

单词 愉快的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ENJOY〕We liked living abroad. It was a wonderful experience. 我们喜欢住在国外,那是个愉快的经历。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕Frieda's mother was a plump, cheerful woman, quick with a laugh. 弗丽达的母亲是个胖胖的、性情愉快的、爱笑的女人。朗文写作活用〔GOOD ENOUGH〕We had an enjoyable weekend and the weather was quite reasonable. 我们过了一个愉快的周末,天气也不错。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕His latest film is a feel-good movie with a message. 他这部最新的影片有着明确的寓意,是一部让人感到愉快的电影。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Kate gave a cheerful smile, somehow managing to disguise her embarrassment. 凯特装出一副愉快的笑容,总算掩饰了自己的窘迫。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects. 蒂姆的母亲继续气愤地说着,而蒂姆的思绪已不自觉地飞向更为愉快的方面去了。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Two children, a successful marriage, and the passage of time had helped Maisie to forget her unhappy childhood. 两个子女、一段成功的婚姻,加上时间的流逝帮助梅茜淡忘了自己那不愉快的童年。朗文写作活用〔altogether〕Altogether, it was a delightful town garden, peaceful and secluded.总体上说,这是个令人愉快的城市花园,宁静而偏僻。柯林斯高阶〔association〕Scotland has all kinds of happy associations for me.苏格兰给我各种各样愉快的联想。朗文当代〔balm〕A pleasing aromatic fragrance.芳香:令人愉快的香味美国传统〔beauty〕A delightful quality associated with harmony of form or color, excellence of craftsmanship, truthfulness, originality, or another property.美好:一种与形式和颜色的和谐、高超的技巧、真实、新颖或其它特性相联系的令人愉快的性质美国传统〔beguile with〕Our journey was beguiled with pleasant talk.我们在旅行中以轻松愉快的谈话来消遣。21世纪英汉〔buzzard〕An avaricious or otherwise unpleasant person.贪得无厌的人:贪婪,否则便不愉快的人美国传统〔camp〕Camp is pleasant in fine weather.在晴天,野营生活是很愉快的。英汉大词典〔circumstance〕I wish we could have met under happier circumstances.我真希望我们是在更愉快的情况下相识的。柯林斯高阶〔conclusion〕In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。柯林斯高阶〔congenial〕Frank was a very congenial colleague.弗兰克是一位令人十分愉快的同事。朗文当代〔consign〕He consigned all the unpleasant thoughts to oblivion.他将一切不愉快的想法都置之脑后。21世纪英汉〔country〕We spent a pleasant day in the country.我们在乡下度过了愉快的一天。牛津高阶〔delectable〕Greatly pleasing; delightful.使人极愉快的;令人高兴的美国传统〔delightful〕She's a delightful person.她是个令人愉快的人。韦氏高阶〔delightful〕Thank you for a delightful evening.谢谢你让我度过了一个非常愉快的夜晚。剑桥高阶〔delightful〕That was a delightful party.那是一次令人愉快的聚会。韦氏高阶〔diversion〕Reading is a pleasant diversion.阅读是一种愉快的消遣。剑桥高阶〔drive〕We took a pleasant drive in the country.我们在乡下有一段愉快的驾车旅行。韦氏高阶〔engaging〕He was engaging company.他是个令人愉快的伙伴。柯林斯高阶〔excursion〕A group taking a short pleasure trip together.远足队,游览团:一起进行愉快的短期旅行的团体美国传统〔exorcize〕She had managed to exorcize these unhappy memories from her mind.她终于把这些不愉快的记忆从头脑中抹掉了。牛津高阶〔experience〕Does anyone have any experiences-good or bad-that they would like to share with the group? 哪位有愉快或不愉快的经历想与大家分享吗 ?牛津搭配〔experience〕The two children in this story have been through a lot of bad experiences .这个故事中的两个孩子遭遇了许多不愉快的事情。朗文当代〔fucker〕A despised person.不愉快的人美国传统〔gaiety〕A state of joyful exuberance or merriment; vivacity.