

单词 所得税
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADMIT〕It's time the government came clean about its plans to raise income tax. 政府是时候坦白交代增加所得税的计划了。朗文写作活用〔AVOID〕You may be able to avoid paying income tax on the money that you save. 你也许可以避免缴纳存款的所得税。朗文写作活用〔BASIC〕You may be working for yourself but at the end of the day you still have to pay tax on what you earn. 你可能是在为自己工作,但最终你还是要缴所得税。朗文写作活用〔COUNT/CALCULATE〕Your employer will deduct income tax from your salary. 你的雇主会从你的薪金中扣除所得税。朗文写作活用〔LAW〕He pays very little tax because of some loophole in income tax legislation. 由于所得税法规中存在着某些漏洞,他缴纳的税非常少。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕You may choose to pay income tax jointly or separately from your spouse. 你可以选择和配偶一起缴所得税,也可以各自缴税。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕He failed to report and pay income tax on a portion of his income. 他没有为收入中的一部分上报并缴纳所得税。朗文写作活用〔PAYE〕Pay as you earn.所得税扣除法美国传统〔PROMISE〕The President promised to lower income taxes, and he's been as good as his word. 总统曾许诺要降低所得税,他也的确那样做了。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Brook now faces probable jail after an indictment for larceny and income tax evasion. 布鲁克因为盗窃和逃避所得税遭到了起诉,现在面临着入狱的可能。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The prime minister has announced a freeze on income tax for two years. 首相宣布将所得税冻结两年。朗文写作活用〔SUPPORT〕The Labour Party hoped to enlist support from the middle classes by promising not to raise income tax. 工党向中产阶级保证不提高所得税,希望以此获得他们的支持。朗文写作活用〔abolish〕The government should abolish income tax for the low-paid.政府应该取消低收入者的所得税。麦克米伦高阶〔audit〕Independent accountants audit the company annually. The IRS audits questionable income tax returns.独立会计师每年审计公司帐目。美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得税报告美国传统〔bollix〕I bollixed up my income tax form and had to pay a penalty.我填错了自己的所得税表格,不得不交罚金。韦氏高阶〔bring〕They have brought down income taxes.他们降低了所得税。柯林斯高阶〔burdensome〕The burdensome task of preparing her income tax return awaited her.准备所得税偿还的繁重任务等着她去完成。美国传统〔card〕It's on the cards that income tax will be abolished.所得税可能要废除。英汉大词典〔consistent〕The percentage of personal income paid in taxes stayed fairly consistent across various income levels.不同收入阶层缴纳的个人所得税百分比一直没有多大变化。牛津搭配〔covenant〕If you make regular gifts through a covenant we can reclaim the income tax which you have already paid on this money.如果你签订契约定期捐赠,那么我们可以要求返还你这笔钱上交的所得税。柯林斯高阶〔covenant〕If you make regular gifts through a covenant, we can reclaim the income tax you have already paid on this money.如果你通过盖印契约定期捐款, 我们可以要求返还这笔钱上你已经缴纳的所得税。外研社新世纪〔dangerous〕Raising income tax is considered politically dangerous.据认为,提高所得税有政治风险。牛津搭配〔deductible〕Something, such as an expense, that can be deducted, as for income-tax purposes.可减免的东西:如花费,为了纳所得税可以减免美国传统〔deferral〕The deferral of income-tax payments over these long periods has been of great dollar advantage.拖延这么长时间支付所得税会很占便宜。外研社新世纪〔due〕The next income tax payment is due on 31 January.下一次的所得税支付期限是 1 月 31 日。朗文当代〔exempt〕The interest is exempt from income tax .利息收入免征所得税。朗文当代〔face〕This Government has set its face against putting up income tax.这届政府执意反对提高所得税。外研社新世纪〔favour〕I wouldn't be in favour of income tax cuts.我不会支持削减所得税。柯林斯高阶〔favour〕I wouldn't be in favour of income-tax cuts.我不会赞成削减所得税。外研社新世纪〔fiddle〕Bert had been fiddling his income tax for years.伯特多年来都在虚报所得税。朗文当代〔flat tax〕An income tax having a single rate for all taxpayers regardless of income level and type.