

单词 斜的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕A gently sloping bank led down to the stream. 一道缓缓倾斜的河岸伸向小溪。朗文写作活用〔Spencerian〕Of or relating to an ornate style of writing employing rounded letters slanted to the right.斯宾塞体的:一种字形呈圆形且向右倾斜的花式字体的,有关这种字体的美国传统〔acock〕In a cocked position.翻卷的(地),歪斜的(地),竖起的(地)美国传统〔askew〕There were no shutters at the windows, and some of the doors hung askew.窗户上没有百叶窗, 有几扇门也歪歪斜斜的。外研社新世纪〔aslope〕At a slope or slant.在一斜坡的:在一倾斜的或斜的坡的美国传统〔atilt〕In a tilted position; inclined upward.倾斜地(的):处于倾斜的位置;倾斜向上美国传统〔banked〕He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners.他在通过倾斜的弯道时竭力将自行车稳住。外研社新世纪〔banked〕The car took off from the banked track and went through a fence.车子冲出倾斜的赛道,穿过了一道护栏。柯林斯高阶〔bank〕Often banks A large elevated area of a sea floor. 常作 banks 海底斜坡:大面积倾斜的海底美国传统〔bank〕The highway banks sharply on this curve.高速公路在这个弯曲处明显地形成从内侧至外侧向上倾斜的弯道。21世纪英汉〔bank〕The turns on the racetrack were steeply banked.赛车道的拐弯处都筑成了倾斜的路面美国传统〔bank〕To rise in or take the form of a bank.置倾斜状:上坡或呈倾斜的样子美国传统〔brace〕They braced the sagging wall with a piece of wood.他们用一根木头撑住那堵往一边倾斜的墙壁。21世纪英汉〔bradawl〕An awl with a beveled tip, used to make holes in wood for brads or screws.锥钻,打眼钉:钻头倾斜的钻子,用于在木头上钻孔以钉角钉或螺钉美国传统〔bulkhead〕Chiefly New England A horizontal or sloping structure providing access to a cellar stairway.【多用于新英格兰】 为进入地下室的楼梯而修建的水平的或倾斜的结构美国传统〔cant〕A slanted or oblique surface.斜面:一个倾的或倾斜的平面美国传统〔cant〕A thrust or motion that tilts something.导致倾斜的动作:导致物体翻倒的一个突然的推力或移动美国传统〔cant〕The cant of the floor made it hard to stand upright.在那倾斜的地面上人难以站直。牛津同义词〔cant〕To set at an oblique angle; tilt.使倾斜:给一个倾斜的角;使倾斜美国传统〔cant〕To take an oblique direction or course; swing around, as a ship.倾向一边:取一个斜的方向或路径,如船的偏斜美国传统〔chute〕An inclined trough, passage, or channel through or down which things may pass.斜道:倾斜的水槽、通道或管道,可以让东西流过美国传统〔cockeyed〕Askew; crooked.斜的;歪的美国传统〔deliberate〕They are giving preference to women as a matter of deliberate policy.他们在故意地实行向女性倾斜的政策。麦克米伦高阶〔diagonal〕Having a slanted or oblique direction.斜的:带有偏斜的或倾斜方向的美国传统〔direct〕The sloping ground helps direct water away from the home.倾斜的地面有助于将水从屋内排出。韦氏高阶〔dormer〕A window set vertically into a small gable projecting from a sloping roof.屋顶窗,老虎窗:被垂直置于小三角墙上的窗户,小三角墙从倾斜的屋顶伸出美国传统〔ex parte〕From a one-sided or strongly biased point of view.从单侧或极斜的视点的美国传统〔for dear life〕As the ship began to tilt, we clung on for dear life.当船开始倾斜的时候,我们竭力抓住船身。剑桥高阶〔fraise〕A defensive barrier of pointed, inclined stakes or barbed wire.防御工事:筑有尖利的、倾斜的木桩或铁蒺藜的防御性的障碍物美国传统〔grade〕The degree of inclination of a slope, road, or other surface.坡度:一个斜面,道路或其它表面倾斜的程度美国传统〔gradient〕An ascending or descending part; an incline.斜面:向上或向下倾斜的部分;斜坡美国传统〔hazy〕The floodlights were hazy behind the slanting rain.泛光灯在斜斜的雨丝中显得很蒙眬。柯林斯高阶〔hip roof〕A roof having sloping edges and sides.四坡屋顶,斜截头屋顶:有倾斜的长边短边的屋顶美国传统〔inclination〕The inclination of the child's head suggested sleep.孩子倾斜的头表明他困了美国传统〔inclined〕Sloping, slanting, or leaning.