快乐、活泼:快乐或愉快的状态;兴奋美国传统〔gay〕Showing or characterized by cheerfulness and lighthearted excitement; merry.快乐的,愉快的:表现出欢乐的、愉快的激动的,或具有其特征的;高兴的美国传统〔glad〕Archaic Having a naturally cheerful disposition.【古语】 个性开朗的:有自然愉快的天性的美国传统〔glorious〕What a glorious day! 多么令人愉快的一天!韦氏高阶〔good-humored〕Cheerful; amiable.愉快的;亲切的美国传统〔grateful〕Affording pleasure or comfort; agreeable.提供快乐或舒适的;令人愉快的美国传统〔happenstance〕It was an agreeable happenstance that we met.我们的相遇是一次令人愉快的巧合。韦氏高阶〔harp on〕She concentrated on the good parts of her trip instead of harping on about the bad.她重点说了旅途中经历的开心事, 没有喋喋不休抱怨那些不愉快的事。外研社新世纪〔heartwarming〕Causing gladness and pleasure.暖人心房的:引起欢乐和愉快的美国传统〔improved〕A more pleasant classroom environment could account for students' improved performance.更加令人愉快的课堂环境可能是学生们成绩提高的原因。麦克米伦高阶〔infelicitous〕Not happy; unfortunate.不愉快的;不幸的美国传统〔jocose〕Given to joking; merry.爱开玩笑的;愉快的美国传统〔jolly〕I was looking forward to a jolly party.我期待着有一个令人愉快的聚会。柯林斯高阶〔jolly〕We usually have quite a jolly time at Christmas.我们通常会在圣诞节度过一段愉快的时光。外研社新世纪〔judge〕Judging by his jovial manner he must have enjoyed his meal.从他愉快的样子来看,他这顿饭肯定吃得很开心。朗文当代〔lovely〕Enjoyable; delightful.愉快的美国传统〔lovely〕We've had a lovely evening.我们度过了一个愉快的夜晚。麦克米伦高阶〔mellow〕Slightly and pleasantly intoxicated.微醉的:因微醉而感到轻松和愉快的美国传统〔memory〕He had happy memories of his father.对于父亲他有着愉快的回忆。外研社新世纪〔nice〕Have a nice day/time! 祝你度过愉快的一天/过得愉快!剑桥高阶〔note〕I'd like to end the discussion on a more cheerful note.我想在一个比较愉快的氛围中结束这场讨论。麦克米伦高阶〔note〕Let's try to end our conversation on a lighter/happier note.让我们试着在轻松/愉快的气氛中结束谈话。韦氏高阶〔pass〕We passed a pleasant afternoon together.我们一起度过了一个愉快的下午。英汉大词典〔picnic〕Living in such a remote place was no picnic: most of the time, there was no water or electricity.住在这样偏远的地方并不是件轻松愉快的事情:大部分时间,那里既没水又没电。麦克米伦高阶〔picnic〕Slang An easy task or a pleasant experience.【俚语】 轻松的工作;愉快的经历美国传统〔playful〕These adjectives mean inclined to or marked by lighthearted fun.这些形容词意指倾向于轻松愉快的嬉戏或以轻松愉快的嬉戏为特点。美国传统〔pleasant〕It was a pleasant enough day.那一天过得够愉快的。牛津搭配〔pleasant〕It was not a particularly pleasant experience.那是一次并不十分愉快的经历。牛津搭配〔pleasant〕We had a pleasant conversation.我们进行了一次愉快的交谈。韦氏高阶〔presumption〕Behavior or language that is boldly arrogant or offensive; effrontery.冒昧,放肆:放肆地傲慢或令人不愉快的行为或语言;厚颜无耻美国传统〔put〕He really put Jones through it when the reports were late.使某人经历不愉快的事情麦克米伦高阶〔rakish〕Dashingly or sportingly stylish; jaunty.有活力的,爱好运动的;愉快的美国传统〔recede〕With the passage of time, my unhappy memories of the place receded.随着时间的推移,我对那地方不愉快的记忆变得模糊了美国传统〔release〕They look on life at college as a blessed release from the obligation to work.他们把大学生活看成是一种愉快的解脱,可以不用承担工作的义务。柯林斯高阶〔relief〕A pleasant or amusing change; a diversion.娱乐:令人高兴或愉快的变化;消遣娱乐美国传统〔relief〕The calm of the countryside came as a welcome relief from the hustle and bustle of city life.离开喧嚣忙碌的城市生活,来到宁静的乡村,是一种令人愉快的调剂。牛津高阶〔repress〕Psychology To exclude (painful or unpleasant memories, for example) from the conscious mind.