平头税:不管纳税人收入职业都课以单一税率的所得税美国传统〔get away with〕Don't try to cheat on your income tax,you'll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。21世纪英汉〔get round〕It's no use trying to get round paying the income tax!试图避免交个人所得税是徒劳的!21世纪英汉〔income tax〕A tax levied on net personal or business income.所得税:对个人或企业净收益所征收的税款美国传统〔income tax〕Federal income tax will be deducted from your pay.联邦所得税将从你的收入中扣除。韦氏高阶〔income tax〕The new law will lower income taxes for most taxpayers.这项新法律将降低大多数纳税人的所得税。韦氏高阶〔income tax〕The standard rate of income tax was cut to 23p in the pound.所得税的标准税率削减到了每英镑 23 便士。牛津高阶〔income tax〕They expect a cut in the basic rate of income tax.他们预计所得税基准税率会降低。外研社新世纪〔income〕If a person's income arises in the UK, it is subject to UK income tax.如果一个人的收入在英国产生,就要按英国的个人所得税纳税。牛津搭配〔increase〕He called for an increase of 1p on income tax.他呼吁所得税提高 1 便士。柯林斯高阶〔in〕The basic rate of income tax is 20 pence in the pound.所得税的基本税率为每英镑20便士。外研社新世纪〔in〕The basic rate of income tax is 25 pence in (US on) the pound.所得税基本税率是每英镑25便士。剑桥高阶〔kiss〕He kissed off all raps except the one for income tax evasion.除了逃避所得税这一点,他把其他罪责都推得一干二净。英汉大词典〔less〕He earns £90 a week less £30 income tax.他一星期挣90镑,扣除30镑所得税。英汉大词典〔loath〕The new finance minister seems loath to cut income tax.这位新财政部长似乎不愿意削减所得税。外研社新世纪〔loath〕The new finance minister seems loth to cut income tax.新任财政部长似乎不愿削减所得税。柯林斯高阶〔much〕Another rise in income tax. So much for all those election promises.收入所得税又提高了。原来所有那些竞选承诺都是空话。麦克米伦高阶〔nondeductible〕Not deductible, especially for income-tax purposes.不扣除的:不扣除的,尤指为所得税的目的而不扣除的美国传统〔over〕He's having problems over his income tax.他在所得税方面出了问题。朗文当代〔owe〕We owe no income tax.我们不欠所得税。韦氏高阶〔pledge〕The party's election pledge was to cut income taxes by a third over the next five years.该党的竞选承诺是在未来五年间削减三分之一的收入所得税。牛津搭配〔raise〕The money could be found by raising income tax by two per cent.所得税提高2%,就会有钱了。麦克米伦高阶〔real〕Average earnings rose 5 percent in real terms after deducting income tax.在扣除收入所得税等项之后,平均收入实际增加了5%。剑桥高阶〔reclaim〕There are an estimated eight million people currently thought to be eligible to reclaim income tax.估计现在有800万人有资格申请所得税退税。柯林斯高阶〔reclaim〕We can reclaim the income tax.我们可以申请所得税退税。外研社新世纪〔reimpose〕The income tax is to be reimposed next year after ten years' exemption.所得税经过十年的豁免后将于明年重新征收。21世纪英汉〔related〕Income tax rates are related to one's annual income.所得税税率与个人年收入的数额相关。英汉大词典〔remit〕Under no circumstances can the income tax be remitted.在任何情况下所得税都不能豁免。21世纪英汉〔respond〕When the tax office wrote to me demanding unpaid income tax, I responded that I had been working abroad since 1998.税务所写信催我缴纳拖欠的所得税税款,我回信说我自从1998年以来一直在国外工作。剑桥高阶〔responsible〕Wage earners are liable to income tax.劳动者应交纳所得税。美国传统〔return〕He was convicted of filing false income tax returns.他因为在所得税申报账目上作假而被定罪。外研社新世纪〔rudely〕It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed.如果他们的工资或所得税返还不能兑现,这对他们来说将是晴天霹雳。柯林斯高阶〔spur〕The news was a spur to the government to cut income tax.这条新闻促使政府减少所得税。麦克米伦高阶〔subject〕In addition, interest on Treasury issues isn't subject to state and local income taxes.另外,国债利息不需缴纳政府和地方所得税。柯林斯高阶〔surtax〕A tax levied on corporations or individuals after net income has exceeded a certain level.超额累进所得税:对收入超过一定水平的公司或个人所征的税美国传统〔surtax〕You should be surtaxed for your contribution fee.你得为你所得稿酬交纳超额累进所得税。21世纪英汉〔take-home pay〕The amount of one's salary remaining after federal, state, and often city income taxes and various other deductions have been withheld.净收入:一个人的工资在支付了联邦、州、经常所在城市的收入所得税和各种其它的扣除项目后所剩余的钱数美国传统〔tax shelter〕A financial operation, such as the use of special depletion allowances, that reduces taxes on current earnings.