

单词 明明
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕I didn't mean that at all -- you're just putting words into my mouth! 我根本不是那意思—明明是你强加于我的!朗文写作活用〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The contract says quite clearly that the landlord must pay for all repairs to the house. 合同上写得明明白白,房东必须支付房屋的修缮费用。朗文写作活用〔HARM〕My mother was her own worst enemy. She knew she was ill but she did nothing to help herself. 我母亲是自讨苦吃,明明知道自己有病,却一点也不去管它。朗文写作活用〔SHOW OFF〕He has a pretentious style of writing, using four very difficult words where one simple one would do. 他文风矫饰,明明一个简单的单词就可以,他却要用四个生涩的单词。朗文写作活用〔UPSET〕He could see that I was distraught, but he still kept asking me questions. 他明明看得出我心神不安的,可还是向我问个没完。朗文写作活用〔apparent〕Readily understood; clear or obvious.显然的;明明白白的美国传统〔blood〕Why do apparently sane people go through all the blood, sweat, and tears involved in getting a PhD?为什么明明心智正常的人要经受千辛万苦取得博士学位呢?外研社新世纪〔clock〕He knew the car had been clocked, but he couldn't prove it.明明知道这辆车的里程数被改过了,但他无法证明。朗文当代〔expense〕Why go to the expense of buying an electric saw when you can hire one?电锯明明可以租一个, 为什么要花大价钱买呢?外研社新世纪〔eye〕I went into this with my eyes open so I guess I only have myself to blame.我是明明知道做这事的后果的,所以我想只能责怪我自己。牛津高阶〔eye〕I've no-one to blame but myself – I went into this deal with my eyes open.我没有人可以责怪,只能怨自己 — 我是明明知道做这笔交易的后果的。朗文当代〔eye〕Most governments know that we're heading for an environmental catastrophe but they shut their eyes to it.大多数政府明明知道我们将招致环境灾难,但他们对此却置若罔闻。朗文当代〔funny〕That's funny. I was sure I had $5 in my purse, but it's not there now.奇怪,我皮夹里明明有 5 美元,可现在不见了。朗文当代〔heart〕I just couldn't bring myself to admit what I knew in my heart to be true.我就是无法承认自己内心深处明明知道的事情。外研社新世纪〔hooey〕Hooey! You know that's not true.胡说! 你明明知道那不是真的。英汉大词典〔memory〕My memory must be playing tricks on me; I'm sure I put that book on the desk.肯定是我的记忆出了问题,我明明记得把那本书放在书桌上的。朗文当代〔more〕You're wrong, and what's more you know it! 你错了!而且你明明知道你错了!牛津高阶〔nerve〕That man has some nerve! He's always blaming me for things that are his fault.那人真是无耻!有些事明明是他的过错,他却总来责备我。剑桥高阶〔otherwise〕You know what this is about. Why pretend otherwise(= that you do not)? 你明明知道这是怎么回事,为什么装作不知道?牛津高阶〔outright〕Why are you so mysterious? Why don't you tell me outright?你为什么这么神神秘秘的?为什么不明明白白地告诉我?外研社新世纪〔revelation〕The spokesman was visibly pulling back from too much revelation.发言人欲言辄止,明明白白是不肯透露太多的情况。英汉大词典〔save〕She was fired, but she saved face by telling everyone she'd resigned.明明是给解雇了,但她爱面子,逢人便说是她辞职了。牛津高阶〔stare〕The explanation had been staring him in the face all along.这解释对他来说一直是明明白白的美国传统〔swear〕I could have sworn I had my keys.我明明记得我带着钥匙。朗文当代〔unconvincing〕The dialogue was unconvincing, partly because it was American actors trying to speak London English.对白听起来不真实,部分原因在于明明是美国演员,却非要说一口伦敦腔。剑桥高阶〔unequivocal〕Yesterday, the message to him was unequivocal: 'Get out.'昨天已经明明白白地带话给他:“滚出去!”外研社新世纪〔well〕You know full well what I am talking about.你明明知道我在讲什么。麦克米伦高阶〔when〕Why does she always drive to work when she could easily take the train? 她去上班明明坐火车很方便可为什么总要自己开车呢?麦克米伦高阶〔write〕I know you're lying, Tyrell – it's written all over your face.我知道你在撒谎,蒂雷尔 — 你脸上明明白白写着呢。朗文当代I gave Jim very clear instructions, but even then (= despite the instructions) he managed to make a mess of it.我给吉姆的吩咐说得明明白白,但即使那样,他还是弄得一团糟。剑桥国际I've given everyone express instructions how to get to our house.我明明白白地向每个人说明了如何找到我们家。剑桥国际She played a dirty trick on me by telling me Diane was having a party when she wasn't.她卑鄙地捉弄我,明明没这回事,却告诉我黛安娜办了聚会。剑桥国际That man has such a nerve! He's always blaming me for things that are his fault.那人脸皮真厚! 有些事明明是他的过错,却总是责备我。剑桥国际




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