard"; 说着乏味的话“欢迎搭乘”;美国传统〔drive in〕to drive in a taxi搭乘出租车21世纪英汉〔flag〕put the flag down (乘客搭乘时)拉下表示空车的牌子文馨英汉〔hitchhike〕hitchhike one's way to a certain place 一路搭乘便车去某地英汉大词典〔hitch〕hitch a ride from a passing motorist 向路过的司机求得免费搭乘英汉大词典〔hop〕hop a ride 搭乘英汉大词典〔inbound〕catch an inbound bus 搭乘开往市内的公车文馨英汉〔next〕the next available flight. 下一趟可搭乘的航班柯林斯高阶〔no-show〕a no-show passenger 已预订座位但未搭乘的旅客剑桥高阶〔pass〕to pass one's bus stop(不知不觉地) 走过自己要搭乘的公共汽车站21世纪英汉〔peril〕the perils of air travel 搭乘飞机旅行的危险麦克米伦高阶〔plane〕a plane crash/ride 飞机坠毁/搭乘韦氏高阶〔redeye〕caught the redeye from Los Angeles to New York. 搭乘从洛杉矶到纽约的夜航班美国传统〔ride〕the dangers of riding the New York subway at night 晚上搭乘纽约地铁的危险麦克米伦高阶〔train〕to catch/take/get the train to London 赶上╱乘坐╱搭乘开往伦敦的火车牛津高阶〔weekdays〕take a bus weekdays 周日每天搭乘公共汽车英汉大词典〔wobbly〕cheap deals on wobbly airlines. 搭乘处于风雨飘摇的航空公司的航班的便宜买卖柯林斯高阶




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