【心理学】 压抑:从清醒的头脑中排斥(如痛苦的或不愉快的记忆)美国传统〔richly〕It was a richly rewarding relationship.这是一种令人非常愉快的关系。朗文当代〔rub〕To harp on (an unpleasant matter).反复讲(令人不愉快的事)美国传统〔sightly〕Pleasing to see; visually appealing.悦目的:看起来令人愉快的;在视觉上吸引人的美国传统〔smile〕These nouns denote facial expressions, as those indicating amusement, in which the mouth is curved upward slightly at the corners.这些名词都指一种嘴角向上微翘,表示愉快的面部表情。美国传统〔spanking〕We had a spanking good time together.我们一起度过了一段极为愉快的时光。英汉大词典〔splendid〕We had a splendid time in Nice.我们在尼斯度过了一段非常愉快的时光。麦克米伦高阶〔step〕Informal To go out for a special evening of entertainment.【非正式用语】 出去娱乐:外出过一个愉快的夜晚美国传统〔stocking〕This book is a light-hearted Christmas stocking filler / stuffer.这本书是个能让人轻松愉快的圣诞小礼物。牛津搭配〔stopover〕This village is a delightful stopover for travellers.这个村庄对旅人来说是个令人愉快的中途停留地。英汉大词典〔stop〕The hospital staff pulled out all the stops to make sure the children had a wonderful day.医院员工竭尽全力来确保孩子们能过上愉快的一天。朗文当代〔suite〕They had a fabulous time during their week in a suite at the Paris Hilton.他们在巴黎希尔顿酒店的套房里度过了非常愉快的一周。柯林斯高阶〔surroundings〕I need to work in pleasant surroundings.我需要在愉快的环境下工作。朗文当代〔sweet〕Something pleasing to the mind or feelings.令人愉快的事物美国传统〔unpleasant〕Not pleasing; disagreeable.让人不愉快的;不舒适的美国传统〔warm〕I've always thought the house had a lovely warm atmosphere.我一直认为这所房子有一种令人愉快的暖意融融的氛围。外研社新世纪〔yummy〕Delightful; delicious.令人愉快的;赏心悦目的美国传统〔zone〕When I'm in the zone, writing is the most satisfying thing in the world.当我状态好的时候,写作是世界上最让我愉快的事。牛津高阶Children need a happy home environment. 孩子们需要愉快的家庭环境。译典通Despite the bitter memories, the election campaign has been remarkably peaceful, even good-humoured.尽管有不愉快的回忆,竞选还是非常平静,甚至气氛轻松。剑桥国际He's a most agreeable (=friendly and pleasant to be with) person.他是一个非常令人愉快的人。剑桥国际I'm sure I'm speaking on behalf of/speaking for everyone (= representing the opinions of everyone) when I say that this was a very enjoyable occasion.我认为这是非常令人愉快的场合,我确信这代表了每个人的看法。剑桥国际On a warm sunny day there are few things more pleasant than a gentle boat trip down the Thames.在一个温暖阳光充足的日子里没有什么比乘着小船顺着泰晤士河缓缓行进更愉快的事了。剑桥国际She said some very disagreeable things.她说了些非常令人不愉快的事。剑桥国际She thinks that afternoon tea is a very civilized tradition.她认为下午茶是非常令人舒适愉快的传统。剑桥国际Thank you for a delightful (= very enjoyable) evening.感谢你让我度过了一个愉快的夜晚。剑桥国际That was the most bodacious party, dude! 那是最令人愉快的聚会了,伙计!剑桥国际The less said about this unpleasant business, the better.这件不愉快的事提得越少越好。剑桥国际The memory of the old days all rushed back upon him with sickening vividness. 过去时光的记忆带著令人极不愉快的清晰向他袭来。译典通The people are looking forward to being delivered from the nasties. 人民期待著从不愉快的状况中解脱出来。译典通The programme included a pleasingly varied mixture of old and new songs.节目包括令人愉快的新旧歌曲的混合。剑桥国际The walkers were good-humoured despite the bad weather.虽然天气不好,行路者还是愉快的。剑桥国际We assured our clients of an enjoyable holiday. 我们使游客确信准能过一个愉快的假期。译典通




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