

单词 所学
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔AMOUNT〕a school where the ratio of students to teachers is about 5:1 学生与老师的比例约为5:1的一所学校朗文写作活用〔administer〕to administer a charity/fund/school 管理一家慈善机构╱一项基金╱一所学校牛津高阶〔admission〕to gain admission to one of the best schools 被最好的一所学校录取牛津搭配〔assume〕assume the costs of operating a school 负担开设一所学校的费用英汉大词典〔behaviour〕the patterns of social behaviour that we learn 我们所学习的社会行为模式麦克米伦高阶〔building〕the school's science block 这所学校的理科大楼牛津高阶〔choice〕to extend parental choice as to which schools children should attend 扩大父母在孩子应上哪所学校的问题上的选择权牛津搭配〔choose〕a randomly selected sample of 23 schools 随机抽选的 23 所学校牛津高阶〔cross〕a cross sample from 25 colleges 25 所学院的综合典型英汉大词典〔draw〕a college that draws its students from many states 从许多州招收学生的一所学院英汉大词典〔familiarity〕her detailed familiarity with her subject 她对所学学科的熟稔牛津搭配〔father〕one of the most promising doctors the school had ever fathered 这所学校培养的最有前途的医生之一英汉大词典〔generalize〕to help the student generalize what he has learned帮助学生对他所学过的内容进行归纳21世纪英汉〔indicate〕indicate the need for a new school 说明有新建一所学校的必要英汉大词典〔inspect〕to inspect a shool视察一所学校21世纪英汉〔instruct〕to instruct in a shool在一所学校教书21世纪英汉〔knee〕a school economically on its knees 经济上难以维持下去的一所学校英汉大词典〔merge〕to merge two schools.把两所学校合併。牛津同义词〔more〕a survey of more than 1,500 schools. 对1,500多所学校进行的调查柯林斯高阶〔on〕a school on the outskirts of Glasgow 格拉斯哥市郊的一所学校麦克米伦高阶〔outskirts〕a school in the outskirts of Athens 雅典郊区的一所学校牛津搭配〔retention〕the retention of things learned in school 对在校所学知识的记忆韦氏高阶〔running〕the day-to-day running of the school这所学校的日常管理外研社新世纪〔select〕a randomly selected sample of 23 schools 随机抽选的 23 所学校作样本牛津高阶〔star〕the school's star pupil 这所学校里最优秀的学生朗文当代〔strict〕a few schools selected for their high standards and their strict discipline. 因教学水平高、纪律严而入选的几所学校柯林斯高阶〔support〕to support a school资助一所学校21世纪英汉〔transfer〕transfer the boy to another school 把男孩转学到另外一所学校英汉大词典〔truancy〕measures to combat persistent truancy in our schools 我们各所学校对长期旷课行为的处理措施牛津搭配〔unbounded〕her unbounded enthusiasm for her subject 她对自己所学科目的极大热忱剑桥高阶




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