

单词 扩建
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADD〕The Simpsons built a big addition onto the back of their house. 辛普森家在房子后面扩建了一个很大的房间。朗文写作活用〔ADD〕You'll find the Picasso collection in the extension to the museum. 毕加索的作品收藏在博物馆扩建的部分。朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕Local people are angry that they weren't told about plans to expand the airport. 当地居民非常生气,因为没有人告诉过他们关于扩建机场的计划。朗文写作活用〔BIG〕The hotel has been recently renovated and extended. 这家旅馆最近已翻新扩建过了。朗文写作活用〔FUTURE〕From now on, homeowners will have to get a city permit if they want to build an addition onto their homes. 自即日起,房主如要扩建房屋,须得到市政府发出的许可证。朗文写作活用〔INSTRUCTIONS〕The architect's brief was to design an extension which would harmonize as much as possible with the existing building. 这位建筑师的指示是设计扩建部分并使之与现存的建筑尽量保持和谐。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕Their application to build a new extension has been turned down by the planning authority. 他们提出建一个新的扩建部分的申请被规划管理局否决了。朗文写作活用〔add on sth〕We’ve added on a couple of rooms to the house.我们扩建了这座房子,增加了两个房间。剑桥高阶〔addition〕Something added, such as a room or section appended to a building.增建物:增加的物,比如建筑物扩建的房间或部分美国传统〔addition〕The plant expansion will be considered a new plant instead of an addition on the 1959 facility.这工厂扩建后将被认为是一个新厂,而不是1959年原有设备的扩充。英汉大词典〔addition〕We're building an addition to our house.我们正在对房子进行扩建。剑桥高阶〔add〕The house has been added to(= new rooms, etc. have been built on to it)from time to time.这座房子一次又一次地在扩建。牛津高阶〔add〕The palace had been added to from time to time.这座宫殿曾一再扩建。21世纪英汉〔add〕They added to the house the next year.第二年,他们扩建了房屋。英汉大词典〔add〕You might want to add on to the kitchen at a later date.你日后可能想扩建厨房。麦克米伦高阶〔against〕We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension.我们在扩建过程中遇到好多问题。剑桥高阶〔aggrandize〕In 1864 they set about alterations to aggrandize the building.1864年, 他们开始对这座建筑进行扩建改造。外研社新世纪〔approve〕We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans to extend the house.我们等了几个月才等到政务委员会批准我们扩建房屋的计划。剑桥高阶〔available〕Further building can continue when money is made available .有了资金便可以继续扩建。朗文当代〔brief〕The architect's brief is to design an extension that is modern but blends with the rest of the building.设计指令是,建筑物扩建部分的设计既要现代化,又要与其余的部分保持和谐。朗文当代〔build onto〕They built onto their house.他们扩建了房子。韦氏高阶〔build out〕Extra classrooms were built out from the main block.靠着主楼又扩建了一些教室。21世纪英汉〔building〕They were refused planning permission for an extension because it was a Grade II listed building.他们的扩建计划未获许可,因为该建筑属于二级保护建筑。牛津搭配〔build〕They've built an extension on.他们进行了一项扩建。牛津高阶〔capital-intensive〕The airport expansion is a very capital-intensive project.机场扩建是个资本密集型项目。韦氏高阶〔contract〕They're the firm of architects who won the contract to design the Museum of Fine Art extension.他们就是赢得国家美术馆扩建工程设计合同的那家建筑公司。剑桥高阶〔cowboy〕Those builders are a bunch of cowboys - they made a terrible job of our extension.那些建筑商是一帮不负责任的奸商——他们把我们的扩建工程弄得一团糟。剑桥高阶〔elbow〕There's more elbow room in the restaurant since they extended it.该餐馆扩建后活动空间宽敞了。朗文当代〔embryo〕The department's plans for enlargement are still in embryo.这个系的扩建计划仍在酝酿之中。剑桥高阶〔enable〕There are plans to enlarge the runway to enable jumbo jets to land.有计划扩建飞机跑道让大型客机可以降落。朗文当代〔enclose〕The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.环绕着纪念碑的那个公园最近扩建了。剑桥高阶〔enlargement〕There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.没有足够的空间扩建这些建筑。