

单词 扩张的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACE inhibitor〕Any of a class of drugs that cause vasodilation and are used to treat hypertension and heart failure.血管收缩转化酶抑制剂:可使血管扩张的一类药,用于治疗高血压和心力衰竭美国传统〔ATTACK〕Any eastward expansion would be regarded by the government as an act of aggression. 任何向东扩张的行动都被该国政府认为是一种侵略行为。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He realized that it would bankrupt the company if he continued the expansion. 他意识到如果继续扩张的话,就会导致公司破产。朗文写作活用〔coextensive〕Having the same limits, boundaries, or scope.共同扩张的:有相同的限制、边界或范围的美国传统〔cusp〕The country was on the cusp of economic expansion.该国正处于经济扩张的当口。朗文当代〔dilatant〕Tending to dilate; dilating.扩张的:倾向于扩大的;扩张的美国传统〔dilatation〕The act or process of expanding; dilation.膨胀:扩张的行为或过程;扩张法美国传统〔dilation〕The act of expanding or the state of being expanded.膨胀:扩张的动作或状态美国传统〔dilatometer〕An instrument used to measure thermal expansion and dilation in solids and liquids.膨胀计:用于测量固体液体中热膨胀与扩张的仪器美国传统〔distend〕To swell out or expand from or as if from internal pressure.膨胀,肿胀:由或好象由内部压力而膨胀或扩张的美国传统〔expansionism〕A nation's practice or policy of territorial or economic expansion.扩张主义:一个国家领土或经济扩张的政策或实践美国传统〔expansion〕The company has abandoned plans for further expansion.该公司已经放弃了进一步扩张的计划。柯林斯高阶〔expansion〕This will slow the rate of monetary expansion.这项举措将会放慢货币扩张的速度。牛津搭配〔expansively〕An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.积极扩张的市场经济是发展的必要条件。柯林斯高阶〔expansive〕An active and expansive market economy is a necessary condition for progress.积极扩张的市场经济是发展的必要条件。外研社新世纪〔ice field〕A large, level expanse of floating ice that is more than eight kilometers (five miles) in its greatest dimension.冰原:水平扩张的巨大浮冰体,最大长度超过八公里(五英里)美国传统〔limit〕The industry was approaching the limits of expansion.该行业正在接近扩张的极限。牛津搭配〔missing mass〕The difference between the observed mass of the universe and the mass needed to halt the expansion of the universe.迷失质量:宇宙的观测质量与使宇宙停止扩张的质量间的差异美国传统〔moderate〕The pace of economic expansion has moderated.经济扩张的速度已经放慢。麦克米伦高阶〔oasis〕The immaculately tended gardens are an oasis in the midst of Cairo's urban sprawl.在开罗不断扩张的都市版图内,这些被悉心照料的花园成了一片世外桃源。柯林斯高阶〔outspread〕Spread out; extended.展开的;扩张的美国传统〔reach〕The business is looking at ways to extend its geographic reach.该企业正在寻求地域性扩张的途径。牛津搭配〔realpolitik〕A usually expansionist national policy having as its sole principle advancement of the national interest.现实政治:常指一种扩张的国家政策,把国家利益看作是唯一的原则性进展美国传统〔sprawl〕The sprawling city contained some 4m people.这个不断扩张的城市容纳了约 400 万人口。柯林斯高阶〔threat〕According to the Secretary of State, the Russians face no threat from an expanded NATO.根据国务卿的说法,俄罗斯人不会受北约组织扩张的威胁。朗文当代〔vasodilator〕Something, such as a nerve or drug, that causes vasodilation.血管扩张剂:导致血管扩张的事物,例如神经或药品美国传统〔vasomotor〕Relating to, causing, or regulating constriction or dilation of blood vessels.血管舒缩的,影响血管舒缩的:与血管的缩小或扩张有关的,导致或控制血管缩小或扩张的美国传统His territorial ambitions (= his desire to take land for his own) included most of Europe.他领土扩张的野心包括欧洲大部分地区。剑桥国际Our company went through a phase of rapid expansion.我们公司经历了一个快速扩张的阶段。牛津商务The Swedes are not alone in finding their language under pressure from the spread of English.不单是瑞典人发现他们的语言处于英语扩张的压力下。剑桥国际




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