

单词 戏法
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔MAGIC〕Helen sat on the bed, clapping while her brother did magic tricks. 海伦的弟弟正在变戏法,她坐在床上鼓掌。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕It's hard to do a trick like this in front of so many people. 在这么多人面前变这个戏法难度很大。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕John would sometimes perform card tricks for his buddies. 约翰有时候会为他的好朋友变纸牌戏法。朗文写作活用〔MAGIC〕The conjuror's tricks delighted the children. 魔法师的各种戏法把孩子们逗得很开心。朗文写作活用〔TEACH〕Grandpa taught me a new card trick. 爷爷教了我一种新的扑克戏法。朗文写作活用〔barring〕No one, barring the magician himself, knows how the trick is done.除了魔术师本人之外,没人知道这个戏法是怎么完成的。韦氏高阶〔bother〕The trick is somewhat dangerous, so if you can't be bothered to do it right, then don't even attempt it.这个戏法有些危险,所以如果你不愿意按正确步骤做,干脆就别试了。韦氏高阶〔clever〕I became quite clever at making tasty meals out of nothing.我变得很擅长变戏法似的做出美味佳肴。牛津搭配〔conjure ... up〕The old man conjured up a bag of silver coins from his pocket.老人像变戏法似的从衣袋里掏出一包银币。21世纪英汉〔conjure up〕Every day a different chef will be conjuring up delicious dishes in the restaurant.这家餐馆里每天有一位不同的厨师变戏法似的做出美味的佳肴。外研社新世纪〔conjurer〕One that performs magic tricks; a magician.魔术师:变戏法的人;魔术师美国传统〔conjure〕Every day a different chef will be conjuring up delicious dishes in the restaurant.每天,饭店里会有一位不同的大厨像变戏法似的奉上可口的菜肴。柯林斯高阶〔conjure〕He is good at conjuring with silver coins.他擅长用银币变戏法。21世纪英汉〔conjure〕Jean can conjure up a good meal in half an hour.琼能在半小时内像变戏法似地做出一顿美味的饭菜。英汉大词典〔conjure〕To perform magic tricks, especially by sleight of hand.变戏法:施展魔法,尤指用灵活的手法美国传统〔conjuring trick〕A magician visited each table, performing conjuring tricks for the guests.一位魔术师来到每张桌子前, 为客人们变戏法。外研社新世纪〔conjuring〕He did conjuring tricks for the children.他为孩子们变了戏法。朗文当代〔conjuring〕He made a conjuring gesture.他做了一个变戏法的手势。英汉大词典〔conjuring〕The entertainer didn’t fool us with his conjuring.那个艺人变的戏法没有骗到我们。牛津同义词〔enthralling〕Crawford drilled home his third goal of this enthralling match.这场比赛精彩纷呈, 克劳福德重炮轰门得手, 上演帽子戏法。外研社新世纪〔hat trick〕Goal! Fowler makes it a hat trick! 进球了!福勒上演了帽子戏法!剑桥高阶〔hat trick〕She scored a hat trick when her last three novels all won prizes.她最近的三部小说全都获奖了,上演了帽子戏法。韦氏高阶〔hat trick〕Sounders scored a hat trick in the final game of the series.桑德斯在这系列比赛的最后一场中上演了一出帽子戏法。朗文当代〔hat-trick〕I scored a hat-trick against Arsenal.我在与阿森纳队的比赛中上演了帽子戏法。外研社新世纪〔hat-trick〕I scored a hat-trick against Arsenal.我在和阿森纳队的比赛中上演了帽子戏法。柯林斯高阶〔hocus-pocus〕A trick performed by a magician or juggler; sleight-of-hand.魔术, 戏法:魔术师或变戏法的人用的戏法;花招美国传统〔hocus-pocus〕Nonsense words or phrases used as a formula by quack conjurers.咒文, 咒语:变戏法的人常用的无意义的词或短语美国传统〔jugglery〕The skill or performance of a juggler.杂耍,戏法,魔术:玩杂耍或变戏法的人的技巧或表演美国传统〔juggler〕One that juggles objects or performs other tricks of manual dexterity.玩戏法杂耍的人,魔术师:玩抛接杂耍或表演其它需要手的灵巧的戏法的人美国传统〔juggle〕The act of juggling.玩杂耍或变戏法美国传统〔juggle〕To juggle objects or perform other tricks of manual dexterity.玩杂耍,变戏法:玩杂耍或表演其它需要手的灵巧的戏法美国传统〔magic〕He did a few magic tricks to keep the children amused.他表演了几个戏法逗孩子们开心。麦克米伦高阶〔magic〕He earns extra money doing magic at children's parties.他靠在儿童聚会上变戏法挣点儿外快。牛津搭配〔magic〕His secret hobby: performing magic tricks.他私底下有变戏法的嗜好。柯林斯高阶〔magic〕The exercise of sleight of hand or conjuring for entertainment.