

单词 所得税
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔P, p〕plans to increase income tax by 1p. 将所得税提高1便士的计划柯林斯高阶〔aftertax〕aftertax pay (corporate profits) 扣除所得税后的工资(公司利润)英汉大词典〔agree〕agree sb.'s return of income 审查认定某人的所得税申报表英汉大词典〔bracket〕increase personal income tax in the upper brackets 在高收入阶层增收个人所得税英汉大词典〔busy〕busied myself preparing my tax return. 忙于准备申报所得税美国传统〔cheat〕the new rich who cheat on their income taxes 在所得税上弄虚作假的暴发户英汉大词典〔crash〕a crash course on income-tax preparation; a crash diet. 对所得税的准备不遗余力;决心要节食美国传统〔duty〕pay an income duty 缴所得税英汉大词典〔federal〕state and federal income taxes 州政府和联邦政府征收的所得税牛津高阶〔fiddle〕fiddle an income tax return 伪造所得税申报表英汉大词典〔gather〕families who amassed great fortunes in the days before income tax. See also Synonyms at reap 那些在征集所得税之前聚敛了大量财富的家庭 参见同义词 reap美国传统〔graduated〕a graduated income tax 累进所得税韦氏高阶〔graduated〕goals pertaining to workers' cooperatives, the eight-hour day, and graduated income tax和工人合作社、8小时工作制以及累进所得税有关的目标外研社新世纪〔graduated〕graduated income tax 累进所得税英汉大词典〔gut〕a massive struggle to gut the windfall profits tax 破坏征收意外利润所得税的大规模斗争英汉大词典〔increase〕an increase of 2p in the pound on income tax 所得税每英镑增加 2 便士牛津高阶〔joint〕our joint presence; a joint income-tax return. 我们的共同出席;夫妻所得税共同申报的退款美国传统〔liable〕people who are liable for income tax at a higher rate 要缴较高税率所得税的人朗文当代〔overwithheld〕to overwithhold income taxes过多扣除个人所得税21世纪英汉〔preceding〕income tax paid in preceding years 前几年缴付的所得税朗文当代〔progressive〕a progressive income tax. 累进所得税美国传统〔quarterly〕pay one's income tax quarterly 按季交所得税英汉大词典〔tax-exempt〕tax-exempt bonds 免收利息所得税的债券英汉大词典〔tax-exempt〕tax-exempt bonds. 免收利息所得税的债券美国传统〔tax-exempt〕tax-exempt savings 免收利息所得税的存款牛津高阶〔tax〕have an income of £10,000 a year before (after) tax 扣除所得税前(后)的1年收入计有1万镑英汉大词典〔tax〕income tax 所得税牛津高阶〔tax〕to tax income, goods, etc.徵所得税、货物税等。牛津同义词〔undocumented〕undocumented income tax deductions; undocumented accusations. 没有文件根据的所得税扣除;无书面证据的起诉美国传统〔wealthy〕a measure to raise income taxes on the wealthy. 提高富有阶层所得税的措施柯林斯高阶a $4 000 personal exemption on income tax 4 000 元的所得税免除额牛津商务a cut of 2p in the basic rate of income tax 所得税的基本税率削减 2%牛津商务a freeze on income tax rates 冻结所得税率增长牛津商务a monthly salary of €2 500 less tax and insurance 月薪 2500 欧元,从中扣除所得税和保险费牛津商务an income tax demand note 所得税缴税通知书牛津商务cuts in the rate of income tax 所得税率的削减牛津商务individual income tax 个人所得税牛津商务state and federal income taxes 州政府和联邦政府征收的所得税牛津商务the agency collecting federal income tax 征收联邦所得税的机构牛津商务the demand-side effects of a change in income tax rates 所得税税率改变的需求方效应牛津商务




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