

单词 忠于
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEST〕The palace is guarded by elite troops loyal to the president. 总统府由效忠于总统的精锐部队守卫着。朗文写作活用〔END〕She remained loyal to her unfaithful husband right to the bitter end. 她苦撑到底,坚持忠于她那个不忠的丈夫。朗文写作活用〔LOYAL/NOT LOYAL〕The army remained loyal to the president. 军队仍然效忠于总统。朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕All citizens must obey the law and be loyal to the Constitution. 所有公民都必须遵守法律,忠于宪法。朗文写作活用〔PRAISE〕The young soldiers who returned home gave glowing accounts of Paul's bravery and devotion to duty. 返回家里的年轻士兵都热烈赞扬了保罗的勇敢及忠于职守。朗文写作活用〔RELATIONSHIP〕Even at 35, Bobby seemed unable to commit to a romantic relationship. 即使到了35岁,博比好像还是无法忠于一段关系。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The rebellion was quickly crushed by forces loyal to the President. 叛乱被效忠于总统的部队迅速镇压了。朗文写作活用〔TRUE〕Witnesses were asked to stick to the facts and leave aside all emotion and sentiment. 证人被要求忠于事实,不搀杂任何的感情和情绪。朗文写作活用〔allegiance〕He owed his allegiance to the organization that had given him all his opportunities.他矢志忠于给了他这么多机会的组织。牛津搭配〔allegiance〕He owes allegiance to them for all the help they have given him.得到他们如此多的帮助,他认为自己应该效忠于他们。韦氏高阶〔allegiance〕Many people have abandoned their traditional party allegiances.许多人已不再像以往那样效忠于政党。牛津搭配〔allegiance〕The rebels now have to swear allegiance to a leader they hate.叛乱分子现在不得不发誓效忠于他们所憎恨的领袖。牛津搭配〔allegiance〕The various splinter groups all claim allegiance to the true spirit of the movement.所有分裂出来的小派别都声称忠于该运动的真正精神。牛津搭配〔bear up to〕The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the terrorists.面对恐怖分子,警察始终忠于职守。21世纪英汉〔bear〕The policemen bore up to their duty in the face of the mob.面对暴民,警察始终忠于职守。英汉大词典〔citizen〕A person owing loyalty to and entitled by birth or naturalization to the protection of a state or nation.公民:本国籍的或加入本国籍的效忠于国家并有权得到国家保护的人美国传统〔compel〕He compelled our loyalties.他迫使我们忠于他。英汉大词典〔constant〕He has been constant in his friendship.他始终忠于友谊。外研社新世纪〔devotion〕Atkinson showed great time and devotion to duty.阿特金森忠于职守,在工作上投入大量时间和精力。麦克米伦高阶〔divided〕He has divided loyalties, wanting to be loyal to his firm but also to his family.他有互相抵触的忠诚,既想忠于公司又想忠于家庭。英汉大词典〔face time〕Some bosses think lots of face time is a sign of loyalty to the company.有些老板认为,经常加班是一种忠于公司的表现。韦氏高阶〔faithfully〕He has stuck as faithfully as possible to the truth.他一直坚持尽可能忠于事实。外研社新世纪〔faithful〕Despite persecution, she remained faithful to her beliefs.尽管受到迫害,她仍忠于她的信仰。剑桥高阶〔faithful〕Do you think the film adaptation was faithful to the book?你认为这部电影的改编忠于原著吗?外研社新世纪〔faithful〕He remained faithful to his principles to the last.他至死忠于自己的原则。朗文当代〔faithful〕He was faithful to his wife throughout their 30-year marriage.在30年的婚姻生活中,他一直忠于他的妻子。剑桥高阶〔faithful〕His translation manages to be faithful to the spirit of the original.他的译文做到了忠于原文的精神。牛津高阶〔fidelity〕Faithfulness to obligations, duties, or observances.忠诚,忠实:忠于职守、义务或责任美国传统〔follow〕The movie follows the book faithfully.这部电影忠于原著。牛津高阶〔forswear〕She forswore her allegiance to the old regime.她发誓不再效忠于旧的政权。韦氏高阶〔historically〕The film was as historically accurate as the BBC could make it.这部电影英国广播公司已尽力制作得忠于史实。外研社新世纪〔hold〕She held to her resolutions.她很忠于自己的决定美国传统〔honoured〕Most of the high honours usually go to long-serving MPs loyal to the government.大多数的高级荣誉通常都会授予忠于政府的资深议员。柯林斯高阶〔honoured〕The officers died faithful to Poland and to the honour of a soldier.这些军官至死都忠于波兰,坚守了军人气节。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕Most of the high honours usually go to long-serving MPs loyal to the government.大多数的高级荣誉通常都会授予忠于政府的资深议员。外研社新世纪〔honour〕The officers died faithful to Poland and to the honour of a soldier.这些军官至死都忠于波兰, 坚守了军人气节。外研社新世纪〔ideal〕She's committed to liberal ideals.她忠于自由主义的理想。外研社新世纪〔independent〕Often Independent Affiliated with or loyal to no one political party or organization. 常作 Independent 无党派的:没有加入或并不忠于任何一个政治党派或组织的美国传统〔loyalist〕The rebel forces have been repeatedly attacked by loyalist troops.叛军遭到了忠于政府的部队的连番攻击。剑桥高阶〔loyalty〕I trust you will have no trouble remembering where your loyalties lie?我想你一定不难记住自己忠于谁吧?外研社新世纪〔loyalty〕My loyalties lie with the team, not the manager.我忠于我的球队,而不是球队经理。麦克米伦高阶〔loyal〕The troops remained loyal to the president.军队一直忠于总统。