

单词 斜坡
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BETWEEN〕Between the trees and the river, the slope was covered with beautiful daffodils. 树林与小河间的斜坡上满是美丽的水仙花。朗文写作活用〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕The higher slopes are for the more adventurous skier. 较高的斜坡是供更爱冒险的滑雪者使用的。朗文写作活用〔CLIMB〕At last we saw the two girls clambering down the slope to safety. 最后,我们看见那两个女孩爬下斜坡来到安全地点。朗文写作活用〔DOWN〕You go down a steep slope, then turn left at the bottom of the hill. 你先走下一个陡峭的斜坡,然后在山脚下往左转弯。朗文写作活用〔bank up〕Soil should be banked up around the sides of the barrel to form a slope.土壤应该在圆桶的周边堆积起来, 形成一个斜坡。外研社新世纪〔bank〕Often banks A large elevated area of a sea floor. 常作 banks 海底斜坡:大面积倾斜的海底美国传统〔bank〕We planted bushes all along the bank in front of the house.我们在屋前的斜坡上都种上了灌木。韦氏高阶〔bench〕A level, narrow stretch of land interrupting a declivity.阶地,梯田:在斜坡上隔成的水平而狭窄的一片片土地美国传统〔cartwheel〕He cartwheeled down the slope.他做着侧手翻下了斜坡。英汉大词典〔chalet〕A wooden dwelling with a sloping roof and widely overhanging eaves, common in Switzerland and other Alpine regions.瑞士的木造小舍:常见于瑞士和其他阿尔卑斯山区的有斜坡式屋顶和宽飞檐的木屋美国传统〔coast〕A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled.下滑的斜坡:可以乘雪橇顺着滑下的小山或斜坡美国传统〔colluvium〕A loose deposit of rock debris accumulated through the action of gravity at the base of a cliff or slope.塌积物:在峭壁或斜坡底部由于重力作用堆积形成的岩石碎片松散的堆积物美国传统〔continental shelf〕A submerged border of a continent that slopes gradually and extends to a point of steeper descent to the ocean bottom.大陆架:大陆板块的水下连接部分,逐渐倾斜并一直延伸到通向大洋底部的更为陡峭的斜坡处美国传统〔continental slope〕The descent from the continental shelf to the ocean bottom.大陆斜坡:从大陆架到大洋底部的斜坡美国传统〔decline〕A downward slope; a declivity.斜坡:下坡;下倾的斜坡美国传统〔declivity〕A downward slope, as of a hill.斜坡:下倾的斜坡,如山坡美国传统〔descent〕There is a gradual descent to the sea.有一片斜坡缓缓伸延到海边。牛津高阶〔downhill〕A downward gradient; a descending slope.下坡;斜坡美国传统〔dream〕I wouldn't dream of trick skiing on icy slopes.我不能想象在结冰的斜坡上滑雪美国传统〔ease off〕The slope gradually eased off.斜坡渐渐变得平缓了。韦氏高阶〔escarpment〕A steep slope in front of a fortification.壕沟内壁:防御工事前的陡峭的斜坡美国传统〔facing〕Most avalanche accidents occur on north- and east-facing slopes.大多数雪崩事件发生在面北和面东的斜坡上。剑桥高阶〔fall line〕The natural line of descent, as for skiing, between two points on a slope.直接下滑线:斜坡上两个地点间的天然下降路线,如滑雪用的美国传统〔fall〕A downward movement or slope.斜坡:向下方的运动或下坡美国传统〔fall〕On either side of the tracks the ground fell away sharply.跑道两侧都是很陡的斜坡。柯林斯高阶〔fall〕The sides of the ridge fall away steeply.这道山梁两侧的斜坡很陡。韦氏高阶〔fjord〕A long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between steep slopes.峡湾:在两面陡峭斜坡中间的狭长水深的海湾美国传统〔gather〕The wind gathered force and shook every tree on the slope.风势越来越强劲, 撼动着斜坡上的每一棵树。外研社新世纪〔gear〕When parking on a hill, leave the car in gear.在斜坡停车时把汽车挂上挡。牛津高阶〔gentle〕The path has a gentle slope/gradient.这条小路上有个平缓的斜坡/有点平缓的坡度。