

单词 易变
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bored〕Some children get bored very quickly.有些孩子很容易变得厌烦。牛津搭配〔butterfly〕She's such a social butterfly! 她是一个如此易变的交际花!麦克米伦高阶〔convert〕The sofa converts easily into a bed.这沙发很容易变成床。韦氏高阶〔dent〕Tin dents more easily than steel.锡比钢更易变瘪。21世纪英汉〔dirtied〕Those white shoes dirty easily.白鞋很易变脏。21世纪英汉〔fantasy〕A capricious or fantastic idea; a conceit.虚幻的想法:易变的或幻想的想法;空想美国传统〔fickle〕Characterized by erratic changeableness or instability, especially with regard to affections or attachments; capricious.无常的,易变的:表现为无规律的变化或者不稳定性的,尤指在感情或爱慕方面;反复无常的美国传统〔ill〕Many elderly patients die because, with a reduced immunity, winter ills too readily become pneumonia.很多老年病人死亡是由于免疫力降低使冬季的小病极易变成肺炎。外研社新世纪〔incline〕He does incline to be rather nervous.他的确容易变得很紧张。麦克米伦高阶〔inconstancy〕An instance of being eccentrically variable or fickle.变换无常:反复无常或易变的情况美国传统〔inconstancy〕The state or quality of being eccentrically variable or fickle.善变:反复无常或易变的情形或品质美国传统〔inconstant〕Changing or varying, especially often and without discernible pattern or reason.善变的:易变的或反复无常的,尤指常无一定格式或道理的美国传统〔inequality〕Variability; changeability.不规则:变化性;易变性美国传统〔inflexible〕Not easily bent; stiff or rigid.不易弯的,僵硬的:不易变曲的;强硬或生硬的美国传统〔invariable〕Not changing or subject to change; constant.不变的:不变的或不易变的;始终如一的美国传统〔isolated〕Elderly people easily become socially isolated.上了年纪的人很容易变得与社会隔绝。牛津高阶〔levity〕Inconstancy; changeableness.易变,多变:不稳定;可变美国传统〔light〕Liable to change; fickle.易变的;不专一的美国传统〔liquescent〕Becoming or tending to become liquid; melting.可液化的:变成或易变成液体的;溶化的美国传统〔liquid〕He has very liquid convictions (principles).他的信念 (原则) 很容易变更。英汉大词典〔liquid〕Their shares are more liquid than those of many smaller companies.他们的股票比许多较小型的公司的股票更易变。朗文当代〔nonperishable〕The students collected nonperishables to give to the poor.学生收集了不易变质的食物分发给穷人。韦氏高阶〔perishable〕Butter is perishable.黄油容易变质。英汉大词典〔perishable〕Hothouse flowers, cheese, and live lobsters are perishables.暖房花、干酪和活龙虾都是容易变质的东西。英汉大词典〔perishable〕Raw eggs are highly perishable and must be chilled before and after cooking.生鸡蛋极容易变质, 生熟都必须冷藏。外研社新世纪〔perishable〕Raw eggs are highly perishable and must be chilled before and after cooking.生鸡蛋非常容易变质,烹制前后必须冷藏。柯林斯高阶〔pervertible〕He is young and therefore easily pervertible.他年轻,因而容易变坏。英汉大词典〔plastic〕His mind was fresh and plastic.他的思想稚嫩而易变。英汉大词典〔rancid〕Butter is perishable and can go rancid.黄油很容易变质,而且会发臭。柯林斯高阶〔rut〕If you don't go out and meet new people, it's easy to get into a rut.如果你不出门结识新朋友,你的生活就容易变得刻板乏味。牛津高阶〔skittery〕Moving quickly, restlessly, or irregularly; skittish.迅速的,多变的:快速地、不停息地或不规则地移动的;易变的美国传统〔skittish〕Undependably variable; mercurial or fickle.不可靠的:不可依赖的变化无常的;易变的或无常的美国传统〔smudge〕Charcoal drawings smudge easily.木炭画容易变模糊。韦氏高阶〔stale〕French bread goes stale (=becomes stale) very quickly.法式面包极易变味。朗文当代〔tarnish〕Gold does not tarnish easily.黄金色泽不容易变暗。朗文当代〔temperamental〕Excessively sensitive or irritable; moody.易激动的:过分敏感或情绪激动;情绪易变的美国传统〔ticklish〕Easily offended or upset; touchy.易怒的,易变的:容易被触犯或打扰的;易发脾气的美国传统〔unsettled〕Children tend to get unsettled if you continually change their routine.如果你不断地去改变孩子们的日常习惯,他们容易变得躁动不安。剑桥高阶〔variability〕The quality, state, or degree of being variable or changeable.变化性:易变或可变的特点、状况或程度美国传统〔variable〕Likely to change or vary; subject to variation; changeable.易变的:可能变化或改变的;服从变化的;可变的美国传统〔variable〕Something that varies or is prone to variation.易变的东西:变化或易于变化的东西美国传统〔variant〕Tending or liable to vary; variable.易变的:倾向于或容易变化的;变化的美国传统〔vertiginous〕Inclined to change quickly; unstable.易变化的;不稳定的美国传统〔whip〕Sports Flexibility, as in the shaft of a golf club.【体育运动】 弹性,韧性:柔韧性,易变性,如高尔夫球棒的柄美国传统〔worked up〕It's easy to get worked up when you're tired and everything seems to be against you.在疲倦并且似乎一切都在和你作对的时候,人很容易变得暴躁。剑桥高阶Depression and mood change are recognised contraindications for this particular drug.神情抑郁、情绪易变被认为是这种常用药物的禁忌指示。剑桥国际It's easy to get worked up when you're tired and everything seems to be against you.当你很疲劳,而且一切似乎都在与你作对时,就容易变得狂躁不安。剑桥国际Luckily, I dropped out before the deal turned sour. 很幸运的,在交易变坏前我已退出了。译典通Offices can easily become more environmentally-friendly by, for example (= doing something like), using recycled paper.办公室很容易变得更有利于环保,比方说,用再生纸。剑桥国际Our capital is all tied up in property (= it can not easily be turned into money).我们的所有资产都被套在房地产上,不易变现。牛津商务She easily becomes short-tempered when people disagree with her. 当人们与她意见相左时,她就很容易变得脾气急燥。译典通The fluky stock market makes shareholders nervous. 易变的股票市场使持股票者紧张不安。译典通The neck is one of the first areas to show signs of ageing because its skin has few sebaceous glands and tends to dry out, causing lines and wrinkles.头颈是人身体上最容易变老的部位,因为这里的皮脂腺较少,皮肤容易变干起皱纹。剑桥国际The weather in Britain is notoriously changeable.英国的天气易变是有名的。剑桥国际




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