

单词 政工
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BUSY/NOT BUSY〕Teachers nowadays are up to their ears in administration and don't have much time for teaching. 现今的老师都忙于行政工作,没有多少时间教学。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Promising researchers are allowed to take time off teaching and administrative duties. 有作为的研究人员获准减少教学和行政工作的时间。朗文写作活用〔administration〕Teachers complain that more of their time is taken up with administration than with teaching.教师们抱怨他们花在行政工作上的时间超过了教学的时间。剑桥高阶〔administrative〕She has an administrative job.她做行政工作。韦氏高阶〔admin〕Alison has to do all those dull admin jobs like mail-outs and answering the telephone.艾莉森必须做所有那些乏味的行政工作, 比如寄邮件和接电话。外研社新世纪〔admin〕She works in admin.她做行政工作。朗文当代〔cart〕Council workers have carted away all the dead leaves that had collected at the side of the road.市政工作人员已将收拢在道路一边的枯叶运走了。剑桥高阶〔come out〕The postal workers have come out in support of their pay claim.邮政工人罢工支持他们增加工资的要求。剑桥高阶〔drain〕Council workers were laying drains on the A917 at Pitmilly, near St Andrews.市政工人正在圣安德鲁斯附近皮特米利的917号干道上铺设排水管道。外研社新世纪〔feverishly〕City workers and volunteers are working feverishly to remove the heavy snow from the roofs of homes.市政工人和志愿者在紧张地忙碌着,将积雪从房顶上除去。柯林斯高阶〔launch〕The municipal government will launch an extensive public works program next year.市政府将于明年开始一项大规模的市政工程计划。21世纪英汉〔mix-up〕Due to some administrative mix-up the letters had not been sent out.由于行政工作中忙乱出错,那些信没有寄出。英汉大词典〔persist〕The government is persisting with its ambitious public works programme.政府在坚持实施其雄心勃勃的市政工程规划。剑桥高阶〔relieve〕A secretary was hired to relieve her of some of the administrative work.雇了一个秘书来减轻她一些行政工作的负担。朗文当代〔staff〕A group of military officers assigned to assist a commanding officer in an executive or advisory capacity.全体参谋人员:指派协助有权的军官做一些行政工作或提出建议的一组军队官员美国传统〔task〕She used the day to catch up with administrative tasks.她白天忙着处理行政工作。柯林斯高阶〔threaten〕Postal workers are threatening a strike if they don't receive a pay increase.邮政工人威胁如果不给他们加薪,他们就要罢工。朗文当代〔write〕A few days later he wrote that he had hopes of a staff job.几天后,他写信说他有望得到一份行政工作。柯林斯高阶Dr Whittle has complained that more of her time is taken up with petty administration than with treating the sick.惠特尔医生抱怨说她被琐碎的行政工作占去的时间要比为病人看病的时间多。剑桥国际He works in an administrative position. 他担任一项行政工作。译典通Postal workers are getting a 5% post-dated pay rise.邮政工人即将得到迟付的 5% 的加薪。牛津商务The company has such a cheeseparing attitude that it makes all its executives travel by train rather than fly.这个公司态度十分吝啬,以至于它的行政工作人员出差旅行都是乘火车而不是乘飞机。剑桥国际Women at the radio station were confined to office jobs—the glass wall—and to lower administrative levels—the glass ceiling.当时在电台工作的女性只限于做办公室工作 ── 这是隐性限制,并且只能局限于低职位的行政工作 ── 一般无法突破。牛津商务




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