

单词 恐高
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FRIGHTENED/FRIGHTENING〕She's always been scared of heights. 她一直恐高。朗文写作活用〔acrophobia〕An abnormal fear of high places.恐高症:对于高处的一种不正常的恐惧美国传统〔afraid〕I don't like tall buildings because I'm afraid of heights. [=of being high up in the air] 我不喜欢很高的楼,因为我恐高。韦氏高阶〔afraid〕I've always been afraid of flying/heights/spiders.我一直都怕坐飞机/恐高/怕蜘蛛。剑桥高阶〔batophobia〕An abnormal fear of being near an object of great height, such as a skyscraper or mountain.恐高症:一种心理症状,当靠近高的物体而产生恐惧,如靠近高楼大厦或山顶美国传统〔confirm〕The walk in the mountains confirmed his fear of heights.在山里步行使他更加确信自己有恐高症。牛津高阶〔fear〕I have a fear of heights.我有恐高症。剑桥高阶〔head〕Do you have a head for heights (= are you able to be in high places without fear)? 你有没有恐高症?剑桥高阶〔height〕Dave was trying to overcome his fear of heights.戴夫在努力克服恐高心理。麦克米伦高阶〔height〕Don't go up the tower if you're afraid of heights.如果你恐高的话,就不要到塔上去。剑桥高阶〔height〕I'm not afraid of heights.我不恐高。柯林斯高阶〔height〕Rachel had always been scared of heights .雷切尔过去一直恐高。朗文当代〔master〕He had learned to master his fear of heights.他已学会克服自己的恐高症。朗文当代〔pathological〕I've got a pathological fear of heights.我有恐高症。剑桥高阶〔pathological〕She has a pathological fear of heights.她有恐高症。韦氏高阶〔phobic〕She is phobic about heights.她有恐高症。韦氏高阶〔point sth out〕He was planning to book a rock-climbing holiday, till I pointed out that Denis is afraid of heights.在我告诉他丹尼斯恐高之前,他一直打算着预约假日去攀岩。剑桥高阶〔scared〕He's scared of heights.他有恐高症。牛津高阶〔scared〕I'm really scared of heights.我非常恐高。牛津搭配〔terrified〕He was terrified of heights.他恐高。外研社新世纪〔terrified〕He was terrified of heights.他恐高。柯林斯高阶〔terrified〕Sid is terrified of heights.锡德有恐高症。朗文当代〔terror〕Heights have/hold no terrors for me (= do not frighten me).我不恐高。剑桥高阶〔vertigo〕She can't stand heights and has always suffered from vertigo.她恐高,总是会感到眩晕。剑桥高阶Don't go up the tower if you're afraid of heights.如果你恐高的话,就不要到塔上去。剑桥国际Heights have/hold no terrors for me (= do not frighten me).我没有恐高症。剑桥国际I can't go up the tower with you because I have a fear of heights.我不能和你一起爬塔,因为我有恐高症。剑桥国际I wouldn't describe myself as (a) phobic but I don't like heights.虽然我不喜欢高处,但我不认为自己是个恐高症患者。剑桥国际I've always been afraid of flying / heights / spiders.我一直害怕飞行/恐高/害怕蜘蛛。剑桥国际She had a self-confessed fear of heights, so we shouldn't have made her go up to the top.她自己承认有恐高症,所以我们本不该让她到顶上来。剑桥国际When he told me that he wanted to go mountain-climbing, I pointed out that he was afraid of heights.当他告诉我他想登山时,我指出他恐高。剑桥国际




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