

单词 忧郁
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔awaken〕the picture of the Earth, so blue and fragile, that awakened a generation to the Earth's mortality. 照片上的地球,如此的忧郁而脆弱,唤起了一代人对地球生命的意识柯林斯高阶〔beat〕advice on how to beat depression 如何战胜忧郁症的建议朗文当代〔dark〕a dark, melancholy vocal tone. 低沉忧郁的声调美国传统〔dark〕a dark, somber mood), or lack of rectitude: 不高兴、忧郁的情绪) 或缺乏正直: 美国传统〔depressed〕patients who are clinically depressed 临床诊断患有忧郁症的病人朗文当代〔depression〕women who suffer from post-natal depression (=that sometimes happens after the birth of a baby) 患产后忧郁症的女性朗文当代〔doleful〕a doleful expression 忧郁的表情麦克米伦高阶〔doleful〕a doleful expression/face/song 忧郁的表情;愁苦的脸;令人悲伤的歌牛津高阶〔downcast〕a glum, downcast expression. 忧郁、沮丧的表情柯林斯高阶〔express〕a musical theme that expresses melancholy 描述忧郁情怀的音乐主题英汉大词典〔frame of mind〕a serious/somber frame of mind 严肃/忧郁的心情韦氏高阶〔funereal〕a funereal expression 忧郁的表情英汉大词典〔gloomy〕a gloomy person.忧郁的人。牛津同义词〔gloomy〕gloomy faces. 忧郁的脸美国传统〔gloom〕the darkest feelings of gloom and despondency 极度的忧郁绝望牛津搭配〔humor〕a boy of sullen humor. 一个性情忧郁的男孩美国传统〔inclined〕people who are naturally inclined to melancholy 生性忧郁的人牛津搭配〔irritability〕the gloomy irritability of ones nature 生性忧郁烦躁文馨英汉〔key〕a poem in a melancholic key 基调忧郁的诗篇英汉大词典〔lanky〕a lanky teenager with a moody look 面容忧郁、身材瘦高的少年麦克米伦高阶〔lash〕sombre grey eyes, with unusually long lashes. 一双忧郁的灰眼睛,眼睫毛长得出奇柯林斯高阶〔lenten〕a lenten face 忧郁不欢的脸英汉大词典〔melancholic〕a self-made man, energetic and obsessively orderly, a histrionic exhibitionist and a melancholic. 一个白手起家、精力充沛且强迫性讲求整齐的人,一个装腔作势、好出风头的人,一个忧郁伤感的人柯林斯高阶〔melancholy〕a melancholy bachelor 忧郁的单身汉英汉大词典〔melancholy〕a melancholy look on her face.她脸上忧郁的神色。牛津同义词〔melancholy〕a time of melancholy 一段忧郁的时光韦氏高阶〔mood〕the somber mood of the painting. 这幅画给人一种忧郁的感觉美国传统〔muse〕her gloomy musings 她忧郁的沉思朗文当代〔pensive〕a pensive young poet 忧郁的年轻诗人韦氏高阶〔rationalization〕this rationalization of his bedside grief. 对他病床上的忧郁情绪的这种理性解释柯林斯高阶〔sepulchral〕a sepulchral voice 低沉忧郁的嗓音朗文当代〔somber〕a somber mood. 忧郁的情绪美国传统〔sombre〕a sombre expression 忧郁的表情朗文当代〔sombre〕a sombre expression 忧郁的表情英汉大词典〔sombre〕a sombre expression.忧郁的神情。牛津同义词〔sombre〕the sombre tone in her voice 她声音中的忧郁麦克米伦高阶〔temperament〕a melancholy temperament.忧郁的气质。牛津同义词〔temperament〕a sanguine (phlegmatic, choleric, melancholic) temperament 多血(黏液,胆汁,忧郁)质英汉大词典〔the〕the blues 忧郁,不畅快文馨英汉〔unrelieved〕unrelieved pain/hostility/gloom 持续的疼痛/敌对/忧郁韦氏高阶




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