

单词 易上当
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERSUADE〕It's easy to blame the public for being gullible enough to buy dieting products, but it's the companies who sell them who should take responsibility. 批评公众容易上当去买减肥产品简单,但恰恰是出售这些产品的公司应当承担责任。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕She was described by her neighbors as a sweet but gullible woman who allowed the man to live in her house as a source of extra money. 邻居把她说成是个和蔼可亲但容易上当的女人,她居然允许那个男人住到她家里以赚取外快。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕I know I'm a sucker. I'll give $10 to anyone who tells me they're hungry or wants a cup of coffee. 我知道自己是个容易上当的人。谁告诉我他们肚子饿或想喝杯咖啡,我就会给他们十美元。朗文写作活用〔born〕There's one born every minute.【谚】容易上当的人多的是。文馨英汉〔dupe〕I just wanted to see how much of a dupe you were.我就是想看看你到底多么容易上当。外研社新世纪〔fall guy〕A gullible victim; a dupe.容易上当的人:诡计的受害者;易上当的人美国传统〔gullibility〕I'm so gullible I would have believed him.我很容易上当,可能会相信他的话。柯林斯高阶〔gullible〕Easily deceived or duped.易上当受骗的:容易被欺骗或愚弄的美国传统〔gullible〕He’s so gullible he’ll believe anything.他太容易上当,什么事都相信。牛津同义词〔gullible〕I'm so gullible I would have believed him.我很容易上当, 可能就相信了他的话。外研社新世纪〔gullible〕They sell overpriced souvenirs to gullible tourists.他们向易上当的旅游者出售高价纪念品。韦氏高阶〔gull〕A person who is easily tricked or cheated; a dupe.傻子,呆子:容易被玩弄或欺骗的人;容易上当受骗的人美国传统〔lamb〕He was like a lamb in the hands of swindlers.在骗子手中他极易上当受骗。英汉大词典〔mark〕They proved to be easy marks for the swindler.他们被证明很容易上当受骗。韦氏高阶〔mug〕He's a mug as far as women are concerned.在女性眼里, 他就是个容易上当受骗的傻瓜。外研社新世纪〔patsy〕A person easily taken advantage of, cheated, blamed, or ridiculed.易上当者,傻瓜:易受利用、欺骗、归咎或嘲笑的人美国传统〔pigeon〕Slang One who is easily swindled; a dupe.【俚语】 傻瓜:容易上当受骗的人;易被愚弄的人美国传统〔saphead〕A person regarded as gullible or foolish.笨蛋:被认为易上当或愚蠢的人美国传统〔sap〕Slang A gullible person; a dupe.【俚语】 易上当之人;笨蛋美国传统〔shoal〕Unfortunately the translator hit upon a few shoals.很倒霉,译者遇上了几处容易上当译错的地方。英汉大词典〔soft touch〕His friends all know that he's a soft touch.朋友们都知道他是个容易上当的人。韦氏高阶〔vulnerable〕Substantial amounts of money were paid by vulnerable people for little service.那些容易上当的人没有得到什么服务就付了大笔的钱。英汉大词典He is a chump who is easily taken advantage of by other people. 他是个容易上当受骗的人,经常被他人占便宜。译典通It's worrying that such a prominent politician is so easily led (on) (= easily persuaded esp. to do something wrong).如此有声望的政治家这么容易上当受骗不能不令人担忧。剑桥国际Mary is an easy mark. 玛丽很容易上当。译典通The older women gather fragrant herbs in the mountains for love potions that are sold to gullible tourists.老妇人们在山中采集芬芳的草药当作春药卖给易上当的游人。剑桥国际




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