

单词 打的
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BOAST〕Kevin used to brag that he'd had dozens of girlfriends. 凯文以前常吹嘘说他有成打成打的女朋友。朗文写作活用〔DESCRIBE〕Many of the prisoners have told of the terrible conditions they were kept in and how they were beaten. 许多囚犯讲述了他们牢房的恶劣条件以及被殴打的情形。朗文写作活用〔DIVORCE〕Women who are attacked by their husbands or ex-husbands often fail to report them to the police. 遭丈夫或前夫殴打的妇女通常都不向警方报案。朗文写作活用〔Gibraltar〕An invincible fortress or stronghold.难攻打的城堡或要塞美国传统〔HELP〕The company has a toll-free number that offers technical assistance to anyone who needs it. 这家公司有一个可以免费拨打的电话号码,为需要的人提供技术支援。朗文写作活用〔HIT〕There's a chip on the windshield where a stone hit it. 挡风玻璃上有个缺口,是石头打的。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The human rights campaign has raised public awareness of the torture going on in the country. 人权运动增强了大众对该国实行严刑拷打的认识。朗文写作活用〔SERIES〕Jackson became the first batter since Babe Ruth to hit three successive home runs in a single game. 杰克逊成了贝布·鲁思之后第一个在同一场比赛里连续三次击出本垒打的击球手。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The builders’ knocking and hammering made it difficult for me to concentrate on my work. 建筑工人敲敲打打的声音令我难以集中注意力去工作。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕He said he'd phone, but he won't. As per usual! 他说他会打电话的,可他是不会打的。他就是这样!朗文写作活用〔administer〕Punishment was administered in the traditional way by a public flogging.惩罚以当众鞭打的传统方式进行。外研社新世纪〔astraddle〕The battle was fought astraddle of the road.那一仗是在这条公路的两旁打的。英汉大词典〔battered〕She was a battered child.她是个常被(父母)殴打的孩子。文馨英汉〔beaten〕The beaten dog crawled to his master's feet.挨打的狗爬到主人的脚边去。英汉大词典〔blasting〕He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting.他可能是想努力摆脱困境,平时不会考虑击打的球也打起了进攻。柯林斯高阶〔boxer〕One who fights with the fists as a sport.拳击运动员:作为一项体育运动用拳头进行对打的人美国传统〔bunt〕The act of bunting.短打:短打的动作美国传统〔call〕It is unlikely that they will heed calls for a crackdown.他们不大可能听从严打的号召。牛津搭配〔call〕This is the number to call.这是要拨打的电话号码。外研社新世纪〔cane〕Until the 1980s some criminals were still flogged with a rattan cane as a punishment.直到20世纪80年代有些罪犯仍然受到用藤条抽打的惩罚。外研社新世纪〔cash discount〕A reduction in the price of an item for sale allowed if payment is made within a stipulated period.现金折扣:在规定期限内付款的情况下,对所售物品的价格所打的折扣美国传统〔cast iron〕He has a cast-iron stomach - he can eat anything.他的胃是铁打的,什么都能吃。剑桥高阶〔catch〕The grabbing and holding of a thrown, kicked, or batted ball before it hits the ground.接球:在一个被掷出、踢出或拍打的球落地前抓握住它的动作美国传统〔clock in〕What time did you clock in this morning? 今天早上你几点打的卡?剑桥高阶〔cover〕Games To play a higher card than the one previously played.【游戏】 大牌:打比刚打的牌高级的牌美国传统〔credence〕His bruises added/lent credence to his statement that he had been beaten.他的淤伤证实了自己被打的说法。剑桥高阶〔engagement〕The greatest engagement of the Civil War was at Gettysburg.南北战争最大的一仗是在葛底斯堡打的。英汉大词典〔flagellation〕The act or practice of flagellating.鞭笞:鞭打的动作美国传统〔force〕His body swung round with the force of the blow.他的身体被击打的力量打得转了一圈。麦克米伦高阶〔forehanded〕Forehand, as in tennis.正手打的:网球中正手打的美国传统〔fore〕Used by a golfer to warn those ahead that a ball is headed in their direction.