魔术,变戏法:用来娱乐的手耍花招或者戏法美国传统〔mirror〕The magician did the trick with mirrors.魔术家变这套戏法利用的是镜子造成的视错觉。英汉大词典〔mystified〕The magician's tricks mystified the audience.魔术师的戏法让观众感到困惑。21世纪英汉〔mystify〕The magician has been mystifying his audiences for years with his amazing tricks.那个魔术师的神奇戏法迷惑了观众很多年。韦氏高阶〔mystify〕The magician's tricks mystified the audience.魔术家的戏法使观众大为惊奇。英汉大词典〔outrageously〕Gaskins plays outrageously funny tricks on unsuspecting pet owners.加斯金斯在毫无戒备的宠物主人身上玩起了极为滑稽搞笑的戏法。外研社新世纪〔palm〕To conceal (something) in the palm of the hand, as in cheating at dice or cards or in a sleight-of-hand trick.将东西藏在手中:在手掌上隐藏一些东西,如在赌搏掷骰子或玩牌或变戏法中的戏法欺骗行为美国传统〔palm〕To do the card trick, you have to learn to palm one of the cards.想玩纸牌戏法,你得学会把其中的一张牌藏在手心里。韦氏高阶〔perform〕The magician performed some amazing tricks.魔术师表演了几个令人惊叹的戏法。韦氏高阶〔play off〕She played off some tricks for the amusement of the children.她为了哄孩子们高兴,表演了几套戏法。21世纪英汉〔prestidigitation〕Manual skill and dexterity in the execution of tricks; sleight of hand.手法敏捷:变戏法时手法的熟练和敏捷;戏法美国传统〔show〕He showed them a card trick.他向他们演示纸牌戏法。韦氏高阶〔sleight of hand〕A trick or set of tricks performed by a juggler or magician so quickly that the manner of execution cannot be observed; legerdemain.戏法:由变戏法的人或魔术师表演的一个或一套戏法,其动作非常快,观众无法看清其过程;戏法美国传统〔sleight of hand〕Performance of conjuring tricks.变魔术:变戏法的表演美国传统〔sleight of hand〕Skill in performing conjuring tricks.(变戏法的)技巧:在变戏法的表演中所用的技巧美国传统〔sleight of hand〕The trick is done simply by sleight of hand.变这个戏法全凭手法敏捷。牛津高阶〔teach〕Can you teach me one of your card tricks? 你能教我一种纸牌戏法吗?朗文当代〔thaumaturgy〕The working of miracles or magic feats.戏法表演:创造奇迹或魔术奇技美国传统〔trick〕A feat of magic or legerdemain.魔术,戏法:魔术或戏法的技艺美国传统〔trick〕For his last trick, the magician made a rabbit disappear.在最后一个戏法里,魔术师把兔子变没了。韦氏高阶〔trick〕For my next trick, I will make the balls disappear.我接下来要变的戏法是让球消失。麦克米伦高阶〔trick〕He amused the kids with conjuring tricks.他变戏法逗得孩子们直乐。牛津高阶〔trick〕He shows me card tricks.他表演纸牌戏法给我看。外研社新世纪〔trick〕He shows me card tricks.他表演纸牌戏法给我看。柯林斯高阶〔trick〕My niece was showing me all the tricks that she's learned to do with her new magic set.我侄女给我表演了她学过的用她那套新魔术道具所能变出的所有戏法。剑桥高阶〔trick〕My uncle was always showing me card tricks when I was a kid.我小时候,我叔叔总是用纸牌变戏法给我看。朗文当代〔trick〕Of, relating to, or involving tricks.骗人的:属于、关于、涉及诡计、诀窍或戏法的美国传统〔wand〕A stick or baton used by a magician, conjurer, or diviner.魔棍:魔术师、变戏法者或占卜师所用的小棍或小棒美国传统I think the crowd are all wondering whether Jackson will score his third goal this match and make it a hat trick.我想观众都在猜想,杰克逊是否会踢进第三个球,上演帽子戏法。剑桥国际In Covent Garden, London has its only working piazza, complete with shops, stalls, cafes, jugglers and musicians.科文特加登是伦敦唯一的热热闹闹的广场,商店,货摊,咖啡馆,变戏法的,演奏音乐的,应有尽有。剑桥国际Jean can conjure up a good meal in half an hour. 琼能在半小时内变戏法似的做出一顿美味的饭菜。译典通Magicians often perform tricks such as pulling a rabbit out of a hat. 魔术师常常变从帽子抓出兔子的戏法。译典通My Uncle Andrew used to do tricks for us with playing cards when we were kids.我们是孩子时我的叔叔安德鲁经常玩纸牌戏法逗我们。剑桥国际My niece was showing me all the tricks that she's learned to do with her new magic set.我的侄女表演给我看她学会了的用她那套新魔术道具能变的各种戏法。剑桥国际No one understood how I did the card trick. 谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。译典通




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