

单词 接在
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔adjacent〕a music programme adjacent to the news 紧接在新闻广播前面(或后面)的音乐节目英汉大词典〔couple〕to couple two things together.把两样东西连接在一起。牛津同义词〔engraft into〕to engraft the shoot of an apple into the trunk of a wild apple tree把苹果树的嫩枝嫁接在野苹果树上21世纪英汉〔engraft〕engraft a new rose on a wild rose 把一新品种玫瑰的枝条嫁接在野玫瑰上英汉大词典〔engraft〕to engraft a peach on a plum把桃树嫁接在李树上21世纪英汉〔gang〕gang ploughs 把几张犁联接在一起英汉大词典〔graft〕graft two varieties together 把两样变种接在一起文馨英汉〔immediate〕in the immediate vicinity [neighborhood] of ... 紧接在…的附近。文馨英汉〔join〕a global highway of cables joining all the continents together. 将各大洲连接在一起的全球光缆通道柯林斯高阶〔lap〕lap one board over another 将一块木板搭接在另一块上面英汉大词典〔lap〕lap one shingle over another 把一块屋顶板搭接在另一块上面韦氏高阶〔link〕a new footbridge linking the Tate Modern with St Paul's Cathedral 一座把泰特现代艺术馆和圣保罗大教堂连接在一起的新的人行天桥麦克米伦高阶〔pipe〕to join two lengths of pipe together 将两段管子连接在一起牛津搭配〔screw〕several aluminium poles that screw together to give a maximum length of 10 yards. 几根旋接在一起、最长为 10 码的铝杆柯林斯高阶〔skid〕skids Nautical A wooden framework attached to the side of a ship to prevent damage, as when unloading. skids 【航海】 船舷木:接在船侧以防损坏的木制框架,如当卸货物时美国传统〔solder〕solder the broken wires together 把断电线焊接在一起英汉大词典〔solder〕solder two surfaces together 把两个表面焊接在一起英汉大词典〔stick together〕to stick two planks together把两块板粘接在一起21世纪英汉〔suspend〕to suspend a door on a hinge把门挂接在合叶上21世纪英汉




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