前面注意:高尔夫球员用来提醒球可能朝起其方向打的前面的人美国传统〔from〕From being attacked he became the aggressor.他从挨打的地位变为侵犯者。英汉大词典〔frontenis〕A Latin-American tennis game played on a three-walled court.网拍回力球:拉美的一种在三面有墙的地上打的网球戏美国传统〔fungo〕A fly ball hit for fielding practice by a player who tosses the ball up and hits it on its way down with a long, thin, light bat.飞球:运动员为防守练习而击打的腾空球,先将球抛起来,在球未落地前,用长而细的轻快球棒击打美国传统〔get〕Shall we get a taxi to the station? 我们打的去车站吧?剑桥高阶〔gopher ball〕A pitched ball that is hit for a home run.本垒球:可以造成本垒打的投球美国传统〔half〕I rang at about half six .我六点半左右打的电话。朗文当代〔heat〕This is the point where the interrogators really turn on the heat.讯问者穷追猛打的正是这一点。外研社新世纪〔high beam〕The car's headlights were on high beam.车头灯打的是远光。韦氏高阶〔incidentals〕Take some foreign currency to cover incidentals like the taxi fare to your hotel.带些外币用来支付杂费,比如到旅馆的打的费。剑桥高阶〔incidental〕You should bring enough money to cover incidentals like cab fare and tips.你应该带上足够的钱,用以支付打的和小费之类的额外费用。韦氏高阶〔instead〕The pool was closed, so we played tennis instead.游泳池关闭了, 所以我们打的网球。外研社新世纪〔judgement〕The sacked workers won a judgement against the company.被解雇的工人赢得了和公司打的官司。牛津搭配〔key〕The key to hitting the ball well is following through on your stroke.击球成功的关键是做好击打的随球动作。韦氏高阶〔lasher〕One that lashes, as with a whip.鞭打者:如用鞭子击打的人美国传统〔lazy〕Depicted as reclining or lying on its side. Used of a brand on livestock.横打的:被描述为倾斜的或躺倒的。用来指牲畜身上的烙印美国传统〔line〕It's your mother on the line (= on the telephone).是你母亲打的电话。牛津搭配〔match〕This is the third international match they've played in a week.这是他们一周之内打的第三场国际比赛。麦克米伦高阶〔netball〕Netball is a bit like basketball, but it's normally played by girls.无挡板篮球跟普通的篮球运动有相似之处, 但通常是女孩子打的。外研社新世纪〔no-hitter〕A game in which one pitcher allows the opposing team no hits.无安打球赛:指投手不让对方队击出一次安打的一场比赛美国传统〔pecker〕One that pecks, as a bird's bill.凿具,鹤嘴锄:象鸟的喙那样可啄打的东西美国传统〔percussion〕I staggered to the door, the percussion of the rain still deafening.我摇摇晃晃地走到门口, 雨水敲打的声音仍旧震耳欲聋。外研社新世纪〔photovoltaic〕Capable of producing a voltage when exposed to radiant energy, especially light.光生伏打的:当暴露于辐射时能产生电压的,尤指光美国传统〔piecemeal〕Instead of the government's piecemeal approach, what is needed is a radical shake-up of 16-19 education.需要的不是政府零敲碎打的措施,而是要对16至19岁年龄段的教育进行彻底变革。柯林斯高阶〔poler〕One that propels, supports, conveys, or strikes with a pole.撑船者:用一根杆来推动、支撑、传送或击打的人美国传统〔position〕I think goalie is the hardest position to play in hockey.我认为守门员是冰球运动中最难打的位置。韦氏高阶〔pull〕He rushed in to pull apart the boys that were fighting.他冲了进去,把正在厮打的男孩们拉开。英汉大词典〔punching bag〕A stuffed or inflated leather bag that is usually suspended so that it can be punched with the fists for exercise.吊袋,吊球:一种经常被悬挂起来用以在训练时用拳头击打的装满东西或充满气的袋子美国传统〔rally〕An exchange of several strokes, before a point is won, as in tennis.连续对打:得一分之前打的几个回合,如在网球比赛中美国传统〔riddle〕The wall was riddled with bullet holes.墙上到处都是子弹打的窟窿。21世纪英汉〔ring〕I rang this morning.我今早打的电话。韦氏高阶〔rubber game〕The teams will play today in the rubber game of the series.今天球队要打的是系列赛中的决胜局。韦氏高阶〔say〕Did he say who called? 他说谁打的电话吗?麦克米伦高阶〔say〕Who shall I say is calling, Sir? 那我应该说是谁打的电话,先生?韦氏高阶〔scuffling〕There were sounds of scuffling.有扭打的声音。