外研社新世纪〔enlarge〕The castle was enlarged considerably in the 15th century.这个城堡在 15 世纪得到了相当大的扩建。牛津搭配〔enlarge〕They've enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.他们占用一部分花园扩建了厨房。剑桥高阶〔enlarge〕We enlarged the house by adding a west wing.我们加盖西厢房以扩建房屋。21世纪英汉〔expand〕There are no plans to expand the local airport.目前没有扩建地方机场的计划。牛津高阶〔expand〕There are plans to expand the airport.有几个扩建机场的方案。韦氏高阶〔expansion〕The museum is undergoing a major expansion.这座博物馆正在进行大面积的扩建。牛津搭配〔explosion〕The spread of the suburbs has triggered a population explosion among America's deer.市郊的扩建使美国鹿的数量激增。外研社新世纪〔extend〕Have you ever thought of extending your house?你有没有想过把你的房子扩建一下?外研社新世纪〔extend〕The building was extended in 1500.那座建筑于1500年扩建。柯林斯高阶〔extend〕We have plans to extend our house (= to make it bigger).我们计划扩建房屋。剑桥高阶〔extend〕We're going to extend the first floor.我们打算扩建二楼。麦克米伦高阶〔extension〕Add a kitchen extension to your home.在你家里扩建一个厨房。麦克米伦高阶〔extension〕Some house extensions need planning permission.一些房屋的扩建需要得到规划许可。外研社新世纪〔extension〕The extension of the subway will take several months.扩建地铁需用几个月时间。牛津高阶〔extension〕They built an extension on their house.他们对房子进行了扩建。韦氏高阶〔extension〕They're building an extension to their house.他们正在扩建自家的房屋。牛津搭配〔extension〕We are building an extension on the back of our house.我们正在屋后进行扩建。麦克米伦高阶〔extension〕We're building an extension to/on our house.我们正在对房子进行扩建。剑桥高阶〔feasibility study〕The local authority is to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the old stadium.当地政府将对扩建旧体育馆进行可行性研究。剑桥高阶〔fierce〕The expansion plans will face fierce opposition/resistance from environmentalists.扩建计划会遭到环境保护主义者的强烈反对/抵制。剑桥高阶〔fight〕Villagers fought a long campaign against the airport extension.村民为反对机场扩建进行了一场旷日持久的运动。外研社新世纪〔foundation stone〕The Princess of Wales laid the foundation stone for the extension to the Cathedral.威尔士亲王为大教堂扩建工程奠基。外研社新世纪〔foundation stone〕The Princess of Wales laid the foundation stone for the extension to the Cathedral.威尔士王妃为大教堂的扩建奠基。柯林斯高阶〔free〕They planned to extend the car park, freeing existing parking spaces for visitors.他们计划扩建停车场,腾出现有的停车位给访客用。剑桥高阶〔get round sth〕We can get round the problem of space by building an extension.我们可以通过扩建来解决空间不足的问题。剑桥高阶〔get/have your sums right/wrong〕I must confess that I got my sums wrong - the house extension is costing a lot more than I expected.我必须承认我算错了账——房子的扩建费用大大超出了我的预期。剑桥高阶〔house〕Our challenge was to add onto the house in a respectful way.我们面临的挑战在于体面地扩建房子。牛津搭配〔house〕We're hoping to extend the house.我们希望扩建房子。牛津搭配〔in keeping with〕In keeping with the overall design of the park, the playground will remain small.为了与公园总体设计保持协调,那块活动场地不会扩建。韦氏高阶〔integrity〕A modern extension on the old building would ruin its architectural integrity.在古老建筑物上附加扩建的现代建筑会破坏建筑风格的完整统一。剑桥高阶〔lay〕When will they lay the foundation for the addition? 他们什么时候为扩建房屋打地基?韦氏高阶〔militate〕Increased costs will militate against further enlargement of the buildings.成本的增加影响了建筑物的进一步扩建。21世纪英汉〔money〕Money for the extension to the gallery came from the sale of old exhibits.扩建美术馆的钱款来自售出旧展品的收入。牛津搭配〔pass〕Plans to extend the hotel have now been passed.扩建酒店的计划现已获得通过。朗文当代〔permission〕You will need to obtain planning permission if you want to extend your house.需要获得建筑许可才能扩建房屋。牛津搭配〔piecemeal〕The premises have been expanded in a piecemeal fashion over 40 years.四十年来, 这个经营场所一直在一点一点地逐步扩建外研社新世纪〔planning〕We've applied for planning permission to build an extension to the house.