减免所得税合法手段:减免征收流动所得税的财政手段,例如使用特别的耗尽补助美国传统〔tax-deductible〕The expenses of raising children are tax-deductible for working mothers.子女抚养费在计算所得税时可从工作的母方所得总额中扣除。英汉大词典〔tax-exempt〕A tax-exempt security.免收利息所得税的公债美国传统〔tax〕Husband and wife are now taxed separately on their incomes.现在夫妻双方的所得税分开征收。外研社新世纪〔tax〕Income tax payments are due on the 15th of April.所得税的缴纳截止到4月15日。麦克米伦高阶〔tax〕The Bonn government taxes profits of corporations at a rate that is among the highest in Europe.波恩政府对公司所得税的征收税率之高在欧洲处于前列。柯林斯高阶〔threshold〕Her wages are below the income tax threshold.她的工资低于个人所得税起征点。牛津搭配〔unpopular〕The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.增加所得税的建议令选民十分不满。牛津高阶〔wage earner〕Most wage earners were not affected by the income tax increase.大多数工薪族都未受到所得税上涨的影响。韦氏高阶〔withhold〕To deduct (withholding tax) from an employee's salary.扣留:从雇员收入中扣除(代扣的所得税)美国传统〔work〕High income tax can undermine work incentives.收入所得税偏高会削弱工作积极性。牛津搭配〔writ〕The new Pay Tax is just old Income Tax writ large.新的工资税无非就是大幅度扩大了的旧的所得税而已。英汉大词典A family man's earnings rose 5% in real terms after deducting income tax, insurance, child allowances, etc.减去所得税、保险、儿童补贴等后,一个家庭男士的收入实际增长了5%。剑桥国际Domestic companies are liable to an income tax of 10% on distributed profits.国内公司的已分配利润须缴纳 10% 的所得税。牛津商务Every month income tax and national insurance (contributions) are automatically deducted from my pay.每个月所得税和国家保险费自动从我的工资中扣除。剑桥国际He is accused of misappropriating $30 000 to pay for personal taxes, gambling debts and travel expenses.他被指控盗用30000美元支付个人所得税、赌债和旅费。剑桥国际He is griping about his income tax again. 他又在为所得税的事发牢骚。译典通He was responsible for the elimination of a host of tax shelters for the rich.他负责消除种种富翁减免所得税合法手段。剑桥国际I have appealed against my income tax assessment.我已就我的所得税估定额提出上诉。牛津商务I've bought a new computer programme which is supposed to take the hassle out of working out my income tax position.我买了一个新的电脑程序,它能帮我解决计算所得税的麻烦。剑桥国际Income tax generally has a redistributive effect.所得税通常具有再分配效应。牛津商务Income tax is normally deducted at source.所得税通常在税源上扣除。牛津商务Please help me to figure out my income tax. 请帮我算一下我的所得税。译典通The basic rate of income tax is 25p (Br and Aus) in/(Am) on the pound (= 25p is paid in tax for every pound of income).基本所得税率是1英镑交25便士。剑桥国际The boss always fudges on his income tax forms. 那个老板老是在所得税申报上虚报窜改。译典通The company has an operating loss carryforward of $74 million for income tax purposes.公司将 7400 万元的经营亏损冲转到下一年的账目中以缴纳所得税。牛津商务The corporate tax threshold for small businesses is to be raised to €500 000.小企业的公司所得税起征点将提高至 50 万欧元。牛津商务The government raised indirect taxation (Am hidden taxes) (= taxes on goods and services) so that they could reduce direct taxation (= taxes on income).政府提高了间接税收(商品服务税),这样他们能减少直接税收(收入所得税)。剑桥国际The increase in indirect taxation is intended to neutralize the reduction in income tax.增加间接税是为了抵消所得税的减少。剑桥国际The tax authorities are introducing a system of self-assessment for self-employed people's income tax.税务当局对私营业主的所得税正采用自我估税的系统。剑桥国际UK income tax is paid on a sliding scale which means that the rate at which you pay tax increases with the level of your income.英国的所得税按递进率缴纳,这意味着你缴纳的税率按收入水平的提高而增加。剑桥国际When the tax office wrote to me demanding unpaid income tax, I responded that I had been working abroad since 1988.当税务局写信向我索取未交的所得税时,我回复说我自从1988年以来就一直在国外工作。剑桥国际Who will be the main beneficiary of the cuts in income tax? 谁将是削减所得税的主要受益者?牛津商务




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