剑桥高阶〔gentle〕There is a gentle slope down to the river.一片平缓的斜坡延伸到河边。外研社新世纪〔get along〕The car could hardly get along on the slope.汽车在斜坡上艰难地行进。21世纪英汉〔glacis〕A gentle slope; an incline.缓斜坡;滑坡美国传统〔glacis〕A slope extending down from a fortification.缓斜坡;斜坡:从设防地区延伸下来的斜坡美国传统〔grade〕A slope or gradual inclination, especially of a road or railroad track.斜坡:斜面或缓缓的倾斜面,尤指道路或铁轨的美国传统〔gradient〕An ascending or descending part; an incline.斜面:向上或向下倾斜的部分;斜坡美国传统〔hanging〕A descending slope or an inclination.斜坡,倾斜面美国传统〔hanging〕Situated on a sharp declivity.高悬的:位于一个很陡的斜坡上的美国传统〔hang〕A downward inclination or slope.倾斜:向下的倾斜或斜坡美国传统〔herringbone〕Sports To ascend a ski slope with the ski tips pointed outward.【体育运动】 倒八字形上坡:使滑撬末端指向外地上一斜坡美国传统〔hill〕A few yards up the hill, on the left, was a turning.沿着斜坡往上走几码远,左手边有一个转弯。牛津搭配〔hill〕He came barreling down the hill at 65 miles per hour.他以每小时65英里的速度飞驰下斜坡。韦氏高阶〔hill〕Our driveway is a long, steep hill.我们的私家车道是一个又长又陡的斜坡。韦氏高阶〔hill〕We trudged up the hill to the stadium.我们沿着斜坡向上费力地走到了运动场。外研社新世纪〔inch〕I began inching myself up the pitch of the roof.我开始一点点爬上屋顶斜坡。外研社新世纪〔inclination〕An inclined surface; a slope.斜面;斜坡美国传统〔lean-to〕A shelter or shed having a roof with a single slope or pitch.斜坡房屋:一遮蔽物或小棚,有一斜坡或斜形屋顶美国传统〔life〕The girl was clinging to a tow rope, hanging on for dear life as it tugged her up the slope.女孩拼了命地紧紧抓住拖索, 被拉上斜坡。外研社新世纪〔lumber〕The tank was lumbering up a slope.坦克正隆隆地开上一个斜坡。21世纪英汉〔mansard〕A roof having two slopes on all four sides, with the lower slope almost vertical and the upper almost horizontal.复斜屋顶:四面均有两层斜坡的屋顶,下面一层近乎垂直,上面一层近乎水平美国传统〔momentum〕The wheel was allowed to roll down the slope, gathering momentum as it went.那轮子沿着斜坡向下滚动,速度越来越快。朗文当代〔pellet〕A beetle was rolling a pellet of dried dung up the hill.一只甲虫正把一个干粪球滚上斜坡。外研社新世纪〔pitch〕Avalanches tend to strike on slopes at intermediate elevations, with pitches between 28 and 45 degrees.雪崩往往在倾斜度为28至45度、中等海拔高度的斜坡上发生。外研社新世纪〔powder〕There's a foot of powder on the slopes.斜坡上积有一英尺深的干雪。朗文当代〔puff〕The steam train puffed up the incline.蒸汽机车喷着气爬上斜坡。外研社新世纪〔puff〕The train puffed slowly up the incline.列车噗哧噗哧缓慢地爬上斜坡。英汉大词典〔quite〕There's quite a steep slope down to the river.到那条河边有一段相当陡的斜坡。麦克米伦高阶〔rain-wash〕To wash (material) down a slope by rain.被雨冲走:用雨将(物质)冲到一斜坡下美国传统〔rise〕A long, broad elevation that slopes gently from the earth's surface or the ocean floor.斜坡:从地球表面或海底缓缓倾斜的长而宽的高地美国传统〔rise〕He looked up the slope of land that rose from the house.他抬头看了看屋后的斜坡。外研社新世纪〔rise〕He looked up the slope of land that rose from the house.他抬头看了看屋后的斜坡。柯林斯高阶〔sail through〕Thanks for his help, we could sail through that grassy slope.多亏了他的帮助,我们才得以轻快地走过那个长满荒草的斜坡。21世纪英汉〔sideling〕Sloping; inclined.斜坡的;倾斜的美国传统〔sidelong〕So as to slant; sloping.导致倾斜的;斜坡的美国传统〔slantwise〕At a slant or slope; obliquely.倾斜地:在斜线或斜坡地;倾斜地美国传统〔slant〕A line, plane, course, or direction that is other than perpendicular or horizontal; a slope.