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释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DREAM〕The doorbell rang, shaking me from my reverie. 门铃响了,把我从美妙幻想里拉回到现实。朗文写作活用〔cesta〕A scoop-shaped wicker basket that is worn over the hand and used to catch and throw the ball in jai alai.长勺手套:一种用勺形柳条编成的手套,在海阿拉回力球运动中套在手上作接球和掷球用美国传统〔come back down to earth〕The realization of how little work I'd done for the exams brought me abruptly back down to earth.意识到要考试了,可我还没怎么复习呢,我一下子被拉回到了现实中来。剑桥高阶〔control〕Pull back on the control mechanism.将控制器拉回来。外研社新世纪〔course〕The pilot brought the plane back on course.飞行员将飞机拉回正确航向。韦氏高阶〔drag〕When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be a devoted father.如果你能把他硬从工作中拉回来,他也会是个尽心尽责的父亲。柯林斯高阶〔excerpt〕The paper published some short excerpts from Mandela's memoirs.该报登出了曼德拉回忆录的一些片段。牛津搭配〔fold〕The E.U. wanted to bring the U.S. back into the fold.欧盟想把美国拉回自己的阵营。外研社新世纪〔heart〕Deep in his heart , he wanted Laura back.在内心深处,他希望劳拉回来。朗文当代〔in the cold light of day〕The next morning, in the cold light of day, Sarah realized what a complete idiot she had been.第二天早上,莎拉回过头来冷静地想了想,意识到自己当时是多么的愚蠢。剑桥高阶〔look〕Sara returned his look with one of her own.他看了萨拉一眼,萨拉回看了他一眼。牛津搭配〔mind〕The sound of her voice jerked my mind back to the present.她说话的声音猛地将我的思绪拉回到了现实。韦氏高阶〔negotiate〕His first aim is to get the warring parties back to the negotiating table (=discussing something) .他的首要目标就是把交战各方拉回到谈判桌上。朗文当代〔negotiating table〕We want to get all the parties back to the negotiating table.我们想把有关各方拉回到谈判桌上来。牛津高阶〔nurse〕The school nurse sent Sara home.学校的护士送萨拉回家。朗文当代〔operative word〕If I go, I will bring a salad. “If,” however, is the operative word, since I am not sure that I can go.如果我去,我会带份沙拉回来。不过,“如果”是这句话的关键词,因为我并不确定我是否能去。韦氏高阶〔spasm〕A spasm of pain brought his thoughts back to the present.一阵剧痛把他的思绪拉回到了现在。柯林斯高阶〔spasm〕A spasm of pain brought his thoughts back to the present.一阵疼痛把他的思绪拉回到了现在。外研社新世纪〔unsuccessful〕After several unsuccessful attempts to get him into the raft he was winched back up to the helicopter.几次试图把他放到橡皮艇上未果后, 他被拉回了直升机上。外研社新世纪




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