倾斜的或斜向的美国传统〔isoclinal〕Having the same magnetic inclination or dip.等磁倾的:有相同的磁倾斜的美国传统〔lectern〕A reading desk with a slanted top holding the books from which scriptural passages are read during a church service.诵经台:一张顶部倾斜的书桌,上面放有经书,在教学礼拜时可以从中读取经文段落美国传统〔lopsided〕The 'No Vacancies' sign, slightly lopsided, swung on its rusty chains above the gate.微微倾斜的“客满”牌子在门口上方生锈的铁链上晃荡。外研社新世纪〔lopsided〕The lopsided load on the lorry looked dangerous.货车上倾斜的货物,看样子很危险。牛津同义词〔manage〕I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.我终于爬上了一块潮湿倾斜的暗礁。柯林斯高阶〔mastaba〕An ancient Egyptian tomb with a rectangular base, sloping sides, and a flat roof.古埃及墓室:有长方形底座、倾斜的四边和平顶的古埃及墓室美国传统〔mineshaft〕A vertical, sloping passageway made in the earth for finding or mining ore and ventilating underground excavations.竖井:地面下一竖直、倾斜的走道,用于探矿或采矿及地下作业的通风美国传统〔monocline〕A geologic structure in which all layers are inclined in the same direction.单斜结构:一种所有地层朝同一方向倾斜的地质结构美国传统〔mostaccioli〕Short, tubular pasta with slanted ends.意大利通心粉:一种具有倾斜的末端的短的、管状的糊状物美国传统〔oblique〕Having a slanting or sloping direction, course, or position; inclined.斜的,倾斜的:有斜或坡形方向,路径或位置的;倾斜的美国传统〔oblique〕Mathematics Designating geometric lines or planes that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.【数学】 斜的,倾斜的,偏斜的:由既不平行也不垂直的几何直线或平面表示的美国传统〔obliquity〕The angle or extent of such a deviation.偏斜:这种偏斜的角度或范围美国传统〔obliquity〕The quality or condition of being oblique.倾斜:倾斜的性质或状况美国传统〔pediment〕Geology A broad, gently sloping rock surface at the base of a steeper slope, often covered with alluvium, formed primarily by erosion.【地质学】 山前侵蚀平原,麓原:一种由侵蚀引起的在另一陡的倾斜底面上的宽而缓缓倾斜的岩石层面,其上通常覆盖着冲积土美国传统〔ramp〕An inclined surface or roadway connecting different levels.斜面,斜坡:倾斜的表面或道路,连接着不同的高度美国传统〔recede〕An ape has a receding forehead.猿生有一个向后倾斜的前额。英汉大词典〔retreat〕He has a retreating chin.他有一个向后倾斜的下巴。21世纪英汉〔retroversion〕The state of being turned or tilted back.翻转:向后转或向后倾斜的状态美国传统〔rise〕A gently sloped hill.岗,坡,丘:缓缓倾斜的小山美国传统〔rise〕A long, broad elevation that slopes gently from the earth's surface or the ocean floor.斜坡:从地球表面或海底缓缓倾斜的长而宽的高地美国传统〔salt dome〕An anticlinal fold with a columnar salt plug at its core.盐穹,盐丘:背斜的岩石皱褶,核心部有柱状盐填充美国传统〔seam〕You must sew more evenly,your seam is all bumpy.你一定要缝得更平直些,你的线缝都是歪歪斜斜的。英汉大词典〔sideling〕Directed to one side; oblique.指向一边的;倾斜的美国传统〔sideling〕Sloping; inclined.斜坡的;倾斜的美国传统〔sidelong〕In an oblique manner.以一种倾斜的方式美国传统〔sidelong〕So as to slant; sloping.导致倾斜的;斜坡的美国传统〔skew〕An oblique or slanting movement, position, or direction.歪斜:斜的或倾斜的运动、位置或方向美国传统〔skew〕Statistics Not symmetrical about the mean. Used of distributions.【统计学】 歪斜,扭曲:斜的或倾斜的运动,位置或方向美国传统〔skew〕To take an oblique course or direction.走偏,斜进:采取一条斜的路线或方向美国传统〔slanted〕Her attic bedroom has slanted ceilings.她那阁楼卧室的天花板是倾斜的。韦氏高阶〔slantwise〕Slanting; oblique.倾斜的;斜的美国传统〔slant〕A sloping thing or piece of ground.倾斜的东西或地面美国传统〔slant〕The electoral system, which is heavily slanted towards the ruling party, needs to be changed.需要改变过于向执政党一方倾斜的大选体系。