为了扩建住房,我们申请了建筑许可证。牛津搭配〔previous〕The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back.这所房子以前的主人对房子后部进行了扩建。剑桥高阶〔projected〕The projected extension to the motorway is going to cost over £4 million.拟议中的高速公路扩建工程费用将超过400万英镑。剑桥高阶〔propose〕The report also proposes extending the motorway.那份报告还建议扩建这条高速公路。朗文当代〔remodel〕Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.雇用了工人来改造和扩建农场建筑。柯林斯高阶〔restraint〕Lack of space is the main restraint on the firm's expansion plans.建筑空间的缺乏是阻碍这家公司实施其扩建计划的主要原因。剑桥高阶〔restrictive〕The college is not able to expand because of restrictive planning laws.由于限制性规划法规,这所大学无法扩建。剑桥高阶〔variance〕We had to get a (zoning) variance before we could build the extension on our house.我们扩建房屋前必须获得(城市区划)特殊许可。剑桥高阶〔work〕They expanded the shipyards and started engineering works.他们扩建造船厂,开始了工程施工。牛津高阶A modern extension on the old building would ruin its architectural integrity.在古老建筑物上附加扩建的现代建筑会破坏其建筑风格的完整。剑桥国际Airline services will be disrupted during the expansion of the airport, but normal services will be resumed in the spring.航空公司的服务在机场扩建过程中将被扰乱,但正常的服务将于春天继续。剑桥国际An expansion of this kind supposes (= would not be possible without) an increase in the company's profits this year.这种扩建需要以公司今年利润增长为条件。剑桥国际But any expansion plans will face fierce opposition / resistance (=that showing strong feeling) from environmentalists.但任何扩建计划都会遭到环境生态学家的激烈反对/抵制。剑桥国际Her job was in the balance for some months, but now the company has decided to expand, so her future is assured.几个月来她会否失业一直未定,目前公司决定扩建,她的未来终于有了保障。剑桥国际The architect has quoted $3000 to build an extension.建筑师开价3000美元扩建一楼。剑桥国际The expansion of the factory will mean the employment of sixty extra workers.工厂的扩建将意味着要多雇用 60 名工人。牛津商务The new extension to the museum has been criticized for being out of character with (=unsuitable for) the rest of the building.博物馆的扩建部分被批评与建筑的其他部分风格不符。剑桥国际The park that encloses the monument has recently been enlarged.围着那座纪念碑的公园最近被扩建了。剑桥国际The previous owner of the house had built an extension on the back.这所房子的前主人对房子后部进行了扩建。剑桥国际The projected (= planned) extension to the motorway is going to cost over £4 million.高速公路的计划扩建将要耗费4百多万英镑。剑桥国际They are planning a $60 million extension to the airport terminal.他们正计划斥资 6000 万元对候机楼进行扩建。牛津商务They have enlarged the kitchen by building over part of the garden.他们占了一部分花园,扩建了厨房。剑桥国际They're the firm of architects who won the contract to design the National Museum extension.他们是赢得了国家博物馆扩建工程设计合同的那家建筑行。剑桥国际They've extended the runway, to take larger jets.为让更大的喷气机降落,他们扩建了跑道。剑桥国际We came up against a lot of problems in the course of building our extension.我们在扩建楼房的过程中碰到了许多问题。剑桥国际We can get round the problem of space by building an extension.我们可以通过扩建来解决场地的问题。剑桥国际We had to wait months for the council to approve our plans to extend our house.为了获得市政会对我们扩建房屋计划的批准,我们得等上几个月。剑桥国际We have plans to extend our house (= to make it bigger).我们有扩建房子的打算。剑桥国际We're building an extension (= adding a new room or rooms) to/on our house.我们在扩建我们的房子。剑桥国际When it was first suggested that the park might be built on, the citizens did a slow burn.最初传说公园可能扩建时,市民们的怒气逐渐发作。剑桥国际When we had the extension to our house built, the concept for it was ours, but we employed an architect to realize it for us.扩建房子的主意是我们想出来的,但为实现这一计划我们雇了一名建筑师,终于扩建完成。剑桥国际You will need permission from the council to extend your garage.汽车车库扩建需要得到政务委员会的许可。剑桥国际




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