

单词 战利
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔booty〕Plunder taken from an enemy in time of war.劫掠物,战利品:战时取自敌人的战利品美国传统〔booty〕The victorious forces were laden with enemy booty.战胜竹满载著敌方战利品。文馨英汉〔booty〕They divided the booty among the troops.他们在部队内部瓜分了战利品。牛津搭配〔booty〕Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty.军队摧毁了这座都城,并把大量艺术品收缴为战利品。柯林斯高阶〔booty〕Troops destroyed the capital and confiscated many works of art as war booty.军队摧毁了首都, 缴获了许多艺术品作为战利品。外研社新世纪〔capture〕One that has been seized, caught, or won; a catch or prize.俘虏,奖品:被抓获、逮住或赢得的人;捕获物或战利品美国传统〔coup〕Among certain Native American peoples, to ceremoniously recount one's exploits in battle.重计战利品:在印第安人中隆重地重新计数战利品美国传统〔face〕Torquay face Liverpool on Saturday.托基队星期六迎战利物浦队。麦克米伦高阶〔foray〕To pillage in search of spoils.劫掠:为寻找战利品而掠夺美国传统〔hang〕Trophies were hung all over the wall in his room.他房间的墙上挂满了战利品。21世纪英汉〔headhunting〕The custom of cutting off and preserving the heads of enemies as trophies.猎头风俗:砍下敌人的头并将其保存下来作为战利品的风俗美国传统〔loot〕Valuables pillaged in time of war; spoils.战利品:战争时期掠夺的财物;掠夺物美国传统〔panty raid〕A raid on a girls' dormitory by college boys to obtain undergarments as trophies.内衣袭击:大学男生进入女生宿舍夺取内衣作为战利品的一种袭击美国传统〔picking〕A share of spoils.一份战利品美国传统〔pillage〕Something pillaged; spoils.抢得物,战利品:掠夺来的东西;夺取物美国传统〔plunder〕Henry's army returned loaded down with plunder.亨利的部队满载战利品而归。朗文当代〔plunder〕Property stolen by fraud or force; booty.掠夺物,战利品:通过欺诈或武力抢来的财产;战利品美国传统〔plunder〕To take booty; rob.获取战利品;抢劫美国传统〔prize〕Nautical Something seized by force or taken as booty, especially an enemy ship and its cargo captured at sea during wartime.【航海】 捕获品,战利品:有时以武力取得的或作为战利品而取得的东西,尤指战时在海上被捕获的敌船及其货物美国传统〔raven〕To seek or seize as prey or plunder.攫取:猎取或抓住,作为战利品或食物美国传统〔raven〕To seek or seize prey or plunder.攫取:猎取或抓住战利品或食物美国传统〔ravin〕Something taken as prey.掠夺品:掠夺品;被当作战利品夺走的东西美国传统〔sack〕Plunder; loot.掠夺物;战利品美国传统〔split〕Here's your split of the loot.这儿是分给你的一份战利品。英汉大词典〔spoiled〕True to military tradition, the victors are now treating themselves to the spoils of war.按照军事惯例,胜者正在分享战利品。柯林斯高阶〔spoils〕The soldiers began to divide the spoils.士兵们开始瓜分战利品。牛津搭配〔spoil〕Goods or property seized from a victim after a conflict, especially after a military victory.战利品,掠夺物:从战争中战败者那里获取的物体或财产,尤指军事上胜利后美国传统〔spoil〕The heroes brought back spoils of victory.英雄们带回了战利品。英汉大词典〔spoil〕The spoils of victory/war included mounds of treasure and armour.胜利/战争的战利品包括大量的财物和盔甲。剑桥高阶〔trophy〕A lion's head was among the trophies of his African trip.在他非洲之行的战利品中有一个狮子头。朗文当代〔trophy〕A memento, as of one's personal achievements.纪念品,战利品:纪念品,如个人成就的纪念品美国传统〔trophy〕Architecture An ornamental marble carving or bronze casting depicting a group of weapons or armor placed upon a square or circular base.【建筑学】 战利品雕饰:置于一正方形或圆形底座之上的,图形为一堆武器或盔甲的装饰性大理石石雕或铜雕美国传统〔trophy〕His office was lined with animal heads, trophies of his hunting hobby.他办公室挂满了兽头,都是他业余打猎获得的战利品。柯林斯高阶〔trophy〕His office was lined with animal heads, trophies of his hunting hobby.他的办公室挂满了兽头, 都是他业余打猎获得的战利品。外研社新世纪〔trophy〕The animal heads on the wall were trophies of his hunting trips.墙上的动物头是他打猎的战利品。剑桥高阶Bacteriological warfare uses bacteria to cause death and disease in humans.细菌战利用细菌使人得病和死亡。剑桥国际Napoleon's booty comprised some of Europe's best paintings.拿破仑的战利品包括一些欧洲最好的油画。剑桥国际




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