

单词 投反对票
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISOBEY〕She said she would defy the party leader and vote against him. 她说她会反抗这位党领导,对他投反对票。朗文写作活用〔LOYAL/NOT LOYAL〕Government MPs who voted against the bill were accused of being disloyal. 对议案投反对票的议员被指责对政府不忠诚。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕I urge you to vote no on Measure A. 我强烈要求你对A方案投反对票。朗文写作活用〔blackball〕Members can blackball candidates in secret ballots.成员可以在无记名投票中对候选人投反对票。外研社新世纪〔blackball〕She never knew why they blackballed her from the club.她从不知道为什么他们投反对票阻止她加入俱乐部。21世纪英汉〔blackball〕To vote against, especially to veto the admission of.投反对票:投反对票,尤指反对吸收美国传统〔change〕He changed from voting against to abstaining.他从投反对票改为弃权。外研社新世纪〔change〕He changed from voting against to abstaining.他原打算投反对票,后来改为弃权了。柯林斯高阶〔closeted〕Among those who voted against it were some closeted gays.投反对票的人中有一些是隐匿身份的同性恋者。英汉大词典〔mandate〕Our delegates have been mandated to vote against the proposal at the conference.我们的代表受命在会议上对提议投反对票。剑桥高阶〔nay〕A negative vote or voter.反对票,投反对票的人美国传统〔nay〕The ayes obviously had it over the nays.投赞成票的人明显超过了投反对票的人。外研社新世纪〔negatively〕Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative, and none in the negative.79人投赞成票,没有人投反对票。柯林斯高阶〔negative〕Seventy-nine voted in the affirmative, and none in the negative.有79人投了赞成票, 没有人投反对票。外研社新世纪〔no〕A negative vote or voter.反对者:反对票或投反对票的人美国传统〔no〕The noes have it(= more people have voted against sth than for it).投反对票者占多数。牛津高阶〔principle〕He would vote against it on principle.他会根据原则投反对票。柯林斯高阶〔proposition〕Vote Yes on Proposition 136, but No on Propositions 129, 133 and 134.对第136号修正案投赞成票,但对第129号、133号和134号修正案投反对票。柯林斯高阶〔yea〕The yeas outnumbered those who voted against the bill.对议案投赞成票的人超过投反对票的人。英汉大词典




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