

单词 所收
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEST〕The gallery's collection of early Impressionist paintings is one of the world's finest. 这家画廊所收藏的早期印象派画作是世界上最优秀的藏品之一。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕This hostel helps runaways who don't want to go back to their families. 这家收容所收容离家出走后不愿返家的孩子。朗文写作活用〔RELIGION〕Do you feel you've gained anything spiritually from the experience? 通过这次经历,你是否觉得精神上有所收获?朗文写作活用〔bourse〕In Brussels, the bourse closed little changed.布鲁塞尔的证券交易所收市,股市波动不大。剑桥高阶〔catalogue〕He catalogued all the insects in his collection.他将所收集的昆虫编成目录。21世纪英汉〔collection〕Robert's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years.罗伯特所收藏的印刷品与画作是在过去几年间购买的。外研社新世纪〔corkage〕A charge exacted at a restaurant for every bottle of liquor served that was not bought on the premises.开瓶费:餐馆对顾客在别处所购买的瓶装酒提供服务所收费用美国传统〔counter〕The Prime Minister countered by stating that he had grave misgivings about the advice he had been given.总理反驳说他对自己所收到的那些建议颇为顾虑。柯林斯高阶〔data〕The analysis was based on data collected in the field.该分析是建立在所收集的该领域的资料基础之上的。麦克米伦高阶〔date-stamp〕She date-stamped every letter received.她在所收到的每一封信上都用邮戳盖上日期。21世纪英汉〔dig〕I'd like to have a dig around in the archives and see if I come up with anything.我想去查查档案, 看能否有所收获。外研社新世纪〔end〕Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange.法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。外研社新世纪〔end〕Shares ended 1.7 per cent firmer on the Frankfurt exchange.法兰克福交易所收盘时股票上涨了1.7%。柯林斯高阶〔flood〕Donations are flooding into the homeless shelter.收容所收到大量捐赠。剑桥高阶〔fringe area〕A zone just outside of the range of a broadcasting station in which signals are weakened and distorted.线条区(电视接收边缘区):刚刚超出无线电台所能及的范围,所收信号微弱或被扭曲美国传统〔gain by〕There is nothing to be gained by waiting any longer.再等也不会有所收获。21世纪英汉〔greens fee〕The fee charged to play on a golf course.高尔夫场地使用费:在高尔夫球场打球所收取的费用美国传统〔ground〕Most stock markets lost ground after their recent gains.近期有所收益后,大多数的股票市场股价下跌。麦克米伦高阶〔hazard〕He ought to reap the benefit of his hazard.他应该从冒险中有所收获。外研社新世纪〔house〕The museum houses the biggest collection of antique toys in Europe.这家博物馆所收藏的古董玩具是全欧洲最多的。剑桥高阶〔insure〕I found a company that will insure my car for less than I've been paying.我发现有家保险公司承保汽车所收取的费用比我一直支付的要少。韦氏高阶〔lap〕Nothing is going to drop into your lap - you will have to work at life in order to achieve anything.没有天上掉馅饼的事——你必须付出努力才能有所收获。外研社新世纪〔morgue〕A reference file in a newspaper or magazine office.资料库:报社或期刊编辑部所收集的参考文件美国传统〔policing〕The community is demanding a less aggressive style of policing.社区民众要求警察执勤时知所收敛。朗文当代〔rector〕An Anglican cleric who has charge of a parish and owns the tithes from it.教区首席神父:负责一个教区并掌管区内所收的什一税的英国国教神父美国传统〔reimburse〕All monies received will be reimbursed in full.所收款项都将全额偿还。牛津搭配〔rent control〕Governmental control and regulation of the amounts charged for rented housing.租金管理:政府对出租的房屋所收取的租金的控制和管理美国传统〔revenue〕The project will not generate any revenue until 2018.这项计划要到 2018 年才会有所收益。牛津搭配〔slog away〕He's tired of slogging away and getting nowhere.他厌倦了终日劳苦而又无所收获的生活。外研社新世纪〔squalid〕The Tory Party called the bill 'the most squalid measure ever put before the Commons'.保守党将此议案形容为“下议院所收到的最卑劣的议案”。外研社新世纪〔stockexchange〕Bahrain's stock exchange closed up 10.09 points today at 2160.09.巴林证券交易所收盘上涨 10.09 点,报收 2160.09 点。牛津搭配〔storage〕The price charged for keeping goods stored.保管费:保管货物所收的费用美国传统〔take in〕The homeless shelter takes in women and children.那家收容所收留妇女和儿童。韦氏高阶〔take〕A quantity collected at one time, especially the amount of profit or receipts taken on a business arrangement or venture.一次清算的数量:一次所收集的数量,尤指在一次商业活动或商业投机中所得到的利润或收益的数量美国传统〔take〕Sports The amount of money collected as admission to a sporting event; the gate.【体育运动】 门票收入:作为观看一场体育比赛的入场费所收集到的钱;门票美国传统〔want〕The sum collected wants but a few dollars of the desired amount.所收集的金额比所期望的数目只差几美元了。英汉大词典At London's finish, the Dow Jones was down 0.8 per cent.伦敦证券交易所收盘时,道琼斯工业指数下跌了 0.8%。牛津商务Bill auctioned off a collection of stamps. 比尔拍卖了一批他所收藏的邮票。译典通He reached this logical conclusion on the basis of the postmarks on the letters he had received (= his decision was based on thinking about this information) .他根据所收到的一些信上的邮戳得出了合乎逻辑的结论。剑桥国际He was wild and unpredictable, but she acted as a restraining influence on him.他狂放不羁,但她却使他有所收敛。剑桥国际In order to get the contract, they agreed to kick back 5% of their fees to the project manager.为了得到这份合同,他们答应将所收费用的 5% 作为回扣付给项目经理。牛津商务The interest rate charged reflects the credit risk of the borrower.所收取的利率反映借款人的信用风险。牛津商务The ship owner issued a clean bill of lading, acknowledging that the goods were received in good order.船东签发了清洁提单,表明所收到的货物状况良好。牛津商务This painting is the jewel of his collection. 这画是他所收藏的画中最珍贵的一幅。译典通




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