

单词 打破传统
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔By tradition〕We broke with tradition and had goose for Thanksgiving instead of turkey.我们打破传统,过感恩节时用鹅代替了火鸡。韦氏高阶〔break with sth〕We decided to break with tradition and not spend Christmas with our family.我们决定打破传统,圣诞节不和家人一起过。剑桥高阶〔gender bender〕Something, such as a theatrical performance or a book, whose portrayal of gender roles is unexpectedly nontraditional or androgynous.两性特征的性格:某种事物,象一剧院演出或一本书,其中的性别角色的表演出乎意料地打破传统或兼有两性特征美国传统〔movement〕Recently there has been some movement away from traditional methods of teaching.近来教学方法出现了一些打破传统的趋势。剑桥高阶〔noise〕The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience.第一场打破传统习俗作品的表演在观众中引起了极大的骚动。美国传统〔tradition〕He broke with tradition and stood for a third term of office.打破传统麦克米伦高阶〔tradition〕In a departure from tradition, the bride wore red.新娘打破传统,穿了一身红装。牛津搭配〔tradition〕They broke with tradition(= did things differently)and got married quietly.他们打破传统,毫不声张地结了婚。牛津高阶〔tradition〕They decided to break with tradition and appoint a Swede as the England manager.他们决定打破传统,任命一名瑞典人担任英格兰队的主教练。朗文当代〔tradition〕We decided to break with tradition (= not behave as usual) this year and go away for Christmas.今年我们决定打破传统,外出度圣诞节。剑桥高阶It takes courage to break the bonds of convention. 打破传统的束缚需要勇气。译典通




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