外研社新世纪〔series〕Sports A number of games played one after the other by the same opposing teams.【体育运动】 连串的比赛:相同的互相对抗的运动队之间一场接一场打的一组比赛美国传统〔slow〕This job requires special care, so we'd better do it slow and steady.做这件事要特别小心,我们还是稳扎稳打的好。英汉大词典〔slugger〕Baseball A batter who hits many extra-base hits.【棒球】 强击手:打出许多本垒打的击球手美国传统〔soft〕After losing a couple of soft games, any win was essential.输掉了两场容易打的比赛后,任何胜利都很重要。麦克米伦高阶〔stand〕The home run record stands at 73.本垒打的纪录保持在73次。韦氏高阶〔strike〕An act or a gesture of striking.打的动作或姿势美国传统〔stroke〕The act or an instance of striking, as with the hand, a weapon, or a tool; a blow or an impact.打,击:用手,武器或工具敲打的行为或例子;一次打击或冲击美国传统〔stroke〕The manner of executing such a movement.打法:进行这种击打的姿势美国传统〔switch〕A slender flexible rod, stick, or twig, especially one used for whipping.细软枝条,鞭子:有弹性的棍、棒或条,尤指用于鞭打的此类东西美国传统〔tangle with〕All the newspapers wanted to do was to photograph the police officers tangling with the demonstrators.报纸最希望拍到的就是警察和示威者扭打的场面。柯林斯高阶〔tangle〕It was not an animal you'd care to tangle with.这种动物你是不会想和它缠打的。朗文当代〔tapper〕One that taps.轻轻击打的人美国传统〔taxi〕He set off by taxi.他打的走了。柯林斯高阶〔telephone tag〕A series of unsuccessful calls exchanged by two people who are attempting to contact each other by telephone.电话互拨占线,追人电话:试图打电话联络彼此的两方,相互连续拨打的无法接通的电话美国传统〔thrash〕The act or an instance of thrashing.打:打的行为或方式美国传统〔transfer〕He transferred my call to another line.他把我打的电话转接到另一条线上。韦氏高阶〔trick〕All the cards played in a single round, one from each player.一墩,一墩牌:一圈所打的牌,每个参加者都打出一张牌美国传统〔typewriting〕Copy produced on a typewriter; typescript.打字稿:用打字机打的稿件;打字稿美国传统〔type〕Printed or typewritten characters; print.印刷字:印刷的或打字机打的字;印刷物美国传统〔type〕This letter was typed on an electronic typewriter.这封信是用电子打字机打的。牛津搭配〔understand〕I think he was calling from a club - it was so noisy, I couldn't understand a word he said.我想他是在一个夜总会里打的电话——那头太吵了,他说的话我一个字也没听清。剑桥高阶〔unplayable〕The golf ball was in an unplayable lie.这个高尔夫球处于无法击打的球位。韦氏高阶〔walk over〕Let's not take a taxi; we can easily walk over.我们别打的了,走到那里不费力。21世纪英汉〔whip〕A whipping or lashing motion or stroke; a whiplash.鞭打:抽打,鞭打的动作或一抽、一挥;鞭打美国传统He's a baseball maven who knows Hank Aaron's home run statistics by heart.他是个棒球内行,熟知汉克·艾伦的本垒打的数据。剑桥国际His bruises added/lent credence to his statement that he had been beaten.他的淤伤证实了他说自己被打的说法。剑桥国际I could hear the fluttering of the birds'wings on the roof.我可以听到屋顶上鸟的翅膀扑扑拍打的声音。剑桥国际I forgot to save the work I did on the computer this morning.我忘了把今天早上在电脑里打的材料存盘。剑桥国际I'll have a bourbon on the rocks / and water / and soda.我要一杯加冰块的 / 加水的 / 加苏打的波旁威士忌。剑桥国际The battle was fought in the mountains. 这一仗是在山里打的。译典通The child's body bore/showed the traces of having been beaten.这个孩子的身上带有/显出挨过打的痕迹。剑桥国际The films featured scenes of men in bondage or subjected to beatings by women.这些电影用男人被女人捆绑或殴打的场面来招徕观众。剑桥国际The group set up a sanctuary for battered wives.这一组织为遭丈夫殴打的妻子提供庇护所。剑桥国际The home run he hit made the ball whoosh across the stadium. 他打的那支全垒打让球飞快地掠过全场。译典通We've gone ex-directory because we were receiving so many unwanted calls.我们把电话号码从号码簿中删除了,因为我们老是接到很多错打的电话。剑桥国际




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