

单词 战斗机
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔WAR〕a war hero and former fighter pilot 战争英雄、前战斗机飞行员朗文写作活用〔ace〕a retired RAF fighter ace一名退休的皇家空军战斗机王牌驾驶员外研社新世纪〔aircraft〕an assortment of fighter aircraft 各种战斗机英汉大词典〔aircraft〕fighter/transport/military aircraft 战斗机;运输机;军用飞机牛津高阶〔blue on blue〕a 'Blue on Blue' incident which saw an RAF Tornado jet brought down by a Patriot missile 皇家空军的旋风战斗机被爱国者导弹击落的误伤友军事件朗文当代〔cannon〕fighter planes armed with cannon 装备着机关炮的战斗机英汉大词典〔combat〕combat aircraft. 战斗机柯林斯高阶〔configure〕a fighter plane configured for the Malaysian air force 按马来西亚空军作战方式装配的战斗机英汉大词典〔cover〕fighters used as cover for ground troops 为地面部队提供掩护的战斗机朗文当代〔escort〕an escort fighter 护航战斗机英汉大词典〔fighter〕a fighter pilot 战斗机飞行员朗文当代〔fighter〕a fighter pilot 战斗机驾驶员剑桥高阶〔fighter〕a fighter pilot 战斗机驾驶员牛津高阶〔fighter〕a fighter pilot 战斗机驾驶员麦克米伦高阶〔fighter〕a fighter plane 战斗机韦氏高阶〔fighter〕a fighter plane/aircraft 战斗机剑桥高阶〔fighter〕a jet fighter 喷气式战斗机牛津高阶〔fighter〕a jet fighter 喷气式战斗机韦氏高阶〔gaggle〕a gaggle of fighter planes 战斗机群英汉大词典〔headed〕soft-headed liberalism; a cool-headed fighter pilot. 不切实际的自由主义;头脑冷静的战斗机驾驶员美国传统〔high〕the sound of war planes flying high above the city 飞翔在城市上空的战斗机的轰鸣麦克米伦高阶〔jet〕a jet aircraft/fighter/airliner 喷气式飞机╱战斗机╱客机牛津高阶〔jet〕a squadron of F-6 jet fighter aircraft F-6 喷气式战斗机组成的中队朗文当代〔lock〕locked the enemy fighter in the gun sights. 用枪炮瞄准器跟踪敌人战斗机美国传统〔multirole〕a multirole combat aircraft 多用战斗机英汉大词典〔nuclearization〕to nuclearize a common fighter给普通战斗机配备上核武器21世纪英汉〔penetration〕a penetration fighter 远程战斗机英汉大词典〔pilot〕a fighter pilot 战斗机飞行员朗文当代〔pilot〕a fighter/bomber pilot 战斗机/轰炸机驾驶员韦氏高阶〔pilot〕fighter pilots of the British Royal Air Force英国皇家空军的战斗机飞行员外研社新世纪〔plane〕a jet fighter plane 喷气战斗机英汉大词典〔plane〕fighter planes. 战斗机柯林斯高阶〔redline〕redlined three fighter aircraft. 对三架战斗机实行停飞美国传统〔refuelling〕in-flight refuelling of Tornados. “龙卷风”战斗机的空中加油柯林斯高阶〔send up〕a spoof that sends up the macho world of fighter pilots. 嘲讽战斗机飞行员个个硬派男子作风的滑稽模仿柯林斯高阶〔squadron〕a bomber/fighter squadron 轰炸机╱战斗机中队牛津高阶〔squadron〕a squadron of fighter aircraft 战斗机中队麦克米伦高阶〔stealth〕a stealth bomber/fighter 隐形轰炸机/战斗机韦氏高阶〔supersonic〕a supersonic fighter plane 超音速战斗机剑桥高阶〔vintage〕vintage motorcycles/cars/fighter planes 老式摩托车/汽车/战斗机麦克米伦高阶




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