牛津搭配〔misguided〕His loyalty to his employer is, shall we say, misguided.我们可以说,他这种忠于雇主的做法是错误的。麦克米伦高阶〔oath〕He took an oath of allegiance to his adopted country.他宣誓效忠于自己移居的国家。牛津搭配〔oath〕Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪骑士宣誓效忠于君主。剑桥高阶〔oath〕Servicemen have to swear an oath of loyalty to their country.军人必须宣誓效忠于自己的祖国。朗文当代〔owe〕Catholic churches owe their allegiance to the Pope.天主教会效忠于教皇。麦克米伦高阶〔pledge〕Every morning, we pledge allegiance to the flag.每天早上,我们都向国旗宣誓忠于祖国。韦氏高阶〔rabble〕He seems to attract a rabble of supporters more loyal to the man than to the cause.他似乎吸引了一群忠于他个人超过忠于这项事业的乌合之众的支持。柯林斯高阶〔revolt〕Troops loyal to the President crushed the revolt.忠于总统的军队镇压了叛乱。朗文当代〔sake〕For the sake of historical accuracy, please permit us to state the true facts.为忠于历史,请允许我们阐述真正的事实。柯林斯高阶〔self-preservation〕It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.正是他自保的本能驱使他抛弃了以前的朋友,转而效忠于新的统治者。剑桥高阶〔service〕Acts of devotion to God; witness.忠于上帝的行为;证言美国传统〔slavish〕She shows a slavish devotion to her job.她盲目地忠于职守。麦克米伦高阶〔spiritual〕I'm trying to be true to my own spiritual values.我决定忠于自己的精神价值观。外研社新世纪〔stick to〕It is safest to stick to one faithful partner.对一位忠于你的伴侣从一而终是最保险不过的了。外研社新世纪〔stick to〕Stick to your husband.要忠于丈夫。外研社新世纪〔stick with〕I just had to stick with him.我只是不得不效忠于他。外研社新世纪〔stick with〕She asked herself whether or not to stick with her husband.她问自己是否要忠于丈夫。外研社新世纪〔stick〕He was a man who stuck to his friends.他是一个忠于朋友的人。英汉大词典〔stick〕I love him and whatever happens I'll stick by him.我爱他,无论发生什么我都会忠于他。朗文当代〔subject〕One who is under the rule of another or others, especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler.臣服者,臣民:受别人统治的人,尤指忠于政府或统治者的人美国传统〔swear〕I swear I will faithfully execute my office and my motherland.我发誓我将忠于我的职守和我的祖国。21世纪英汉〔swear〕Presidents must swear allegiance to the US constitution.总统必须宣誓忠于美国宪法。朗文当代〔swear〕They swore (an oath of) allegiance to the United States of America. [=they formally promised that they would be loyal to the United States of America] 他们宣誓效忠于美利坚合众国。韦氏高阶〔sycophant〕He expects sycophantic devotion from his staff.他希望自己的员工一心一意效忠于他。麦克米伦高阶〔true-blue〕A boy born there can grow to be a man in the old true-blue fashion.生在那地方的男孩长大会成为忠于保守党的老派人物。英汉大词典〔true〕David was true to his wife.戴维忠于妻子。柯林斯高阶〔true〕He's always been true to his wife.他一贯忠于妻子。韦氏高阶〔true〕She has vowed to remain true to the president whatever happens.她已经宣誓在任何情况下都将效忠于总统。剑桥高阶〔true〕The movie is not true to the book.这部电影并非忠于原著。牛津高阶〔unionist〕Unionist One loyal to the federal government during the Civil War. Unionist 内战时期忠于联邦政府的人美国传统〔warlord〕A military commander exercising civil power in a region, whether in nominal allegiance to the national government or in defiance of it.军阀:在某一地区行使行政权力的军事首领,不管其名义上是效忠于国民政府还是反抗它美国传统Despite persecution, she remained faithful to her beliefs.尽管遭受迫害,她依然忠于她的信仰。剑桥国际He affirmed his loyalty to his country. 他声言忠于自己的国家。译典通He is a man who sticks to his friends. 他是个忠于朋友的人。译典通He is true to his friends. 他忠于自己的朋友。译典通He is unfaithful to his duty. 他不忠于职守。译典通His betrayal of his friends was a real test of his wife's loyalty (= the firmness of her friendship or support for him) .他背叛朋友是对其妻子忠诚度的考验(忠于友谊还是支持丈夫)。剑桥国际His wife stood by (= stayed loyal to) him despite all of the rumours in the press.他妻子不管报界的种种传言仍忠于他。剑桥国际If you join the armed forces, you have to pledge allegiance to your country.如果参军,你必须宣誓效忠于你的祖国。剑桥国际In medieval times, many warriors loyal to the king received knighthood during an accolade. 在中世纪的时候,好些忠于国王的武士都被授予骑士爵位。译典通It was his instinct for self-preservation that led him to abandon his former friends and transfer his allegiance to the new rulers.他自保其身的本能使他抛弃了以前的朋友,转而效忠于新的统治者。剑桥国际Many shareholders remained loyal to us in difficult times.许多股东在困难的时期仍忠于我们。牛津商务Recent polls suggest that voters are still faithful to their traditional party loyalties.最近的民意测验表明选民仍然忠于他们传统的党派。剑桥国际She was loyal to her faith. 她忠于自己的信念。译典通The dedicated doctor earned the estimation of his colleagues. 那位忠于事业的医生赢得了同事的尊敬。译典通The film is a loose adaptation of Conrad's famous novel.这部电影对康拉德名著的改编是不忠于原作的。剑桥国际The translator has obviously adhered very strictly to the original text.这个翻译显然非常严格地忠于原文。剑桥国际They believe passionately in being loyal to their country.他们坚信要忠于祖国。剑桥国际




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