

单词 教士
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔ascetic〕priests practising an ascetic life. 过着苦行修道生活的教士们柯林斯高阶〔broad-minded〕a liberal cleric; 开通的教士;美国传统〔buttoned up〕the buttoned-up wife of an English clergyman. 一位英国教士沉默寡言的妻子柯林斯高阶〔buttoned up〕the buttoned-up wife of an English clergyman英国教士那沉默寡言的妻子外研社新世纪〔call〕a call to the priesthood. 感召成为教士美国传统〔canon〕a canon of a cathedral.在大教堂中任职的教士。牛津同义词〔celibate〕celibate priests 独身的教士牛津高阶〔chapter〕the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂的主教和全体教士麦克米伦高阶〔clerical〕clerical robes 牧师(或教士)法衣英汉大词典〔clerical〕perform clerical duties 行使牧师(或教士)职责英汉大词典〔cloth〕a man of the cloth 教士英汉大词典〔conversion〕the conversion of the Anglo-Saxons by Christian missionaries 基督教传教士使盎格鲁 – 撒克逊人的信仰改变牛津高阶〔criminous〕a criminous clerk 犯罪 (或破戒) 教士英汉大词典〔evangelical〕evangelical preachers 福音传教士麦克米伦高阶〔evangelistic〕an evangelistic meeting at All Saints Church Hall. 在诸圣堂举行的福音传教士会议柯林斯高阶〔garb〕a man in clerical garb 穿教士服的人英汉大词典〔garb〕prison/clerical/military garb 囚衣/教士服/军装剑桥高阶〔habiliments〕habiliments of a priest 教士服装文馨英汉〔habiliment〕habiliments of a priest 教士服装 英汉大词典〔itinerant〕an itinerant preacher (judge) 巡回传教士(法官) 英汉大词典〔itinerant〕an itinerant preacher/lecturer/performer 巡回传教士/演讲者/表演者韦氏高阶〔jackleg〕a jackleg preacher 滥竽充数的传教士英汉大词典〔missionary〕missionary zeal (或fervour, enthusiasm) 传教士般的狂热英汉大词典〔mission〕a Catholic mission in Africa 在非洲的天主教传教士牛津高阶〔order〕an order of Catholic missionaries 天主教传教士组织韦氏高阶〔preacher〕a Southern hellfire preacher 一个宣扬南方地狱之火的传教士牛津搭配〔preacher〕a series of guest preachers 一连串的客串传教士牛津搭配〔priestly〕his priestly duties. 他的教士职责柯林斯高阶〔proxy〕contraction of earlier procracie [annual payment to a prelate] 早期 procracie的缩写 [高级教士的年薪] 美国传统〔repent〕repent one's crimes before a priest 向教士忏悔罪行英汉大词典〔residentiary〕a Canon Residentiary 驻堂教士英汉大词典〔reverend〕a crowd of reverends 一群教士 英汉大词典〔reverend〕the Reverends Rudolf Harvey and Lawrence Burke 鲁道夫·哈维和劳伦斯·勃克两位教士大人 英汉大词典〔secular〕a secular priest 在俗教士英汉大词典〔sit under〕to sit under a preacher听教士布道21世纪英汉〔surplice〕the priest and choir in their lace surplices. 穿着蕾丝白色罩袍的教士和唱诗班柯林斯高阶〔venerable〕a venerable priest 德高望重的教士英汉大词典〔work〕a highly respected priest who is noted for his work with the poor. 以救助穷人闻名的备受尊敬的教士柯林斯高阶〔worldly〕the most worldly of the eighteenth-century ecclesiastics 18世纪俗而又俗的教士英汉大词典〔zeal〕reforming/missionary/religious zeal 改革/传教士般的/宗教热情剑桥高阶




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