斜面,斜线:并非垂直或水平的线、平面、路线或方向;斜坡美国传统〔slant〕The car was parked on a slant.车停在一个斜坡上。剑桥高阶〔slide〕A fall of a mass of rock, earth, or snow down a slope; an avalanche or a landslide.土崩:一片岩石、泥土或雪从斜坡上的落下;雪崩或滑坡美国传统〔slog〕The men had to slog up a steep muddy incline.人们只得在陡峭而泥泞的斜坡上艰难地行进。柯林斯高阶〔slog〕The troops had to slog up a steep muddy incline.军队不得不沿着陡峭泥泞的斜坡艰难跋涉。外研社新世纪〔slope〕I scrambled down the icy slope.我爬下了冰封的斜坡。牛津搭配〔slope〕Rocks and boulders rolled down the slopes of the crater.岩石和大石块顺着火山口外的斜坡滚落下来。牛津搭配〔slope〕The bank sloped down sharply to the river.河岸到河面的斜坡非常陡。柯林斯高阶〔slope〕The garden sloped quite steeply.花园的斜坡颇为陡峭。柯林斯高阶〔slope〕The lower slopes rise quite gently.较低处的斜坡坡度和缓。牛津搭配〔slope〕The street was on a slope.街道在斜坡上。外研社新世纪〔snowmaking〕Production of artificial snow in the form of granular ice particles for use on ski slopes.人工造雪:以小冰粒形式的人工造雪,用于滑雪斜坡美国传统〔stoss〕Facing the direction from which a glacier moves. Used of a rock or slope in its path.向冰川面的:与冰川运动方向相逆的用于其移动路径中的岩石或斜坡美国传统〔terrace〕A residential street on top of or climbing a slope.斜坡上房屋间的街巷:位于斜坡上或斜坡顶部的一条两边为居住区的街道美国传统〔terrace〕A row of buildings erected on raised ground or on a sloping site.台屋:在高地或斜坡上建的一排房子美国传统〔tilt〕A sloping surface, as of the ground.斜坡:如地面的斜面美国传统〔tip〕A tilt or slant; an incline.倾斜:倾倒或倾斜;斜坡美国传统〔uprise〕An upward slope; an ascent.高起处,上(升)坡:向上的斜坡;斜坡美国传统〔up〕An upward slope; a rise.朝上的斜坡;上升美国传统〔vantage point〕The warden took us to a vantage point on the slopes where we saw herring gulls on the rocks below.管理员把我们带到斜坡上的一处有利位置,我们从那里看到了下面岩石上的银鸥。柯林斯高阶〔venture out〕Few skiers ventured out onto the slopes.很少有滑雪者敢冒险到斜坡上去。外研社新世纪She did not dare to bike down the abrupt slope. 她不敢骑著自行车冲下陡峭的斜坡。译典通That last hill before the finishing-line was a long slog! 终点线前的最后一个斜坡是一段长而艰难的赛程。剑桥国际The children rolled over and over (= turned over many times) down the gentle slope.孩子们在那不很陡的斜坡上往下滚了又滚。剑桥国际The coach careered down a slope and collided with a bank.马车飞驰下斜坡,撞上了土埂。剑桥国际The crowd oohed when the skier lost his footing and tumbled down the slope.当这个滑雪者失足滚下斜坡时,人群中发出了“嗬嗬”的喊叫声。剑桥国际The garden was on a south-facing slope which caught the sun.花园位于可以照到阳光的朝南的斜坡上。剑桥国际The gentleness of the slope is perfect for those new to skiing.这斜坡坡度平缓,极适合那些初学滑雪的人。剑桥国际The path slopes up / down to the house.小径成斜坡向上/下通往房子。剑桥国际The resort lies within easy reach of (= not far from) the ski slopes.这个旅游胜地距滑雪斜坡不远。剑桥国际The road has a steep incline. 这条路有个很陡的斜坡。译典通There are some nice gentle slopes that we can ski down.那儿有一些我们可以滑雪的平缓的斜坡。剑桥国际To get to the cinema foyer, you have to push the wheelchair up the ramp.要去电影院的门厅,你得把轮椅推上斜坡。剑桥国际We went zooming down the ski slopes.我们快速地冲下滑雪斜坡。剑桥国际You'll need to shift to a low gear on your bike on the next hill-- it has a real steep grade.你将需要在下一个山头把你的自行车调到一个低速档----那真是一个很陡的斜坡。剑桥国际




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