柯林斯高阶〔slant〕The house is on a slant.房子是倾斜的。外研社新世纪〔slant〕The roof slants.这屋顶是倾斜的。英汉大词典〔slant〕You're slightly above the garden because the house is on a slant.由于房子是倾斜的,所以你的位置稍微高于花园。柯林斯高阶〔sloe-eyed〕Having slanted, dark eyes.长着斜的、深色眼睛的美国传统〔slope〕An inclined line, surface, plane, position, or direction.倾斜的线、表面、平面、位置或方向美国传统〔splay〕An oblique angle or bevel given to the sides of an opening in a wall so that the opening is wider on one side of the wall than on the other.八字面,斜削面,倾斜面:通过一定倾斜的角度或锥面使墙上的洞的一边比另一边更宽阔美国传统〔steep〕Having a sharp inclination; precipitous.陡的:大幅度倾斜的;陡峭的美国传统〔straight〕Sit up straight and don't slouch.坐直了,别歪歪斜斜的。韦氏高阶〔straight〕Sit up straight, don't slouch.坐直了,别歪歪斜斜的。朗文当代〔sun〕The sun struck the steep blue slates of the roof.阳光照在屋顶大幅倾斜的蓝色石板瓦上。牛津搭配〔supine〕Inclined; sloping.向后倾斜的;向后靠的美国传统〔synclinal〕Geology Relating to, formed by, or forming a syncline.【地质学】 有关向斜的、向斜形成的或形成向斜的美国传统〔syncline〕A fold in rocks in which the rock layers dip inward from both sides toward the axis.向斜:岩石层从两侧向中轴倾斜的岩石中的褶皱美国传统〔talus〕A sloping mass of rock debris at the base of a cliff.岩屑堆:在悬崖的基部由岩石碎块组成的一个倾斜的堆美国传统〔tender〕Nautical Likely to heel easily under sail; crank.【航海】 易倾斜的:扬帆时易倾斜的;不稳的美国传统〔tent stitch〕A short diagonal embroidery stitch that forms close, even, parallel rows to fill in a pattern or background.斜向平行针迹:一种能够形成慎密、平均且平行的针脚来填满图案或背景的短而斜的剌绣针脚美国传统〔tilt〕The act of tilting or the condition of being tilted.倾斜,歪斜:使倾斜的行为或倾斜的状态美国传统〔tipsy〕Unsteady or crooked.不稳的或歪斜的美国传统〔tiptilt〕The mountain field is tiptilted.山地是倾斜的。21世纪英汉〔toe〕To drive (a nail or spike) at an oblique angle.斜钉:以一个倾斜的角度钉(钉子或大钉)美国传统〔treadmill〕A similar device operated by an animal treading an endless sloping belt.踏车:由动物踩踏一根倾斜的连续不断的皮带从而使之转动的类似装置美国传统〔trestle〕A framework consisting of vertical, slanted supports and horizontal crosspieces supporting a bridge.支撑架:一种由垂直、倾斜的支撑物和水平的横梁组成的柜架,用于支撑桥梁美国传统〔triclinic〕Having three unequal axes intersecting at oblique angles. Used of certain crystals.三斜的:具有三个相交为斜角的不相等的轴的。用于某些晶体美国传统〔trimetrogon〕A system of aerial photography in which one vertical and two oblique photographs are simultaneously taken for use in topographic mapping.三镜头航空测绘系统:一种航空测绘系统,用于地形绘图中,可同时拍摄一张竖直的和两张倾斜的照片美国传统〔twill〕A fabric with diagonal parallel ribs.斜纹布:带有斜的平行罗纹的织物美国传统〔wedge〕Sports An iron golf club with a very slanted face, used to lift the ball, as from sand.【体育运动】 楔形铁头球棒:一种打高尔夫球用的棒面倾斜的铁棒,用于把球如从沙地中向高空击起美国传统〔winze〕An inclined or vertical shaft or passage between levels in a mine.小暗井:矿井里层与层之间倾斜的或垂直的竖坑或通道美国传统In very old houses the floors and windows are often on / at a slant (= are not straight).在很旧的房子里,地板和窗户经常是倾斜的。剑桥国际Italic writing slants to the right.斜体字是向右倾斜的。剑桥国际The bedroom is in the roof so it's got a sloping ceiling.卧室在屋顶下,所以天花板是倾斜的。剑桥国际The house has a sloping/flat/tiled/thatched roof.这所房子有一个倾斜的/平坦的/瓦片的/茅草的房顶。剑桥国际These flowers generally grow on sloping river banks and near streams.这种花通常生长在倾斜的河岸上和小溪边。剑桥国际




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